Monday, April 13, 2020

The next outbreak? We’re not ready | Bill Gates

1 comment :

  1. Note: This is from mid-2015. Already 5yrs ago it was clear that we should be focusing on this. And Gates wasn't alone; Obama called out the same the year prior.

    ...for which reason this incoming President was advised by Obama's outgoing staff in early 2017 of pandemic risks & necessary preparations. (Also: WaPo 3/20/2020.)

    ...But, this President's work culture being what it is, the staff that had been briefed back in early 2017 had been mostly retired by this Administration's unprecedented turnover when the pandemic hit. (Political stability is a desideratum of good government, contrary to what the President & his cheerleaders may lead you to believe.) For this reason, the subsequent January Corona-alerts fell on ignorant ears and were ignored. (Vanity Fair Apr. 1, Mar. 26, & Feb. 24 and The Atlantic Jan 30.)


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