Thursday, June 20, 2024

As few as 50 hostages may still be alive

Now, according to the Wall Street Journal, mediators in the talks and a US official familiar with the latest US intelligence have placed the number of hostages still alive as potentially just 50.

Trump's War on the Truth Has Officially Gone Full Orwell

 It has long been clear that the president is attempting to build a genuine authoritarian movement over which only his word has any power, and which he can use to ride roughshod over the institutions of democracy. So far, this attempt has been an unmitigated success, as his supporters inhabit the same infotainment vortex he does and other members of the Republican Party—which controls both Houses of Congress and has a constitutional duty to provide a check on the Executive Branch—bow to him out of craven fealty.

Radical skepticism Permission to believe only what you want to believe,certainty%20is%20therefore%20never%20justified.

Radical skeptics hold that doubt exists as to the veracity of every belief and that certainty is therefore never justified. 

Or to quote Trump - Don't believe your lying eyes or fake news only believe me. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Choose Life: A Documentary about Leah Kaufman

Biden and Trump: How the two classified documents investigations came to different endings

Trump is accused of not only hoarding classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, but trying to hide them from investigators and working to block the government from clawing them back. Prosecutors have alleged that Trump showed off the documents to people who did not have security clearances to review them and enlisted others to help him hide records demanded by authorities.

Tzadik and Time

 Sfas Emes (Chaye Sara 641) G-d knows the days of innocence... and just as the righteous break the power of nature and cancel their physicality for the sake of the Creator's commandments, so it is in their power to alter nature and elevate  time to attach it  to the highest source, that is why it says about Abraham “he comes in the days”, that indicates he elevated all his days to exist forever... 

Tzadikim will be called by G-d's Name

 Shelah (Toldos Adam Ben Dovid 73) Tzadikim will in the future called by G-d’s Name as it is said  Everything that is called in My Name and for My Honor, I created it, even I made it. And those who adhere to it are called tzadik by His Name, because they bind and unite the Heavens with the Earth. And He said that they are made like the image of G-d, because G-d has creation, formation, and action in Him. Even the tzaddik below has included in him all of these, to establish the Divine Honor below.

Bava Basra (075b) Tzadikim will in time to come be called by the name of G-d; for it is said: Every one that is called by My name, and whom I have created for My glory. I have formed him, yea, I have made him.   R. Samuel b. Nahmani said in the name of R. Johanan: Three were called by the name of G-d, and they are the following: The righteous, the Messiah and Jerusalem. 

Bava Basra (075b) There will come a time when ‘Holy’ will be said before the righteous as it is said before G-d; for it is said: And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that remains in Jerusalem, ‘shall be called Holy.

Marhasha (Bava Basra 75b) 3 things are called on the name of G-d. Seeing that it does not say with the name of G-d, but they were called on the name of G-d.  This means the name of G-d  will be  associated with them - the Messiah, meaning the Lord's Messiah, Jerusalem, meaning the city of G-d, as well the tzaddik, meaning,  a tzaddik to G-d. In other words  all their actions  are for the sake of Heaven. This as also true for Messiah that all his deeds are for the sake of Heaven. Also concerning Jerusalem the only ones allowed there will be those whose deeds are only for the sake of Heaven. 

Ben Shapiro and Piers Morgan on guns

Piers Morgan vs Ben Shapiro on Facts

Seeing Tzadikim and Gedolim

 Rav Eibschitz (Yaaras HaDevash 01:12) Meeting Sages – There are two benefits. The first is receiving beracha. Shefa and Tov  merely by seeing him. While seeing an evil person causes spiritual damage, seeing a saintly man is beneficial since the light of the Shechina is on him. This is indicated by the gemora (Eiruvin 13b) which notes that those scholars who benefitted from seeing Rabbi Meir’s back would have benefitted even more if they saw his front . 

Rav Eibschitz (Yaaras HaDevash 01:12) And there is another benefit to meeting the tzaddik and Sage , as they say, the sight of a tzaddik is a blessing, because while from some people who have an Evil Eye like Bilaam rays of light that come out of their eyes are harmful, so the rays of light that come out of a tzaddik is a blessing and their seeing us is good. Therefore there are two benefits from the tzadik -  one comes from seeing him and the other comes that he sees us. 

Eiruvin (13b) Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi  declared: The only reason why I am keener than my colleagues is that I saw the back of R. Meir, but had I had a front view of him I would have been keener still, for it is written in Scripture: But thine eyes shall see thy teacher

The Wall Street Journal’s story about Biden’s mental acuity suffers from glaring problems

The New York Times’ Katie Rogers and Annie Karni even reported last year that McCarthy had praised Biden’s mental faculties when speaking amongst confidantes — a starkly different tune than the one he is now singing in public. “Privately, Mr. McCarthy has told allies that he has found Mr. Biden to be mentally sharp in meetings,” Rogers and Karni reported in March 2023. Rogers re-upped that reporting on Wednesday in the wake of The Journal’s story.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Piers Morgan -Objective observer of Trump?!

Morgan was the winner of the U.S. celebrity version of The Apprentice in 2008. He was eventually the overall winner, being named Celebrity Apprentice by host Donald Trump on 27 March, ahead of fellow finalist, American country music star Trace Adkins,[119][120] and having raised substantially more cash than all the other contestants combined.[121] Morgan was called "ruthless, arrogant, evil and obnoxious" by Trump in the final.[122] Morgan stated he personally would not vote for Trump in the 2016 United States presidential election (though as a permanent resident of the United States, not a citizen, he is not qualified to vote).[123] He predicted Trump's election as President of the United States and described himself as a close friend.[124] 

People worldwide are disconnecting from the news

And how much do people believe the news itself? 40 percent of the survey participants said that "they believe the news," a figure that remained stable in comparison to the previous study. The survey included 94,943 people from 47 countries around the world and was held in January and February 2024.

What research actually says about social media and kids’ health

There is no clear scientific evidence that social media is causing mental health issues among young people. Public health officials are pushing for regulation anyway.

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek H. Murthy on Monday called for social media platforms to add warnings reminding parents and kids that the apps might not be safe, citing rising rates of mental health problems among children and teens. It follows an advisory Murthy issued last year about the health threat of loneliness for Americans, in which he named social media as a potential driver of social isolation.

White House slams 'bad faith' viral clips of Biden

The newspaper last week reported that the president had "started to wander off during a skydiving demonstration" in Italy on Thursday, with other G7 leaders "needing to pull him back to focus".

But British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak told the Telegraph the US president was simply "being very polite and went over to talk to all of [the parachute jumpers] individually", before Italian PM Giorgia Meloni told him they would all line up for handshakes.

Magician Uri Geller: 'I helped stop the Iranian UAV attack'

Geller has in the past taken credit for other major events in the Middle East, including freeing a cargo ship that blocked the Suez Canal in 2021.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Donald Trump: Family Medical History

Trump's father died with Alzheimer disease at age 93. His mental status was in decline for at least seven years before then. Mary Trump describes him as "a high-functioning sociopath" 1a.

Shadowing Trump’s attacks on mental fitness — his own father’s dementia

Ziad Nasreddine, the neurologist who created the test, said in an interview that if an individual in their 70s had not taken the Montreal test since 2018, the results would not be valid to cite today.

Trump’s long fixation on mental fitness followed years of watching his father’s worsening dementia — a formative period that some associates said has been a defining and little-mentioned factor in his life, and which left him with an abiding concern that he might someday inherit the condition. While much remains unknown about Alzheimer’s, experts say there is an increased risk of inheriting a gene associated with the disease from a parent.

