Monday, August 17, 2020

Jared Kushner: The first time Israel has agreed to a map of a Palestinian state

Jared Kushner, adviser and son-in-law to US President Donald Trump addressed the peace agreement he helped broker between Israel and the United Arab Emirates Monday.

Addressing Israeli reporters, Kushner said that "Israel has made a very generous proposal for the establishment of a Palestinian state, including an exchange of territories. The understanding that this is the situation has enabled the breakthrough that led to the current agreement."

When asked how the US would make certain that Israel does not unilaterally annex any territory, Kushner said, “We built a very trusting relationship with Israel. President Trump is committed to holding them accountable to it, and Israel has agreed with us that they will not move forward without our consent. We do not plan to give our consent for some time, as right now the focus has to be on getting this new peace agreement implemented. We really want to get as much interchange between Israel and the United Arab Emirates as possible, and we really want Israel to focus on creating new relationships and new alliances."


  1. Perhaps despite his failing, Jared knows what every intelligent person does: the so-called Palestinians will never agree to a final agreement. Having been offered 99% of their demands in 2000 and 99.5% in 2008 only to walk away from the table both times, the Arab states have figured out that there's no point caring about them anymore.
    Bibi can agree there will be a state of Palestine. He knows very well it's the so-called Palestinians who will prevent that from happening.

  2. perhaps he is concealing details of what the actual concessions were

  3. It sickens me that this liberal Jew is pushing Israel to make concessions to the arab terrorists.

  4. That's absolutely the case. The game is to make concessions you know they will reject. Then blame them for rejecting it. The outside world might demand more, or just get fed up with the Palestinians.
    For almost 10 years, the Palestinians are being ignored in favour of Syria, Iran, and other local disasters. They have lost sympathy. Only erdogan and Iran are pushing their agenda.

  5. Or perhaps you are deluding yourself. This type of delusion is common among those who pay lipservice to the Land for Peace orchestrators and enablers.
    "They must be secretly waiting for some unknown threshold of violence to be met to finally say 'we are exempt from this agreement we ourselves created and committed to.' They are just about to walk away from the whole thing!"
    In reality, they just didn't care that your buses were blowing up, and they never will. Afterall, they are the ones who imported the bombers and gave them weapons, money, and sovereignty.

  6. You making excuses for the self-hating liberal Jew forcing Israel to surrender to Fakestinians and the Arab world is rather sickening.
    The mental gymnastics this requires is worse than a Satmar "explanation" of history and their imaginary cause and effect of deZionists,
    "Yes it looks bad on paper, but the purpose of giving up more and more concessions and surrenders is because their stubbornness will make them say no."

    Did you ever consider that NOT OFFERING the concession was the more direct route? You are so preoccupied with the belief that someone somewhere needs to be fooled by some kind of kabuki theatre that you didn't realize you are the one being fooled.

    If the Arabs simply follow the Plan of Phases explained by Arafat, they will accept Israeli concessions and use them to wage war against Israel.

  7. It is a lot to do with US pressure. Bibi would claim he would stand up to the Americans and revoke Oslo. Once in power, he found it hard to resist bill Clinton. So need a reality check. Moshe Arens z'l would also talk big. He argued Israel should sell military technology to China. But had they done that, its not clear they would have f35s right now.
    Gotta think realistically.

  8. Chizkiyahu faced Sennacherib the rasha, but had received nevua that he was not be afraid of them. nevertheless he was still scared and sinned by showing hsi treasures and giving gold to Sancheriv.

    Bibi, begin, Shamir do not have nevua and must therefore act rationally. hen Begin and shamir took risky , irrational action, like the Lebanon war, they were very troubled.
    On the othr hand, bombing Iraq's nuclear reactor was a relatively easy one time event.


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