Sunday, November 14, 2021

Author of ultra-Orthodox 'Kids Speak' series accused of raping minors

 Responding to the allegations against him, Walder's attorneys Miki Hova and Guy Shemer released the following statement: "Mr. Walder is a writer and educational consultant who founded the Child and Family Center in Bnei Brak and has been devoting his life for decades and works to promote, nurture and protect the welfare of children and their rights in general and the ultra-Orthodox sector in particular.

Over the years, Mr. Walder has waged struggles for the benefit of children who have suffered violence and abuse and as a result, certain elements have given themselves the goal of harming him and there is evidence of some foolish attempts to incriminate our client," they stated.
"Mr. Walder is an ultra-Orthodox man and he has never touched minors or women in this way...Our client is determined that he not be harmed by this in the slightest, and will fight for his good name with all the legal means at his disposal."


  1. In rav Yosefs teshuva, he bemoaned "sifrei pornographia " that were available in the secular State. This here, is another case of Zimri dressed as Pinchas.

  2. And you presume is guilty because he us hareidi?

  3. No. Because there are multiple litigants. Were Epstein or Weinstein innocent?

  4. In any case it goes back to the question I posed earlier.
    A person may be raised in a particular family, school, environment etc. What (it seems to me) characterises them is how they think , feel, behave. Even a frum, rabbi, posek may have poor middos, psychology, behaviour. Even a chiloni, mechalel shabbos could have exemplary thought and behaviour. What is surprising, is that we don't expect the one who dresses and eats frum, to be a menuval.

  5. "Mr. Walder is an ultra-Orthodox man
    Does he read the blogs? That might be the most incriminating statement of all.

  6. 'Additionally, a third testimony alleged that Walder regularly raped a 20-year-old woman, his therapy patient, on a regular basis."

    Why do all these quacks also pretend to be the-rapists as well? He is elsewhere called a rabbi too. What qualifications does he have to be a therapist?

  7. What's the psychological term for a person who has certain forbidden interests and publicly campaigns against them, like all the Republicans who are anti-gay and then caught with male lovers?

  8. Latent homosexual / projection
    Or plain old hypocrite


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