Biden knows ‘exactly what he is doing’ and will likely win election, says German chancellor

 In an interview with Axel Springer media outlets on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy on Saturday, Scholz made assurances that Biden “knows exactly what he is doing,” and can provide critical leadership as the group of global leaders faces a complex web of issues, including multiple conflagrations and hotly-contested elections that threaten to upend the international status quo. POLITICO is owned by Axel Springer.

Biden allies say president is ‘sharp,’ special counsel criticism is ‘B.S.’

“I’ve been knowing him for 30 years. I have met with him personally. I’ve met with him with two people, five people, 10 people. I have been on trips with him, crisscrossing the country, rebuilding America based on this incredible infrastructure bill that was passed. And I’m telling you, this guy is tough. He’s smart. He’s on his game,” Landrieu said.

Michael Douglas defends Biden mental acuity: ‘Sharp as a tack’

Douglas said “everybody” in Biden’s orbit who he’s consulted with says the president is “fine.”

“His entire Cabinet, including his vice president, everybody that’s in his Cabinet would be more than happy to work with him again on a next term,” Douglas said, before knocking Trump, without mentioning the former president by name.

Haredi leader on army draft: ‘You don’t want us and you don’t need us’

/Citing a tweet by former politician Haim Ramon, Goldknopf claimed that “four thousand Haredim asked to enlist since the beginning of the year — though that’s not good to hear — but you ruled out 3,300 of them. You don’t want us and you don’t need us. Why do you abuse us?” (Ramon in his tweet cited data from the Knesset, though he later acknowledged that some individuals had challenged the data as problematic.)

Are animals conscious? How new research is changing minds

"The field is replete with weasel words and unfortunately one of those is consciousness," says Prof Stevan Harnad of Quebec University.

"It is a word that is confidently used by a lot of people, but they all mean something different, and so it is not clear at all what it means."

He says that a better, less weasley, word is "sentience", which is more tightly defined as the capacity to feel. "To feel everything, a pinch, to see the colour red, to feel tired and hungry, those are all things you feel," says Prof Harnad.

Hamas threatens: We will continue the terrorism until we reach Jerusalem

Hamas releases a video clip in which it stresses its commitment to continue the Jihad until the destruction of the State of Israel.

White House, Obama team dispute characterization of fundraiser video

The White House and former President Obama’s team disputed the characterization that President Biden froze up on stage at a Los Angeles fundraiser and had to be led off the stage by the former president.

The New York Post wrote about the video of Biden under the headline “Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser.”

The Hostages Next Door: Inside a Notable Gaza Family’s Dark Secret

Many hostages have been held in tunnels, but a number have been held in apartments, potentially reflecting the challenge of moving around so many captives in an active war zone.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Balancing Bitachon and Hishstadlus is Not Easy

 Michtav M’Eliyahu (01 page 187) And those who think that everything they strive for almost all their days is truly for heaven's sake, they should examine themselves, to see if a spiritual thought comes to them in the middle of their troubles in their business, or rather it is the thought of their business which comes to them in the middle of prayer? ... From two sides the evil inclination attacks. If he increases his efforts entirely according to the demands of his business then he is a heretic since he is lacking in bitachon but if he absolutely minimizes the amount of effort for parnossa he is rebelling against the words of our Sages. Finding the proper balance of effort and bitachon is not easy or clear since it depends on his free-will. It is impossible to find the true balance without properly utilizing pure Fear of Heaven free of biases. The correct point was not even revealed to Moshe

Trump's former doctor says Biden is "juiced" on a drug

Fox Host Skeptical of Joe Biden Drug Use Claim: 'We're Not Doctors'

Bartiromo responded: "These are obviously very serious charges that he is jacked up, we don't know. We're not doctors. We have no idea."

Trump Mocks Biden for Gaffes While Making a Big One of His Own

He then went on to repeat his now infamous story about how he “got every question right” for the crowd at a conservative conference in Detroit, bragging about how the former White House doctor administering the test had “never seen” such an impressive result before. But with that same doctor sitting in the audience, Trump proceeded to butcher his name—twice. “Doc Ronny! Doc Ronny Johnson! Does everyone know Ronny Johnson? Congressman from Texas,” he excitedly declared. He was referring, of course, to Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), the former physician and Republican ally who has repeatedly talked up Trump’s “incredible genes.”

Shavuos became the time of the giving of Torah - When?

 There is no description in the Torah or Talmud that states Shavuous is celebrated as the time of the giving of the Torah. Nor could I find such a description in the Rambam

However Shulchan Aruch (OC 494)The fiftieth day of the count of the Omer is the holiday of Shavuot. The prayer service is like the holiday of Passover, rather we say "the Holiday of Shavuot, the time of the giving of our Torah". We say full Hallel. We take out two Torah scrolls and read in the first one of five [sections] from "The third month" until the end of the order. The Maftir is read in the second scroll, "On the day of the first fruits". As Haftorah we read the chariot of Ezekiel, and end with the verse "and the wind took me up."

The Magen Avraham asks that since everyone agrees that the Torah was given on the 51st day of the Omer - why do we celebrate Shavuous on the 5oth day?


Pesachim (68b) Rabbi Elazar said: All agree with regard to Atzeret, the holiday of Shavuot, that we require that it be also “for you,” meaning that it is a mitzva to eat, drink, and rejoice on that day. What is the reason? It is the day on which the Torah was given, and one must celebrate the fact that the Torah was given to the Jewish people. 

However this contradicts two other gemoras as well as the Magen Avraham.

Saturday, June 15, 2024


Trump Couldn’t Stop Gibbering in Front of Nation’s Biggest CEOs

Trump’s proclivity for gibberish has come under increased scrutiny recently, particularly after he went on a completely nonsensical rant about sharks and electrocution at a recent campaign rally.

Jewish Students Told 'Go Back to Poland' at Campus Rallies

Jewish students studying at prominent American universities have told Newsweek they and their classmates have faced antisemitic abuse and harassment on campus. There was also open support for acts of violence against Israel, following the October 7, 2023 attacks on the country and subsequent invasion of Gaza.

Lies Damned lies and false claims about what Rav Moshe said

 In the latest edition of Binah an ad claimed that Rav Moshe said that a wig that women don't recognize as being a wig is prohibited

This is contrary to what he says in Igros Moshe EH2 12

Friday, June 14, 2024

Power to Resurrect the Dead

 Ramchal (Mesilas Yesharim 26)  When one separates himself from others, remaining in solitude, and preparing himself for the receiving of His holiness, in the way he wishes to go, he will be led, and with the divine help G-d will give him, his soul will strengthen within him and defeat the corporeal, cling to His holiness and be rendered whole through Him. From there, he may ascend to a higher level, namely, Holy Spirit, then his thinking will ascend beyond the bounds of human limits. His clinging may reach such high levels that the key to revival of the dead will be given to him, as it was given to Eliyahu and Elisha. This will reveal how intensely is his clinging to G-d. For in His being the source of life, who bestows life to all living things, as our sages of blessed memory, said: "three keys the Holy One, blessed be He, has retained in His own hands and not entrusted into the hand of any emissary: the Key of the Revival of the Dead...". Behold, one who clings to the blessed G-d completely will be able to draw down even the flow of life itself from Him, which is, what is attributed to G-d more than anything else as I wrote. This is what the Beraitha concludes: "Holiness brings to the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit brings to the Revival of the Dead".

In the search for hostages, U.S. is Israel’s key intelligence partner

The daring and deadly hostage rescue that Israeli military forces mounted in Gaza last Saturday relied on a massive intelligence-gathering operation in which the United States has been Israel’s most important partner.

Tzadik without Sin is like G-d?

