Monday, August 17, 2020

The UAE-Israel Agreement Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to Be


The deal defers the idea of annexation rather than burying it, and could exacerbate tensions between Iran and the Gulf States.


  1. > could exacerbate tensions between Iran and the Gulf States
    Right, because Iran's ongoing aggression and state terrorism isn't already doing that. No, things were just fine until Trump came along.
    Seriously, why do you advertise this stuff?

  2. The article hinges its argument on the assumption that annexation is a bad thing, and that the possibility hasn't yet gone away.

    However, annexation is good thing, it is a mitzvah, which will be done either by Moshiach, or leading up to his imminent arrival, B'ezrat Hashem.

    No diplomatic relations are perfect - Israel has relations with the EU states,but they label goods coming from Yehuda and Shomron or do not include them in the free trade deals with Israel.

    Iran is a terror state, and the greatest threat to the Jewish people since Nazi Germany. In actual fact they will be weakened by these peace agreements - since Israel will undoubtedly discuss miitary pacts with its new Sunni allies - something that makes Iran more vulnerable to Israeli action.
    Also, the Gulf states are already scared of Iran, which destroys whatever it touches - Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq.

  3. why do you think it is is irrelevant?

  4. Because it's repetitive. You could have saved all the cutting and pasting by putting up one post titled: I think the UAE-Israel deal is bad because Trump pulled it off. It would've saved you a lot of time because all those posts are basically all the same thing - we don't like the deal because of Trump.

  5. nope!
    Just pointed out a variety of views which are not related to Trump.
    you want to live in a black and white world where everything revolves aroundTrump.

  6. No , you have created a second meah shearim, but this time the kanaus is against the avodah Zara of Trump, and not Zionism. You have taken upon yourself a mimicry of the satmar rebbe and neturei karta - except that it is Trump who is devil's work, not Zionism! Even if gedolim support trump, you find reasons to nullify them, like they did to rav kook. Even if a few good things come from Trump, to you they must be treif, just like satmar refused to accept any good coming from Zionism (eg the kotel).

  7. Most of the posts on this blog Lately have been about denigrating TRUMP!

  8. CNN Poll: Biden's Lead On Trump Tumbles By 10 Points After Two Months Of Rioting
    leads President Donald Trump by just four points nationally — 50
    percent to 46 percent — and by even less across 15 battleground states
    that will determine who wins the electoral college,” reports Breitbart.

    “In those 15 states — Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan,
    Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio,
    Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin — the new CNN poll has Biden leading
    by just one percent, with Biden at 49 and Trump at 48.”

    The poll
    indicates that the riots have not only convinced many independents and
    moderates to vote for Trump, but that the unrest has also hardened
    support amongst Trump’s base.

    [link to (secure)]

  9. If the only tool you have is a hammer everything becomes a nail

  10. That's right , and the only tool you use for Trump's maasim is your hammer.

  11. wow!
    what a brilliant response!!!!

  12. To change the subject a little, I wish to raise a few points about the contorversy surrounding the Ramchal. the ramchal is recognized as a major Gadol in every area. yet he was embroiled in a bitter controversy with Rav Moshe Hagiz.

    The alelgations were that he was involved too much is messianism, mysticism and perhaps Sabbateanism. Although he attacked Sabbetai Zvi, he did follow the writings of Nathan of Aza, and felt he could purify the good from the bad (like Rabbi Meir did with Acher).

    The BD of Rav hagiz told him to conceal his mystical writings, and he complied.

    Ramchal had "rvealed" to him a Zohar on Koheleth - through a maggid (mystical messenger). This Book is no longer existent. In his discussions with his teacher R' Isaiah Basan, Bassan tells him that maggidim can contain an element of the sitra achara - the evil side. Thus the revelations he had could be impure. Indeed the Gra also had such messengers but rejected them for this reason, and also because he wanted to learn Torah lishma, through effort and not from gifts.

    What would be the status of such a Zohar Koheleth if it were unearthed today? Would be accepted as part of the Zohar , or seen as a forgery or somethign in between?

    see this article

  13. yes, the campaign has only just begun and there is a 10% swing. This could be the beginning of the end for Biden.

  14. Try to take a religious perspective.
    This is the first time since the Hashmonaim that Jewish entity is beating its enemies. (Bar kochba failed after initial gains).
    The Arabs (Arabia) are Ishmael, who are our cousins. Iran is more amalek. Palestinians are not real Arabs.
    If you see Hashem's hand in this, it is part of the war on amalek.
    The world has changed in the last 72 years. It is difficult to accept when you don't see G-d's hand in history.

  15. strategically
    Military superiority
    We control more of Eretz yisrael than Hezekiah, Maccabees, and bar kochva did.
    Palestinians are being marginalized, and dumped by the oil rich arab States, who are now allying with Israel. Assuming you equate Israel of today with am yisrael.

  16. Is this one of those Satmar "Who's on First" comedy routines? Literally multiple wars of attempted genocide including an attempt by multiple armies to finish off Hitler's job just a few years after WW2 ended, and we're somehow supposed to believe that winning those wars was actually a loss of the war in disguise?

    Since the mufti Al Husseini didn't get to set up gas chambers in Jerusalem, I can pretty confidently say Israel won its War in 1948.

  17. It's too bad that Israel's cowardly leaders like Bibi keep surrendering and sabotaging the war on Amalek by conceding land to the Fakestinians and empowering their terrorism in exchange for treaties with foreign powers. You're a Tanakh guy, Kalonymous. Did you forget how the prophets warned against this path?

  18. Bibi inherited this mess from Rabin. Peres, Barak, olmert.
    He has gradually reversed it and walked back from Oslo disaster.
    In Tanakh, we were punished for idolatry by enemies dominating us.
    Today we have no navi to write divrei hayomim , nor to warn our leaders. Only religious parties who want funding for yeshivas.

  19. totally irrelevant to the accusations!

  20. Which accusations, biotech ob's?


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