Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Conspiracy theorists are falsely claiming that the coronavirus pandemic is an elaborate hoax

Since March 28, conspiracy theorists — “coronavirus deniers” — have been using the hashtag #FilmYourHospital to encourage people to visit local hospitals to take pictures and videos to prove that the COVID-19 pandemic is an elaborate hoax.
The premise for this conspiracy theory rests on the baseless assumption that if hospital parking lots and waiting rooms are empty then the pandemic must not be real or is not as severe as reported by health authorities and the media.

1 comment :

  1. We are victims of our success. In Ontario the public distancing rules worked very well. The hospitals prepared for a huge surge by clearing out chronic patients, cancelling elective surgeries and setting up wards in tents in parking lots and local hotels. The surge never happened, B"H.
    Like anti-vaxxers who say "Well why vaccinate against polio? There's no polio around" these idiots simply don't make the connectin.


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