 Sanhedrin (65b) Raba said: If the righteous desired it, they could [by living a life of absolute purity] be creators, for it is written, But your iniquities have distinguished between etc. Rabbah created a man, and sent him to R. Zera. R. Zera spoke to him, but received no answer. Thereupon he said unto him: ‘Thou art a creature of the magicians. Return to thy dust.’R. Hanina and R. Oshaia spent every Sabbath eve in studying the ‘Book of Creation’, by means of which they created a third-grown calf and ate it.

Yad Ramah (65b) Raba said, If the righteous desired it they could create a world. These are the Tsadikim who if they wanted to be freed from all iniquity they could create a world by their merit Because G-d fulfills their decrees. It is said that Your sins distinguish between you and your God, So if they didn’t sin There would be no difference between the servant and his Master, but the Master  fulfills his decrees as He does His own.

Half a million in damages | Man who broke into shop and ruined 'immodest' wigs indicted

Chief Superintendent Lior Ben-Shalom, the investigations and intelligence officer at the Lev Habira station, said of the case: "This suspect acted through ideological motives that he believes in which prohibit the use of wigs by haredi women, and carried out criminal acts by breaking into a business and causing substantial damage. Our investigation efforts, which began immediately after receiving the report about the incident, bore fruit after we carried out various investigatory actions to locate and arrest him. The detectives from the Lev Habira station arrested the suspect and the station investigators managed to gather an evidential basis which led to the indictment against him."

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Jewish problem with Trump supporters saying his guilty verdict was ‘rigged’

Namely, that delegitimizing American courts out of personal or partisan sentiment is pulling not just the rug but the very floor out from under the republic. Just as the results of elections — whoever wins — must be respected by the citizenry, the decisions of courts, especially when there is the option of appealing to higher courts for proper redress, are, or should be, sacrosanct.

It might be too much to ask of any of us to not feel upset at losing a court case. The Talmud asking a losing litigant to sing happily is describing only an ideal, after all. But disappointment in any particular verdict is mere bathwater. It’s essential to hold the baby tight.

Joe reacts to Trump's speech: This is why Biden campaign wants Trump on the trail

Shouting match ensues between senior Arab officials at Blinken meeting

Towards the end of the meeting, the UAE's foreign minister, Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, responded by saying that he had not seen any significant reform in the Palestinian Authority, the sources said.
At the meeting, the Emirati foreign minister called the Palestinian leadership "Ali Baba and the Forty Bandits" and claimed that senior officials in the Palestinian Authority are "useless" and therefore "replacing them with each other will only lead to the same result."

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bas Kol goes against Halacha

 There is a common phrase that is used to imply that a particular view is the halacha by stating that it is as if a Bas Kol has announced that it is the correct view

The Chasam Sofer(Toras Moshe Tzave page 65) points out a major problem in that in most cases describing the halacha and Bas Kol, the Bas Kol is against normative halacha. 

Sorry, MAGA, Gun Criminal Hunter Biden Is Good for Joe

But House Republicans have spent years dedicating committee investigations and even launching an impeachment inquiry to go after the alleged wrongdoing and both have continued to come up short. To date the inquiry has consisted of dozens of interviews and over 100,000 documents released to the committee and Republicans have been unable to prove a crime that involved Joe Biden. Fox News’ Steve Doocy called out the effort saying he had heard from countless Republicans on Capitol Hill who said they had seen zero evidence of a crime committed by Biden.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ohio: A-G blocks college from selling rare Jewish books

Ohio’s attorney general obtained a court order this week prohibiting the financially strapped Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion from selling off books from its Cincinnati library, which holds a significant collection of rare and precious items from throughout Jewish history.

Attorney General Dave Yost’s request for a temporary restraining order came in response to recent reporting in Cincy Jewfolk, a local outlet that published an in-depth article in April on the struggles of the educational institution, a seminary and university affiliated with Judaism’s Reform movement.

Why Two Simple Words Bother Trump So Much

A high-ranking Trumpworld strategist, meanwhile, said Trump’s fury over the Biden campaign’s use of the “suckers” and “losers” comments pointed to perhaps Trump’s biggest fear: being called a “loser” himself.

“The biggest insult to him to get under his skin is that he lost in 2020, he lost his court case and he’s convicted now” on 34 criminal charges, the strategist said.

In comparison, the strategist said, “You can call him fat, call him an insurrectionist, call him a racist [but] that’s just not gonna stick.”

Going to the molten core of Trump’s ego—that’s how Democrats can provoke the strongest response, the GOP strategist said.

But according to the Republicans who spoke to The Daily Beast, Trump’s blow-up over the Biden ad revealed that despite the perceived professionalism of his current campaign team, the candidate’s insecurities have only gotten worse with time.

While none of the Trumpworld figures were certified psychologists, what they were describing effectively amounted to projection. Trump’s favorite insult is also the one he fears most when applied to him: being called a “loser.”

Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6

CLAIM: Former President Donald Trump signed an order to deploy 20,000 National Guard troops before his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but was stopped by the House sergeant at arms, at the behest of Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. While Trump was involved in discussions in the days prior to Jan. 6 about the National Guard response, he issued no such order before or during the rioting. Speaker Pelosi does not control National Guard troops.

THE FACTS: New footage released Thursday of House lawmakers on Jan. 6 has sparked a resurgence of false claims and conspiracy theories about the insurrection.

Knesset approves: Government will advance Haredi Draft Law initiated by Gantz

The Knesset plenum approved early Tuesday morning the continuous application of the Draft Law that will exempt haredim for whom "Torah is their craft" from service in the IDF.

63 members of the Knesset voted in favor of the bill, and 57 voted against, including Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Besides Gallant, all Knesset members from the coalition voted in favor of the law.

Alito, Roberts secretly recorded at historical society dinner

Secret recordings published Monday showed Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts’s and Justice Samuel Alito’s thoughts on the politics of the court, with Alito predicting no easy solution to the country’s political polarization.

Alito appeared to embrace his role as a partisan, which liberals have long accused him of being despite the nominally nonpartisan nature of the court.

Gaza Chief’s Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas

For months, Yahya Sinwar has resisted pressure to cut a ceasefire-and-hostages deal with Israel. Behind his decision, messages the Hamas military leader in Gaza has sent to mediators show, is a calculation that more fighting—and more Palestinian civilian deaths—work to his advantage.

Cognitive dissonance

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is described as the mental discomfort people feel when their beliefs and actions are inconsistent and contradictory, ultimately encouraging some change (often either in their beliefs or actions) to align better and reduce this dissonance.[1] Relevant items of information include peoples' actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the environment. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as psychological stress when persons participate in an action that goes against one or more of those things. According to this theory, when an action or idea is psychologically inconsistent with the other, people do all in their power to change either so that they become consistent. The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort.[1]

Monday, June 10, 2024

Living with Schizophrenia

Many people with schizophrenia experience hearing voices or auditory hallucinations as psychiatrists call them. These voices are usually nasty or persecutory and can cause the sufferer enormous distress. Often the voices will be in the third person and will constantly criticise the sufferer but sometimes they may also give the person direct instructions in which case they are known as command hallucinations. (See our information sheet on Understanding Voices for more about voice hearing).

Danger of too much Involvement in Commerce

 Netziv (Haamek Davar Devarim 32:13) G-d established the land of Israel in a special way so that they would not come to sin. And this was primarily against the corruption that was in the second Temple that was the result of baseless hatred. And it is explained in the Tosefta that this was the because of their excessive love of money which was the consequence  of being too involved in commerce. And reality the love of doing business that we find in other countries is typically  either because of the scarcity of livelihood or on the contrary because of idleness when a person has nothing to do. Therefore G-d was good to the Jews and gave them a productive land which required a lot of work. This why the Torah says “He acquired for you a mighty harvest of grain and grapes and you will live securely in your land.” 

