Saturday, January 23, 2021

Chareidim and the virus

One of the most astounding calls I got during shiva was from a relative from America - Lakewood to be precise.  He expressed sadness over the loss of my mother and the terrible suffering  we have in Israel from the virus and added that it is much better in America. "no one is dying from the virus." I noted that 3000 Americans have been dying everyday in America and hospitals are overwhelmed in a number of states. . He said he has not heard recently of anyone in Lakewood or Boro Park dying from the virus and was not aware of any problems related to the virus and that basically it was not a major issue in America. My daughter was recently in New York i.e. Boro Park and she said the frummer elements act as if there is no virus because so many people have had the virus they think they have immunity


  1. all cults cause damage, whether psychological, or physical, or both

  2. Once upon a time, Chilul HaShem was defined as "Don't do anything that will make the goyim mock us". Somewhere in the last couple of generations, it has been redefined as "If the Goyim praise us, that's Chilul HaShem!"

  3. Firewalking is pretty safe. As the article notes, a "snappy" walk across the coals means each foot is in contact with the wood coals, a poor conductor, for about a second total. I think the Leidenfrost effect may be a factor also.

    As to the virus and that part of the Jewish community that discounts it: it may be dangerous to discount the virus and even lead to death. On the other hand, being part of a non-Torah observant community comes with spiritual dangers.

    I'd like to think I've hit the sweetspot where I seamlessly integrate scientific and Torah truth. But I'm probably off-target. I just don't recognize it.

  4. dependson the temperature of the coals - as you say wood coals burn at a lower temp than regular coal. It is in fact a scam, since walking on real coal cannot be done safely by anyone.
    the Torah is largely physical, from working the land, or not working, eating and not eating, and all other physical mitzvot.
    Wearing clothes that are associated with "religious Jews" but then acting like beheimos, eg attacking police in Bnei Brak, holding massive wedding parties during a time of pandemic / lockdown are physical activities which have negative spiritual consequences too.


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