Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The bonkers Republican logic on why Trump shouldn't be impeached



To do what the likes of Graham, Brady and Kilmeade is, quite simply, to let mob rule win. We can't act to punish the President, who clearly egged on the rioters, because it could lead to more riots!
Tell me how that differs from arguing after September 11 that we had better not seek to punish those responsible for the bombings because it might further incite them and lead to more bombings? Or how we had better not strike back after Pearl Harbor because it could lead to further attacks on the United States?
Right. You get it.
You can disagree with the strategy of impeaching the President with only eight days (and counting) left in his term. That's a fine debate to have. But you cannot in good conscience argue that impeachment shouldn't happen because it could trigger a violent reaction from Trump's supporters.
That already happened, people! Did you miss the p


  1. On the order of 75 million votes were cast for Donald Trump. Many people who didn't vote in the Presidential election but could have can be assumed to also support Trump.

    So now we as a country go and spend time, energy and money on impeaching a man who will no longer President when he leaves office starting at around 1:00 pm in about a week.

    This idea probably makes sense to a lot of people who want to ensure Donald Trump is brought down as far as possible. But to me it just shows that elected officials are more interested in politics than fighting Covid, fixing roads and bridges, facing China and Russia on economic and military fronts, etc.

    I'm sure those seeking impeachment care about national and foreign policy. But they can't seem to let Mr. Trump's outrageous behavior slide. And that ultimately gives Mr. Trump the victory he craved.

    Like 9/11, most of those in power and in the intelligence communities seem oblivious to just what the Far Right is capable of when pushed too far.

  2. Be honest DT. Do you want to see all 74 million people who voted for Trump put in jail? Yes or no.


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