Rescued hostages suffering from malnutrition, possibly Stockholm syndrome

The Kan public broadcaster reported Sunday evening that after initial conversations with the four, medical professionals believed they were exhibiting signs of Stockholm syndrome, as the rescued hostages spoke about awful experiences they had been subjected to in captivity while also saying that their captors cared about their wellbeing.

Hearing Voices? It's More Common Than You Think

Research suggests up to 10% of people will experience auditory hallucinations at some point in life.

Tzadikim : The Need to be Attatched

 Meor veshemesh (Shoftim ) Even if a person learns the entire Torah and all the holy books and as well as the words of the Sages, it does not enable him to do complete repentance and to remove from him all the blocking screens if he does not adhere to the tzadikim of the generation and the Holy ones of G-d:

Working instead of Learning Torah is sign of Mental Illnesss

 Sefer Hamidos (Bitachon chapter 4)  G d has made material things so enticing to motivate man to the tremendous efforts necessary to obtain them. Without this enticement, man would simply produce the minimum amount of food to exist and nothing more… Therefore those things which require greater effort to produce are viewed as more desirable than those things are readily available. Thus we see that babies are viewed as more precious than older children. As the effort needed to raise the child decreases as he grows so does his preciousness… Nevertheless G d left it up to each person to decide for himself what he would devote himself to in his lifetime. Bereishis Rabbah (17:7): If a person merits he will devote himself to Torah but if he doesn’t merit he will devote himself to the physical world. So while it is true that without those who struggle in the mundane world it would be desolate but why should you be the crazy one? There is before you the vast Torah more precious than diamonds of greater value than gold…

Trump didn’t understand D-Day’s ‘bravery and devotion to duty.’

Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’

The former president’s demand came on the same day that Biden honored fallen troops in a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France, the burial ground that Trump chose not to visit in 2018 and was later reported to have done so while describing the site as “filled with losers.” Trump has denied making the remark—and another in which he allegedly called more than 1,800 Marines “suckers” for being killed—ever since The Atlantic first published his purported

Sunday, June 9, 2024

BBC anchor asks if Israeli forces warned Palestinians ahead of hostage rescue mission: Defeats 'the purpose'

A former IDF spokesperson pushed back against a BBC anchor who asked if Israeli forces would have warned Gazans ahead of a secret raid to liberate a handful of hostages so they could seek safety.

"Would there have been a warning to those civilians [Gazans] for them to get out on time?" BBC anchor Helena Humphrey asked former IDF spokesperson and Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Jonathan Conricus during a recent interview.

"Of course, we can't anticipate Israel to be warning ahead of a raid to extract or to save hostages because then what the terrorists would do is to kill the hostages, and that would defeat the purpose," he replied.

IDF confirms: Al Jazeera journalist was terrorist who held hostages

Following the completion of IDF and ISA examinations of reports on the subject, it can be confirmed that Al Jazeera journalist Abdallah Aljamal was an operative in the Hamas terrorist organization, who held the hostages Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv captive in his family home in Nuseirat.

"The hostages were held captive by Abdallah Aljamal and members of his family in their home. This is further evidence of the deliberate use of civilian homes and buildings by the Hamas terrorist organization to hold Israeli hostages captive in the Gaza Strip. Israeli security forces will continue to make every effort to bring the hostages home," the IDF stated.

Theology and wealth

Mortimer, Ian. Medieval Horizons: Why the Middle Ages Matter (p. 31). RosettaBooks. Kindle Edition.

A more united Church was a more purposeful and powerful organisation. It also grew phenomenally wealthy, expressing its prosperity in the building of tens of thousands of abbeys and parish churches and the foundation of monastic orders. Its wealth was partly a result of the Medieval Warm Period – a period of favourable climate change, discussed in chapter three – but an even more important factor was the scale of the donations it received. The idea of the plenary indulgence, whereby all your sins were forgiven in return for an act of devotion (such as a crusade) had not existed in 1000; now such indulgences were accepted as ways of easing your path to Heaven. Pilgrimages too were phenomenally popular, as ordinary people invoked the healing power of saints and their relics. Whereas once few people had left home for religious purposes, now millions were on the move across Europe, enriching all the churches they visited with their donations. Christendom’s religious horizons had widened and the Church’s penetration into society had deepened, flooding like rainwater after a storm into every private crack and corner of daily life.

Letter From an IDF Soldier in Gaza

The following is a letter written by Jonathan, a 24-year-old who grew up in suburban Maryland, to his family. He is currently in Israel serving in the Israeli Defense Forces as a sergeant in the Givati Brigade. He is one of hundreds of American volunteer soldiers in the IDF known as “lone soldiers.” His unit has served in Gaza during Operation Protective Edge.

The Dark Side of Colombia Tourism: Child Sex Trade in Medellín

In the last three decades, Medellín has shed its image as capital of the world’s cocaine trade, with homicides falling 97% since the days when cartel kingpin Pablo Escobar ruled. Cheap living and an eternal springlike climate has, since the pandemic, lured an influx of foreigners, among them tech entrepreneurs, digital nomads and foreign retirees—so many that locals complain of skyrocketing housing costs.

The appeal of a far safer city also attracts sex tourists, many of them American, who come here searching for underage girls often managed by organized-crime groups. U.S. investigators have charged some Americans with filming sex with underage girls, then posting it online for profit. Medellín officials say child predators take advantage of the city’s booming nightlife, in which legal adult prostitution flourishes, to help cover their tracks. While the age of consent in Colombia is 14, the minimum age for sex work is 18.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

How Israel's daring hostage rescue mission unfolded: 'A surgical operation'

Israeli forces exchanged gunfire with the guards in the building with the three male hostages. In the crossfire, Zmora was injured and then later died at a hospital, Hagari said.

"He is a warrior that gave his life for bringing home four hostages alive," Hagari said of Zmora. 

As soldiers left the building, they were also met with gunfire and RPG fire, leading to their vehicle being stuck. Other forces came to their rescue and helped them flee. 

Israel rescues four hostages in operation Gazan officials say killed more than 200

 Israel rescues four hostages in operation Gazan officials say killed more than 200

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said Israeli forces had to enter civilian areas to reach hostages as this was where Hamas had embedded itself.

He said the hostages had been locked in two separate apartments in civilian multi-story buildings about 200 meters (650 feet) apart, with Argamani held in a different building to the three male hostages. He said the IDF had received intelligence on the hostages’ location beforehand, noting that hostages in Gaza were frequently moved around and Argamani had previously been held elsewhere. Similar raids had been called off at the last minute “more than three or four times” due to unfavorable conditions, he added.

Following hostage rescue, Gantz delays press conference as his deadline to leave gov't expires

Due to the news of the rescue of four Israeli hostages from Hamas captivity, Minister-without-portfolio Benny Gantz delayed on Saturday a press conference he was scheduled to give in the evening, as the deadline he set to leave the government if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not meet his requirements expired Saturday night. 

Dozens of Palestinian Children Killed Amid Israeli Rescue: Gaza Ministry

Due to the news of the rescue of four Israeli hostages from Hamas captivity, Minister-without-portfolio Benny Gantz delayed on Saturday a press conference he was scheduled to give in the evening, as the deadline he set to leave the government if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not meet his requirements expired Saturday night. 

Israel livid as it’s added to UN ‘list of shame’ for wartime children’s rights violations

On Saturday morning as Israel rescued four hostages kidnapped by Hamas from its October 7 attack, at least 94 Palestinians, including children, were killed by the Israeli operation, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

Four hostages rescued from Gaza, Yamam officer killed

Noa Argamani (25), Almog Meir Jan (21), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40), were kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization from the 'Nova' music festival on October 7th.

The hostages were rescued by the IDF, ISA and Yamam counterterrorism forces from two separate locations in the heart of Nuseirat.

