Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Orthodox Jews have the best sex - opinion

 As for Judaism’s rules about sex which, she so derisively dismisses, the interesting thing is this: Judaism has almost no rules about sex, something I highlighted at length in my book Kosher Sex. Every position and every pleasurable interaction is allowed. Indeed, about the only things that are forbidden are pornography, because you’re being excited by strangers and not each other; and having sex during menstruation, because Judaism wants the “erotic barrier” of sexual forbiddenness of several days each month to magnify lust and desire. Husbands and wives need a period of sexual separation in order to hunger for each other’s bodies again.
Indeed, the Orthodox Jewish marriage is based far more on lust than love, a point easily demonstrated by the 10th commandment. It expressly forbids lusting after your neighbor’s wife, which by direct implication means you sure as heck ought to be lusting after your own.


  1. >Judaism has almost no rules about sex, something I highlighted at length in my book Kosher Sex

    So more lies from the kiruv folks.

  2. There are a lot of recommendations but they are not laws or rules.
    Why are saying that he is lying? see Nedarim 20b.

  3. When can you have sex? Who can you have sex with?
    And since when do we leave "recommendations" as just that?
    Don't you recall your essay on how the Chofetz Chayyim took a bunch of recommendations and now we have all these laws about loshon horo?

  4. Someone needs to calm down.


  5. Also relevant, albeit not directly:
    Last Ritva on Qeddushin (re hirhurim.

  6. they are still recommendations not laws.


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