Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Enfeebled and enraged, Haredi society feels forsaken on all sides

Monday afternoon in the Knesset. MK Moshe Gafni of United Torah Judaism heads to the dais to speak about a bill advancing through parliament that will allow police to slap steep fines on schools that violate virus restrictions and even to close them by force.

He’s visibly angry; his comments are short and to the point. 

“You’re only bringing this bill to vilify the Haredi public!” he declares.

Then he adds, in comments that would later go viral on Israeli social media, “It’s not our fault! You, who sent us to live in such crowded conditions, it’s your fault!”




  1. There's only so long general Israeli society will put up with the Chareidi leadership's shtick, especially when that shtick is basically a Yiddish version of a spoiled teenager screaming at his parents "I hate you! I can't stand living here! Now give me money so I can go out with my friends or you're the worst parents ever!"
    When Gafni and his ilk make public statements, it's predictable. Chareidim are oppressed! Chareidim suffer! You all hate the Chareidim!
    Honestly, if they'd pulled this in Russia or Poland back in the day, there wouldn't have been any Chareidim left when the Germans rolled through.

  2. Hareidi society is large and diverse. A large number of them are following covid rules.
    For those like gafni, and vishnitz, they are no longer practicing orthodoxy, and are apikorsim.

    A disproportionately high number of hareidi Jews have died from covid 19.
    So for them to continue to violate the restrictions makes them rodefim, and rodfei yisroel. In Stamford Hill, London, they throw 400 people weddings, and get stopped by the police. This is publicized, and stokes modern antisemitism.

  3. What does that mean, "sent them to live?"

  4. Maybe they did pull this stuff in the old country.
    They are pulling it in frum places in London, New york, creating new anti-semitism. The same people who base their hatred of Zionism on the alelged oath "not to rebel against the nations" are doing just that when they rebel against the secular laws in their host countries.

  5. Rav Shach, in hsi day, said it is assur to resort to violence. I don't know if things were better then - he maybe had greater influence on the masses. But he also held an ideology that learning Gemara is transformative, and does away with learning mussar. These bums, including the politicians who back the violence are sinners. Rocks thrown by hareidim are no different from rocks thrown by palestinians. Shedding blood of another Jew?

  6. “Enfeebled and enraged, Haredi society feels forsaken on all sides” Really? I don’t know. Torah thought on בשלח.
    “Then Miriam the prophetess מרים הנביאה, Aaron’s sister, took a timbrel התף in her hand; and all the women went out after her in dance with timbrels בתפים ומבמחלת. And Miriam chanted for them ותען להם מרים: Sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously כי גאה גאה: Horse and rider He has hurled רמה into the sea.” (Exodus 15:20-21)
    שמות ט”ו
    )כ) וַתִּקַּח מִרְיָם הַנְּבִיאָה אֲחוֹת אַהֲרֹן אֶת הַתֹּף בְּיָדָהּ וַתֵּצֶאןָ כָל הַנָּשִׁים אַחֲרֶיהָ בְּתֻפִּים וּבִמְחֹלֹת:
    )כא) וַתַּעַן לָהֶם מִרְיָם שִׁירוּ לַיקֹוָק כִּי גָאֹה גָּאָה סוּס וְרֹכְבוֹ רָמָה בַיָּם:
    את התף - כלי של מיני זמר:
    בתפים ובמחלת - מובטחות היו צדקניות שבדור שהקדוש ברוך הוא עושה להם נסים והוציאו תופים ממצרים:
    My theory. Prophecy requires a good mood (Rambam and many sources). The righteous women in the parsha were optimistic. Salam Rushdie in his Midnight’s Children talks of the so-called disease of optimism where the poor had no good reason to be optimistic. I live in Miriam Haneviah Street in Bnei Brak. I’m optimistic about the end of the plague in Israel and over the world because of the vaccines. I’m optimistic about Israel’s economy and defense abilities. The men in the parsha were preparing for war. Men were more realistic and less optimistic than the women. Joshua selected men to fight Amalek. Today we must be prepared to fight the evil Iran and Iran’s supporters. I see “The Biden administration has suspended arms sales deals to foreign countries, including the sale of F-35 fighter jets to the UAE.” Oh no terrible. I’m feeling enfeebled and enraged. Not really, just joking. BTW I’m on both web sites NYS Court of Appeals and SCOTUS, wow. I’m optimistic.

  7. Very important point. Just like a navi needs to be happy, listen to music, so do ordinary people, in order to function. The gezeiros go against this natural law, and only prolong galus.

  8. Hareidim have come to Israel from various places, and didn't wish to integrate into the general community, but always chose to live in frum neighborhood, near yeshivas, and away from negative influences such as cinemas, mixed schools etc.
    Nobody sent them there but themselves. Many prefer to live in meah shearim, bnei brak, or places like beit shemesh , etc.
    These are not settlements in Judea and Samaria. Sometimes, rebbes such as Gur start new communities Eg in the Negev. Lubavitch send their people to places like kfar chabad
    Etc etc.
    Rav riskin converted the Lincoln square kehilla from conservative to modern orthodox, then the entire kehilla made aliyah to efrat in the etzion block.
    Perhaps what the rabbi means subconsciously is that Herzl, Ben gurion, eshkol etc were agents of Hashem. They enabled the chazon ish to move to BB, THE Brisker rov to move to meah shearim, the ponovezh yeshiva to bring Jews in Israel, rav Riskin to bring them to efrat etc
    In psychoanalysis, this is called a parapraxis. A Freudian slip. So he somehow sees the secular Zionist hand in this, enabling the geula and kibbutz galuyot.

  9. That's the irony, isn't it? They shout "Nazis" at the police. Real Nazis, y"sh, would just mow them all down right then and there.

  10. > The seculars don't hate the hareidim, nor do they want to shed blood

    The problem is that the Chareidim, in order to maintain group solidarity, have to believe that all the seculars do all day long is plot against them and think about ways to destroy them. Far from being a positive, healthy society, Chareidism has turned into "They're all evil! You have to hide in our ghetto! That's the only way!"

  11. The Metropolitan Police originally said about 400 people had gathered inside the building for the lockdown wedding, but later said the number was closer to 150.

  12. and do you think the goyim will hate us proportionally less because the figure was revised?

  13. Oh, but the Zionists are worse, they "brought" them from europe, fromt eh ghettoes, and concentration camps , to live in frum towns in E'Y, with kosher hypermarkets, gedolim, shabbat sirens, surrounded by yeshivas, shuls, medical treatments that ensure most of their kids will grow up healthy.., isn't that terrible?

  14. I doubt it. But I thought that you would want to be intellectually honest, and correct the lie that was originally propagated.

  15. There is no hard evidence, the police don't have the guest list, and the guests scarpered. Also, we don't know who was there just for the dancing...


    It is not a Singular event...


    they aren't so much b'simcha now, whatever their real attendance figures were

  18. There used to be a time when Hareidi Rabbis active in the kiruv movement would boast that they don't behave like secular people , because they don't keep TVs, and are nto infected by the filth of general society - they don't have drug problems, criminal problems etc.
    Well, sadly, things have not stayed on such a high level -
    sadly, many of the cases of crime, occur in these communities, wehther it is keeping secular law, as per lockdowns, child abuse, and now also violence, vandalism, and terror.


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