During the battle, Arnon Zamora, the Yamam (counterterrorism) officer who led the rescuing force was injured. He later died of his wounds.

Noa Argamani Video Shows Hostage's Emotional Reunion With Father

Israeli authorities announced on Saturday that four Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas during its October 7, 2023, attack on Israel have been rescued. On October 7, Hamas led the deadliest Palestinian militant attack on Israel in history, killing some 1,200 people and taking roughly 250 hostages. Israel then subsequently launched its heaviest airstrikes against Gaza. About half of the hostages, meanwhile, were freed during a temporary ceasefire in November, which also saw 240 Palestinians freed from Israeli jails. Over 36,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed in the conflict, according to local health officials.

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Hunter Biden Case Is Solid. There’s Something Rotten About It Too.

Many people have pointed out — correctly — that the federal prosecutions of Biden are strong, if not dispositive, evidence that the Justice Department has not actually been “weaponized” against Republicans or the president’s opponents, least of all Trump. The pending federal criminal cases against Democrat-turned-independent Sen. Bob Menendez and Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar rebut the claim, too, though there is no sign that Republicans will relent on this point.

In the wake of Trump’s recent criminal conviction in Manhattan, most Republicans in Congress seem to have decided that they will echo Trump’s claim that he is the victim of an amorphous, multipronged conspiracy between federal prosecutors and local prosecutors in New York and Georgia to take him down at the behest of Biden.

The theory makes almost no sense, since (as I have noted before) the reason that all of these cases exist is precisely because the president and Attorney General Merrick Garland failed to pursue Trump’s potential criminal misconduct aggressively after Trump left office and foolishly allowed local prosecutors to fill the void.

Obeying Authority even when in Error

 From my sefer Daas Torah

Yerushalmi (Horios 1:1): You might think that you must obey the [Sanhedrin or Rabbinic authorities] even when they tell you that “right” is “left”  and that “left” is “right” – but the Torah says that you are to follow after them “right and left”. Thus it is only when they tell you that “right” is “right” and “left” is “left” that you should obey them. 

Abarbanel (Devarim 17:11):… Rashi wrote that even if the Sanhedrin tells you right is left or left is right and surely if they tell you right is right and left is left [you must obey them]. That means that what is stated in the Sifre that even if they tell you that right are left… means that this is merely the perception and understanding of the one asking the question to the Sanhedrin but not according to what the actual truth is. That is because the right of the Sanhedrin is always right and the left is always left. [i.e., they are infallible]. This is the correct understanding because the Sifre that Rashi cites actually says, “Even if it seems in your eyes that right is left… you must obey them.” The Ramban agrees with this explanation. However the Ran [Derashos HaRan #11] disagrees and says that left and right are to be understood literally and thus the Sanhedrin must be obeyed even if they err…. He also explains that even though a person is harmed by doing something against the Torah – but if this is done because of the mistaken ruling of Sanhedrin then the reward of listening to them compensates for the harm… G d forbid to say that that is the meaning of our Sages. The Torah does not rely on an illusion that one is spiritually pure when in fact he is impure or that something is permitted when in reality it is prohibited or that harm is permitted. Because the Torah is concerned with righteousness and G d is the G d of Truth and His Torah is True.

Michtav M’Eliyahu (1:75): The Talmudic sages (Chazal) have told us to obey the words of gedolim – even if they tell us that left is right. This expression isn’t meant to imply that we must obey them even when they have actually erred. But rather that we must listen to them even when we - with our lowly understanding – think that we definitely have observed that they have erred.  That is because our senses are totally nothing as if they were the dust of the earth compared to the clarity of their intellect and the Heavenly support they have. Thus our belief that they have erred has no practical consequences since there is a rule that a beis din cannot nullify the ruling of another beis din unless it is greater in wisdom and number. Even without this rule it is clear that what we think is awareness or experience is only a figment of our imagination and unstable moods. This superiority is Daas Torah within the framework of emunas chachom (faith in our sages).

Rabbeinu Bachye (Devarim 17:9): And bring your halachic questions to the judge who is in your days… Your final authority is the judge who is in your days and therefore Yiftach in his generation has the same authority as Shmuel in his generation. That is the meaning of the expression “who is in your days.” Even if he doesn’t have as much wisdom as judges in previous generations – you still must listen to him. Even if he tells you that right is left and that left is right and surely if he tells you that right is right and left is left. The Ramban wrote, “The need for this mitzvah is great. That is because the Torah was given in written form and that there is a great diversity of opinions about new issues that arise. That leads to great disputes and consequently the Torah would become many Torahs. Therefore the Torah legislated for us that we must obey the Sanhedrin, which stands before G d in the Temple in all that they tell us in regards to the understanding of the Torah. Furthermore that we must view all that they say as if it were told us by Moshe as a messenger of G d. That is because the Torah was given based on their understanding. Consequently even if it appears in your eyes that their view is the opposite of your understanding just as the reversal of right and left – we must obey them. And surely we are to view that they are the possessors of truth and that ruach hakodesh rests on them to always determine the truth.

Rambam (Hilchos Mamrim 1:2): Who ever does not obey the rulings of the Sanhedrin transgresses the commandment of Lo Sasur (Not to turn away from whatever they tell you – either to the left or right). There are no lashes for violating this commandment because it is associated with the death penalty. Any scholar who rebels against their rulings is liable to the punishment of strangulation… There is no distinction whether their rulings are based on the Oral Law or whether they are learned from the 13 Hermeneutic Principles and they are convinced that it is correct or that it is a law that they made to protect the observance of a Torah commandment and it is what is needed for that time. Rulings from all three categories are required to be obeyed because of a positive Torah commandment. Violation of these three categories involves a negative Torah prohibition. Thus the Torah says, “According to the Torah which they will teach you” – that refers to the decrees and behavior that  they require of the population in order to strengthen religion and  to correct  the world. “According to the laws  which they will say to you,” refers to those things which are learned from the Hermeneutic Rules. “From all which they will say to you”, refers to the Tradition which they have received through the generations.

Ramban (Devarim 17:11): Left and Right.  Rashi explains that even if the Sanhedrin tell you that right is left or left is right – [you must obey them]. Meaning that even if you are certain that the Sanhedrin has erred and it is as obvious to you as the difference between your right and left – you still must comply with their understanding of the Torah. In other words you can’t argue, “How can I eat that  which is prohibited by the Torah or how can I execute this person when I know he has not transgressed?” Rather your attitude must be, “The absolute obedience to the rulings of the Sanhedrin is what G d has commanded me and I must observe the mitzvos exactly as the Sanhedrin (which is in G d’s presence in the Temple) says. The Torah was given to me according to their understanding – even if they err.”  This is what happened when R’ Yehoshua had a dispute with the Sanhedrin as to what day was Yom Kippur. R’ Gamliel the head of the Sanhedrin ordered R’ Yehoshua to appear before him on the day that he thought was Yom Kippur (Rosh HaShanna 25a). the necessity for this mitzva is very great. That is because the Torah was given to us in writing and it is known that people don’t think identically in all matters. Therefore it would be natural for disputes over what the Torah means to continually multiply and it would end up that there would be many Torahs instead of one. That is why this verse tells you that one must obey the Sanhedrin which convenes in G d’s presence in the Temple – in everything they say concerning the understanding of the Torah. There is no difference in the requirement to obey whether this Torah understanding is part of the Tradition which goes back what G d told Moshe or what their understanding of the meaning or intent of a Torah verse.  This requirement to accept their Torah understanding is because the Torah was in fact given to us according to their understanding. Therefore they must be obeyed even if their view contrasts with your understanding as left contrasts with right and surely if you agree with their understanding. That is because G d’s spirit is on those who serve in His Temple and He does not desert His pious ones. G d always protects them from error and mistake. The Sifri (Shoftim 154) says that you must obey them even if appears that they have reversed right with left and left with right. 

