Monday, August 17, 2020

Israel and the UAE: A reality check

 The Israeli agreement with the United Arab Emirates is being touted as everything from “huge,” “stunning,” and “historical” to a “betrayal,” “diversion,” or “sellout.” In truth, it is not any one of these, but contains something of all of the above. Given the plethora of reports, commentaries, analyses, and reactions, it is especially important to put the Israel-UAE rapprochement in perspective — to try to understand how it contributes to Israel’s integration into the region through the achievement of a comprehensive peace with its neighbors. In order to do so, it is necessary to specify what it is, what it is not, and where it could lead. 

 A normalization agreement, not a peace treaty. The impending formalization of the more than two-decade informal relationship between Israel and the United Arab Emirates is an important breakthrough in Israel’s ties with the Arab world. Motives aside, it constitutes a major achievement for Mohammed bin Zayed, Benjamin Netanyahu and for its broker, Donald Trump. It is yet another step in Israel’s continual quest for workable accords with Arab countries, following its successful treaties with Egypt and Jordan. It follows the same logic as its predecessors, forging long-term understandings with surrounding states — often on its periphery — but studiously bypassing the much knottier Palestinian core of the Israeli-Arab conflict.


  1. Ultimately because Trump was behind this, the official liberal version is that open ties with the UAE is the worst thing that ever could happen to Israel and an open act of Jew hatred on the part of the White House. Yes?
    If all you have left is "But, but, the Palestinians!" then you have nothing left.

  2. nope!
    not all issues are determined by how much Trump is involved

  3. For those with Trump Derangement Syndrome, it begins and ends with his involvement. If Obama had pulled this off (too bad he was busy working against this kind of thing) the same author would declare it the deal of the century. It's not the action, it's who does the action that matters. That's why Trump is a sexual predator and Biden's accusers are all ignored.

  4. The author is an atheist, communist, post Zionist Jew hating /self hating ideologue. A bit like the 10 spies who gave back negative reports.
    Actually, many gulf Arabs, and secular Iranians respect Jews, and want peace with Israel. Anything bibi does - bad.
    Oh, what about Palestinian demographics? What about all the canards about occupying another people's land? Haha, the left has been out of power for 20 years, since the I'll fated Oslo war.

  5. no intelligent discussion just ad hominem attack!

    Trump does not have a chezkas kashrus that all his actions are done to benefit others

  6. Who cares if he's trying to benefit Israel or himself? If he does well and I benefit from it, so what? Credit given where due.

  7. All the mitzvot that Trump has done - getting rid of Soleimani (amalek) , recognizing Jerusalem belongs to Israel (Rashi on Bereishit) , helping to bring peace int he region and thus saving live -yet you are looking for the small print!

  8. yes you think he acts leshem Shamayim and thus there wont be any small print or details being cpncealed

  9. the issue is it makes a big difference what his motivation is and the need to know the full details

  10. maybe he doesn't do it l'shem shamayim, but still it is better than not doing it all - unless you take the view that aveirah lishmah is greater than mitzvah shelo lishmah!

  11. and therefore knowing the actual details is important

  12. every tax cut, every investment, every hospital built by any leader anywhere is connected to getting re-elected. only Moshe Rabbenu did everything according to the Torah, nobody else.

  13. sure and every president was as incompetent and corrupt as Trump?!

  14. No, that's not what I'm suggesting. JUST that they all want votes. Only a few resign for the good of the country.


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