Thursday, October 8, 2015

Austria's obscene brand of justice: Holocaust historians condemn Austria jailing of Jewish writer

BBC    Holocaust historians have hit out at the Austrian government after a Jewish writer, who catalogued the state's failure to return properties seized by the Nazis, was jailed in Vienna.

Stephan Templ, 54, has begun a one-year sentence for defrauding the state.

He was convicted in 2013 after omitting the name of an estranged aunt in an application on behalf of his mother for the return of property seized in 1938.

But legal experts said it was not his responsibility to find other heirs.

The lengthy case has drawn widespread condemnation amid allegations Austria has not done enough to return property looted under the Third Reich.

Historian Efraim Zuroff, renowned for his efforts at bringing Nazi war criminals to court, told the BBC on Tuesday the jailing of Templ was "absolutely outrageous".

Meanwhile, Templ's lawyer, Robert Amsterdam, described it as "outright injustice".
Vienna prosecutors have not commented on the case. [...]

Meanwhile Efraim Zuroff, one of 75 Holocaust historians who signed a letter urging the government to cancel the sentence, criticised Austria's handling of cases relating to the Third Reich - including the prosecution of Nazi war criminals. 

"This a country that has a really very twisted way of dealing with Holocaust related issues," he said.


  1. But at least there is a branch of the ikg (the Jewish community in Vienna) set up to help people with restitution matters. Surely it's founder Dr Ariel muzicant will join the protests?

    Oh, I forgot, the Jewish community in Austria side with the government to help persecute innocent Jewish people, just like with the Schlesinger twins.

    How much are these sick "Rabbis" and communal leaders being paid to sell out their own people?

    Austria has become the world's first Jewish pariah community.

  2. This man should not be on prison. The property never belonged to Austria. Austria should be making sure that all property they stole is returned to their rightful owners!

    Why isn't the IKG in Vienna, who are supposed to represent Jews, of which Stephan is one, standing up for him? What does Oscar Deutsch, the president have to say? Ariel Muzicant Vice President of the World Jewish Congress have to say? Why all this silence? It's outrageous! Where are their voices?

    No one should be silent, especially when it comes to Austria ever again!

  3. Nice to see Esra and Naomi Vorhand getting involved in Austrian Jewish hypocrisy.


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