Ramban (Sefer HaMitzvos Shoresh 1): … The Torah was given through Moshe in writing and it is obvious that there are different understandings of all those matters which are derived and learned through interpretation of the text. Therefore G d commanded us that we should listen to the Sanhedrin in all that they say whether it is interpretation or simply what the Torah means according to their understanding. That is because the Torah was given based on what the Sages understood it to be saying. That is stated by the Sifre, Even if they tell you that left is right and right is left. That is because G d commanded us to listen to the Sanhedrin, otherwise there will be disagreements and people will claim that only they know the right answer and others are mistaken. This is what happened with the disagreement between Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua concerning which day was Yom Kippur (Rosh Hashanah 25a).

Rashi (Devarim 17:11): Even if they tell you that “right” is “left” and “left” is “right” and surely if they tell you that “right” is “right” and “left” is “left”.

Sifri (Devarim 154:11): Right and left -  Even if it appears in your eyes that “right” is “left” and that “left” is “right” – you should obey them.

Sefer HaIkkarim (3:23): Since it is possible that there will be a dispute amongst the sages regarding a matter which has not been received by Tradition but has been generated by one of the 13 Hermeneutic Principles or someone other intellectual method – therefore the Divine Wisdom decided in order for G d’s Torah to be perfect and devoid of disputes to the degree possible – the principle of decision making was given to every generation i.e., to the majority of sages. That is why the Torah says, “follow after the majority” (Shemos 23:2) and “Do deviate from what they tell you right or left” (Devarim 17:11). Our Rabbis have commented that means that if even if they tell you that right is left and left is right. The Rabbis’ intent was that every man values his thoughts and understanding more than that of others - to the degree that we find that many fools, women and ignoramuses who insist that the sages are mistaken and their understanding is superior. Thus this verse is saying that even if it appears that the sages are saying the opposite of the truth - right is left and left is right – you should never disobey their words but accept that the final decision is always based on the view of the majority of sages. This is true even though it is possible that an individual can have greater knowledge and that he has a greater grasp of the truth then they – the halacha still follows the decision of the majority. An individual or minority is not allowed to act in disagreement with the majority. This was the issue in the dispute between Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Eliezer (Bava Metzia 59b). Even though Rabbi Eliezer was clearly superior to the others in wisdom as we see that a Heavenly Voice announced that his disputants had no basis to disagree with him since the halacha was always in accord with him – but Rabbi Yehoshua stood up and declared that the halacha was not in heaven. In other words that even if the truth was in accord with the view of Rabbi Eliezar, the view of the majority could not be abandoned in deference to the minority since the Torah has stated that halacha is determined by the majority. Even if in a single matter we would follow the minority against the majority, it would create a major dispute in every generation. That is because it will set a precedent for allowing each individual to claim that he is right and allow him to follow his own views against the majority and this will cause a general collapse of the Torah system. Therefore we can’t allow exceptions to the rule of following the majority in order to accept a minority opinion. Of course the authority of the majority is only if they are sages and not the ignorant masses who are typically fools in these matters and their views are not trustworthy….

Yad HaMelech (Hilchos Mamrim 1:2): …It is clear that according to the understanding of Rashi and the Mizrachi the intent of the Sifre [that one must listen to the rabbis even when it apparently involves Torah prohibitions] is against the view of the Babylonian Talmud and also against the Yerushalmi. Furthermore since the Rambam omits mention of this Sifre therefore we have only the halachic view that is explicit in the Bavli and Yerushalmi.  Thus all halachic rulings which appear to contradict the words of the Torah e.g., eating prohibited fats or killing an innocent man – irrespective as to the authority of the rabbi giving the ruling they are not to be accepted. It is stated explicitly in the Yerushalmi and also the Bavli that if someone errs in this matter and thinks it is an obligation to listen to these rabbis to eat fat prohibited by the Torah because he thinks it is a mitzva to always obey the rabbis – this individual is obligated to bring a sacrifice as he would be for eating any Torah prohibited food in error.

Torah Temima (Devarim 17:11):  Don’t turn right or left … Even if your view and reasoning inclines the opposite of the view of the Sanhedrin and their reasoning. That is because it is well known that in all matters – people’s views and reasoning differ. This is mentioned in Berachos (58a), “When you see a crowd of Jews you should say the beracha, Blessed is He who discerns secrets. That is because the views of men are not the same.” We see that even in one halacha that there are strongly divergent views – some will declare it to be impure while others say it is pure, some say it is prohibited while others permit it. So even when it is obvious in your eyes that the truth is with you - since you know how to distinguish between right and left – nevertheless you should listen to the Sanhedrin in their ruling and reasoning. It is clear from this that you are only obligated to obey them concerning right and left only if seems that they are wrong. But if you in fact know that they are wrong e.g., they are permitting eating forbidden fats or allowing a marriage between prohibited partners – then it is prohibited to listen to them. This is stated explicitly in the Yerushalmi (Horios) that I mention in the previous drasha… However this understanding is contradicted by the Ramban who writes, “Even if you think in your heart that they are in error and it is obvious to you as your right and left – you should still follow what they say. Don’t be bothered by the fact that you are eating prohibited fats or that you will be executing a person you view as innocent – but you should say that is what G d has commanded me to do… according to their understanding the Torah was given to me – even if they err.” These words seem to teach that even if the Sanhedrin permits something which is absolutely forbidden by the Torah that you are obligated to obey them! However the words of the Yerushalmi (Horios) that I cited in the previous section explicitly refute such an understanding. Furthermore commonsense rejects this entirely… Therefore we are forced to explain that the intent of the Ramban is what we have written. It must be in a case where it is not definitely prohibited fats… but it merely seems to be that way based on their deduction and reasoning which you view as mistaken…

Derashos HaRan (#11): The Torah takes care to correct the loss which is always possible from disputes concerning the understanding of the Torah. If these disputes were not taken care of, the result would be two Torahs. The corrective to this constant problem is that the authority to decide disputes is given to the sages of each generation. This approach is beneficial and produces the correct rulings most of the time because it is much more unlikely for great sages to err than lesser scholars. And surely the Sanhedrin which convenes in the presence of G d in the Temple has the Divine Presence resting on them. Granted that there are extremely infrequent times they can err, however the Torah is not concerned with such rare loss. That is because it is better to tolerate relatively minor loss in order to obtain the great benefit that typically occurs. It is impossible to make greater improvement than this.

Horios (2a): If the Sanhedrin (beis din) mistakenly rules that it is permissible to transgress one of the mitzvos of the Torah and an individual does so by error because of their ruling… he is exempt from bring a sin offering [according to R’ Yehuda but not according to the Sages] because he relied on the ruling of the Sanhedrin. However if when the Sanhedrin issued their erroneous ruling, one of its members was aware that the ruling was mistaken or even a student who was capable of deciding the law himself was aware that the ruling was mistaken – and yet he acted according to the mistaken ruling…. he is obligated to bring a sin offering since he wasn’t dependent on the ruling of the Sanhedrin….

Maharal (Devarim 17:11.9): Even if they say that right is left - … The explanation of “right” is that concerning something which is permit and kosher to do the Sanhedrin says it is prohibited. Similarly concerning “left” it is something which is prohibited and yet they say it is permitted. Nevertheless the Sanhedrin is to be obeyed. It would appear that even if they tell you not what seems to be right and wrong to do the opposite but even if they tell you something which is unambiguously the opposite of what you know to be right and wrong. That means that even if there is a law from a previous Sanhedrin that is greater in wisdom and number than the contemporary court – there is still a requirement to listen to the contemporary court because of the verse “lo sasur.” The reason is that G d commanded us in the Torah what is prohibited and permitted and He also commanded us not to deviate from the rulings of the contemporary Sanhedrin (Ramban). That means that this ruling which is contrary to the accepted ruling is in fact the prerogative of the Sanhedrin according to the command of G d Who is the sole determiner of that which is permitted and forbidden. Therefore even if they are in error and teach the opposite of the halacha you are still commanded to listen to them. This is what is taught in Sanhedrin (88a) concerning Zakein Mamrei. Even if he teaches according to Tradition while the Sanhedrin bases themselves on reasoning – nevertheless he is deserving of capital punishment for disagreeing with them. The gemora explains that this obedience to contemporary Sanhedrin – even if wrong – is necessary in order to reduce disputes.

Chinuch (#496): We are enjoined not to dispute the authorities of the Oral Law, not to change their words and not even to avoid fulfilling their commands regarding any aspect of the Torah. Concerning this matter, the Torah (Devarim 17:11) says: You shall not turn aside from that which they tell you right or left. The Sifre (Devarim 154) explains: Not to turn aside - this is a Torah prohibition. The reason for this commandment is the fact that the views and understandings of people concerning issues are not identical. In other words,  you will not find  total agreement on an issue amongst a large group of people. G-d knew that if everyone was given the authority to follow his own interpretation of the Torah, each person would understand the Torah differently and there would be a large number of disagreements between Jews. Consequently  instead of having a single Torah there would be many Torahs. (This is similar to what I wrote concerning the need for the principle of majority rule Mishpatim #75). Therefore G-d, the master of all wisdom, made our Torah of Truth complete  by commanding us  to obey the true understanding of our Sages. We are to obey not only our ancient sages but those of each generation. That is because the sages in each generation have received their words and drunk the water from their books and have toiled mightily day and night to understand the depths of their words and the wonder of their views. With this principle of agreement we have the path of truth to knowing the Torah, while without it we will be ensnared by our thoughts and poor understanding and not succeed at all. As an indication of the greatness and truthfulness of this mitzva, our sages (Sifre) have said that we are to obey our Torah authorities even if they say to you that right is left and the left is right. In other words, even if they are mistaken in one issue they are not to be disobeyed but their error must be followed. It is better to suffer from this one error in order to assure that everything is always under their authority. The alternative is that everyone follows his own opinion which will result in the destruction of the religion and anarchy and ultimately the complete loss of the entire people. Because of this the determination of the correct meaning of the Torah has been given to the Torah authorities and amongst these authorities the governing principle is that  the minority must submit to the view of the majority for the same reason. And illustration of this principle is found in the astounding Bava Metzia (59b) concerning the dispute between R' Eliezar and the Oven of Achnai. It states that Eliyahu was asked what G-d was doing during the dispute. He answered that He smiled and said My children have triumphed over me. G-d was happy that His children followed the way of the Torah and its command to always obey majority rule. This that it says there My children have triumphed over Me obviously is not meant literally - Heaven forbid! The explanation is that in this dispute the truth was in fact with R' Eliezar as was testified to by the Heavenly Voice (bas kol). Therefore even though the truth was with R' Eliezar but since his thinking was too profound for them and they did not want to concede to him even after the bas kol. Their claim was that the Torah clearly establishes the requirement to listen to the majority always whether their position is true or they are  mistaken. That is why G-d said that My children triumphed over me. In other words since they have deviated from the path of the truth which R' Eliezar had determined and not them they asserted their authority based upon the principle of majority rule. therefore it had to be concede that in this case truth was vanquished and it was like the Master of Truth was vanquished. 

Chasam Sofer (Choshen Mishpat #191): The Sifri concludes, “Even if the Sanhedrin tells you that right is left… and surely if they tell you that right is right and left is left [you must obey them].” This doesn’t seem to be consistent. What is the second part which starts with, “and surely”? The Zakein Mamrei (rebellious judge) is asserting that what he considers right is truly “right” and that the position of the majority of the Sanhedrin is “left” i.e., false. Therefore who is to determine that the second part is, “and surely”? This seems to be a major difficulty. In fact, however, the clear explanation is as follows. The Zakein Mamrei (rebellious judge) and his colleagues are major scholars who are in dispute with the Sanhedrin. And even though the Sanhedrin is composed of the leading Jewish authorities - who sit in G-d’s presence in His house (i.e., the Temple) - there is no necessity that their reasoning in this matter is true. In fact it could be that the Zakein Mamrei’s understanding of the Torah verse is closer to the truth than theirs is. This is so even if they are more numerous and in general sharper in their thinking. On the other hand it is possible that in fact that the Zakein Mamrei and his supporters number in the tens of thousands - while the Sanhedrin cannot be more than 71 people. Nevertheless G d has decreed we must follow the scriptural understanding of the Sanhedrin in halacha since its source is no longer in Heaven. Therefore we don’t pay attention even to bas kol (voice from Heaven) or a prophet who claims to know the halacha in Heaven. Furthermore a prophet who claims prophetic knowledge of halachic is deserving of the death penalty for this crime of being a false prophet – since G d would never provide a prophet vision of a halachic question. Even when Yehoshua ben Nun forgot thousands of halachos, they weren’t restored through prophecy but rather through the legal reasoning of Ozniel ben Kenaz. Besides who knows for certain that Ozniel ben Kenaz ascertained the truth through his reasoning? The understanding of man is transient in its understanding of Biblical verses as well as the reasoning of kal v’chomer and other midos. The fact is that legal authority is because G d gave the Torah according to man’s understanding in order that there shouldn’t be an every growing number of unresolved disputes – [and not because the truth was necessarily ascertained]. Therefore G d made the provision that if chas v’shalom the majority of Sanhedrin erred and permitted a substance which was actually prohibited and the people ate it – G d would not count it as a sin. In other words since the Sanhedrin erred, the people did not commit a sin by eating the prohibited substance. Furthermore if the Zakein Mamrei himself decided to be stringent and not eat this substance because of his original suspicions – even though in Heaven it is known that he was correct – he is deserving of death as the Rambam rules (Hilchos Mamrim 4). This punishment is deserved even if he merely refrained from eating the disputed substance. This law is very constructive in that it works to prevent unresolved disputes amongst the Jews. Consequently this Zakein Mamrei should not have had the slightest concern about eating the substance that Sanhedrin had declared permitted – even if prior to the final ruling of Sanhedrin he was certain it was prohibited. Similarly if Sanhedrin declares a certain type of activity prohibited on Shabbos, he should not be concerned about his initial certainty that it was prohibited. In other words even if the Sanhedrin mistakenly tells you concerning a halacha which it is clear in Heaven [“right”] that it is the opposite of what they say [“left”]  - their ruling is in fact correct [“right”]. That is because G d accepts what they do even though it is mistaken in the objective sense. However there is an alternative explanation of the Sifri. We are to believe that what the Sanhedrin is saying is true [“right”] and that they have not erred. In other words we are to believe that they have ascertained the proper understanding of what G d expressed in the Torah because G d gave the Torah according to their understanding. Thus we see that both sides are sincerely motivated to discover the truth. However if the Sanhedrin errs in their rulings then all Jews end up erring also – but it is considered that they had been forced. However this alternative explanation assumes that G d guards his pious ones from erring and thus misleading the Jewish people – since they want to do G d’s will. Now we can properly explain the second part of the Sifri, “and surely they must be obeyed when they say that the truly right is right.” The explanation of the Sifri according to this alternative explanation is that even when they had erred in ascertaining what the Torah mandates, nevertheless they would have discovered what appears to them to be the truth – and G d would accept the validity of their erroneous decision. And surely we are to understand that they have in fact not erred and have correctly told us what the Torah actually mandates. Thus the alternative explanation is based on the assumption that the Sanhedrin is protected from error. However this second explanation is problematic since it is asserting infallibility. In other words the second explanation is saying that by nature man is capable of error; however the sanctity of the Temple prevents it. However this seems to be a violation of Torah not being in Heaven – since even a Bas Kol and even a prophet cannot make halachic decisions. Therefore it would seem that the first explanation is better. Thus the Sifri clearly means that even if the Sanhedrin errs, G d will not count it as a sin and thus G d is not allowing the Sanhedrin to cause the people to sin. If you study the comments of the Ramban to Torah you will understand that he is also expressing this view. So while the Sanhedrin is forgiven when it makes an honest mistake, G d forbid to say that they have the power to deliberately alter even the slightest matter. Such a view is that of the Sadducees and early heretics.

The world’s largest 3D printer is building cozy homes from wood

The new printer can produce objects as large as 96 feet long by 32 feet wide by 18 feet high and can print up to 500 pounds per hour. Dagher says that the goal is to be able to print 1,000 pounds of material in an hour. At that rate, it could reproduce the BioHome3D in 48 hours, he says.

If they can reach that target, their 3D-printed homes will be “very competitive with current housing construction costs,” he adds.

But it can be difficult to process wood materials at such a high speed. Even ASCC’s record-breaking printers sometimes jam. While printing BioHome3D, for example, the printer stopped working due to a dust buildup. “Nobody’s ever done this before with these kinds of materials,” says Dagher.

Commonsense Torah Conflict

 The question was raised since commonsense, and Torah provide guidance what to do when they conflict?

Additionally, the Torah says to listen to Sanhedrin Right and Left. There is a dispute between the Yerushalmi and other sources whether that means even when they say right is left

Finally we know that saying something which isn't true is bad. Are there times when it is good?

The answer is simple. If there is an actual conflict, then Torah is followed

For example commonsense might say homosexuality, adultery or pedophilia is good but Torah says otherwise so we follow the Torah

The issue of Sanhedrin or Gedolim is more complicated with some claiming that they must always be followed while others say that they sometimes err so when they err do not listen to them.

Rav Yakov Kaminetsky says Truth is that which is desirable to G-d and not whether it is factual

To tell a rodef where his intended victim is hiding, while being factual is undesirable

Similarly lies can be told to save lives or preserve the peace and other reasons

However the Ramban says even if beis din tells you to kill someone you know is innocent or to eat food you know is unkosher - they must be believed.

Others claim the survival of society requires obeying authority even when wrong. 

Chazon Ish notes that commonsense tells you that if a school has a teacher who has served the community well for many years not to replace him with a new teacher who is more successful but the halacha is otherwise.

A woman might claim she will commit suicide if she is kept from adultery or abortion while Torah prohibits.

A doctor might encourage suicide in cases of age, suffering or mental illness. while these are obvious from commonsense the Torah prohibits

Commonsense says a woman should not be stuck with a husband she doesn't like but the Torah says that doesn't end the marriage without a get.

This is summarized by Rav Soloveithik who said the Jews sacrificed their seichel at Sinai.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

There is no statute of limitation for crimes in halacha!

When one flips a light switch there is an immediate appearance of light. The cause and effect is obvious. If someone steals money and the next week he  is caught and jailed - we say justice is done. 

However if someone robbed a bank as a twenty year old. And has lived as model citizen in his community for 30 years, happily married and has family  - there is a feeling that somehow the past should be forgotten. (There is a bit more problem of a concentration guard who killed and tortured hundreds of people - we don't forgive so fast even if he has lived an exemplary life for 40 years.)

If a person committed crimes but he was never caught and then he died  - should the discovery of his criminal past be mentioned or allowed to be forgotten.

 All this is leading up to the question of sexual abuse. It is not rare but rather typical that there is a significant passage of time between the crime and the complaint and punishment. This is primarily due to the psychological trauma resulting from the crime.

We typically hear, "Why did it take so long before they complained?" "What good is it to put an 80 year old grandfather in jail for raping kids when he was 25 years old." There is much that can be said to explain the psychodynamics but that is really not relevant to the question.

It is generally perceived that by having a delay of years or decades between the crime and reporting and punishment - is inappropriate or even immoral.  However there is no such idea in halacha. 

What about the claim that the person has done teshuva and thus doesn't have to be further punished? The simple answer is that teshuva is not complete without punishment. There is no concept that teshuva erases a crime - whether it is theft or murder.

In sum, a passage of time - no matter how long between crime and reporting - has absolutely no relevance in halacha. If you have any sources that contradict this conclusion I would appreciate being enlightened.

Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse.

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.

Hunter Biden Prosecutors Might’ve Already Lost the Jury

 The government’s assertion that Hunter Biden “would not be here today if he was just a drug addict” shouts the quiet part out loud—as Hunter Biden is clearly not “just a drug addict.” He is the son of a sitting president and, by this statement, the prosecution all but invites the jury to wonder if any other drug addict would have been charged in these circumstances. That’s how you nullify juries.

Canada is no longer the safe haven it promised to Jews

Twenty-five years ago, my parents immigrated to Canada from Israel. Throughout our childhood, my sister and I would ask them why they moved when they spoke of their homeland with such love and longing. When we grew older and became familiar with Israel ourselves, we asked them again why they moved, why they left such a beautiful, lively country for clinical Canada. Each time we asked, our parents gave us the same answer: Life is easier here and we wanted you girls to be safe.

This is not the life my parents envisioned for my sister and I. This is not the Canada we were promised, nor the Canada that continues to be promised to others. The hatred is here, and we cannot pretend otherwise. Today, it is Jews or, as they say, “Zionists,” but tomorrow it may be someone else. 

‘Morning Joe’ Skewers WSJ Over ‘Shocking’ Biden Mental Acuity Story 

The MSNBC pair further took issue with the article’s sourcing, claiming it relied mostly on partisan Republicans like former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and associates of current House Speaker Mike Johnson.

“Why didn't they just ask Marjorie Taylor Greene to weigh in?” Brzezinski scoffed. “And Lauren Boebert.”

Commonsense and Torah

 Toras Avraham (Toras HaSeichel HaEnushi #2): … Intellect (seichel) which characterizes man is not simply a means of knowing and understanding data. In fact the intellect is a moral faculty to know what is truly straight. G d created man with this faculty in order to teach him the path of life. Therefore it is obligatory for man to use it to know what is right and wrong and not to distort his straightness and wholesomeness. It enables him to be a moral judge to understand things in full. Thus man is obligated to keep things which he knows are right - as well as that which he has been commanded directly by G d. Both obligation serve to direct him properly…

Rabbeinu Nissim Gaon (Introduction to Talmud): The reason that there is punishment for activities not specifically commanded is because all those Mitzvos which are derived from commonsense are obligated on everyone from the day that G-d first created Adom HaRishon. Not only him but also all his descendants afterwards for all generations. 

Rambam (Moreh Nevuchim 3:17): A person is rewarded for any good deed and punished for sin - even though these activities were not commanded by a prophet. This is because a person is held accountable for those things which are dictated by commonsense.

Ramban (Bereishis 6:13): The generation of the flood was punished for theft because it was an obvious sin. Our Sages (Sanhedrin 108a) say that this sin sealed their fate. That is because it was commonsense that it was a sin, there was no need for a prophets to warn them. Furthermore it was evil to both heaven and man.

Eruvin (100b): Even if the Torah hadn't been given it would be possible to learn proper conduct from observing animals.  Modesty from the cat, avoidance of theft from ants, avoidance of adultery from the dove and sexual conduct from the rooster.