Friday, January 3, 2020

Here's How 2020 Democrats Are Reacting to the U.S. Assassination of Iran's Qasem Soleimani

 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said Thursday that President Donald Trump has “tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox” with the targeted killing of Iran’s top general in an airstrike at Baghdad’s international airport.
The former vice president joined other Democratic White House hopefuls in criticizing Trump’s order, saying it could leave the U.S. “on the brink of a major conflict across the Middle East.”

Israel low on flu vaccines as virulent strain hits

 At least 100 people hospitalized in serious condition with complications from virus so far this winter, compared to just 45 last year; just 150,000 vaccines remain, leaving some 7 million Israelis to potentially spend the rest of the winter unvaccinated

Israel shuts Hermon ski resort as Iran plots revenge for Soleimani killing

 An Israeli ski resort near the Syrian border that was the site of a previous missile attack was closed to visitors on Friday, amid fears of Iran exacting revenge on Israel for the US killing of a powerful Iranian general.

The Israel Defense Forces said it had ordered the Mount Hermon Ski resort in the Golan Heights shuttered for the day “in light of a situational assessment.”

The move was made hours after a US airstrike on a pair of cars at Baghdad’s airport killed Qassem Soleimani, the powerful head of Iran’s elite Quds Force and a major player in placing Iranian troops and pro-Iran proxies in Syria. Other senior members of a pro-Iran militia in Iraq were also killed.

Secular Israeli Fear of the ultra-Orthodox Has Turned Into Hatred

 Even if the ultra-Orthodox do army service and learn core curriculum subjects, non-religious Israelis will see them as a threat. The simple truth is that secular people don’t want Haredim to exist

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Tenth of Teves: A Day of Reckoning

5 Teves, 5780 °° Jan. 2, '20  ver. 1b

by Binyomin Feinberg

1.  According to the saintly Chasam Sofer, in his Drashos (for Adar 7th, I recall), the fast-day of the 10th of Teves holds a special significance, one hard to overstate: it is the day on which HaShem convenes the Heavenly Tribunal to adjudicate whether we will merit the rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdosh that year, or, alternatively, whether we merit the opposite: it's virtual re-destruction. (Chazal exhort us that any generation in which the Bais HaMikdash is not rebuilt - it is as if it's destroyed, once again.)

2.  However, while looking around at what passes for issues of importance in much of "frum culture" (employing that term specifically), you would never know it. It behooves us to seek to identify some of the truly important issues, issues that we need to consider before next Tuesday.   Clearly, it's not most of the triviality, nonsense, and distractions that popularly pass for topics of interest. Klal Yisroel faces multiple issues of monumental importance, and unfortunately the tzibbur is being misled or kept in the dark about many of them.

3.  Let's pose some questions, focusing on one particular concern, of which we B"H have direct and detailed factual knowledge, i.e. the drafting of girls into the Israeli military (an issue we focus on extensively in our postings).  

4.  It's important to emphasize that the female draft is only one very important issue of multiple very important concerns. Others include:

°  the phenomenon of covering up for and enabling child molesters; 

°  allowing or enabling people to destroy innocent people's reputations with baseless accusations (because they're easy targets);

°  honoring, supporting, and voting for leftist (Dem or GOP) elected officials (who've created an environment in which the Chinuch of Jewish and non-Jewish children alike are increasingly coming under the influence of the LGBTQ Mafia);

°  unbridled greed, resulting in immoral business practices, massive theft, massive Chillul HaShem, massive instigation of Jew-hatred (e.g. by some greedy real-estate developers), entire "frum" mini-industries built on misrepresentation/ hype, etc. 

Some of the questions we raise here regarding the female draft could similarly be posed regarding those and other burning concerns.

5.  Please do not take this analysis as a critique as much as an inquiry:  What's the thinking here? What's the mentality behind this apparent lack of mentality?

6.  Question:  Do we expect to merit the rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdash while too many of us are preoccupied feasting at banquets, enjoying Glatt-kosher globe-trotting cruises*, lavish hotel vacations, etc. - all while largely oblivious to the plights of those severely disadvantaged due to our communal silence - for one example of many - dozens of girls (religious, traditional ("mesorati") and otherwise) who are at this moment languishing in Israeli military prisons, many over their refusal to serve in the notoriously immoral, exploitive, and abusive co-ed military?

{*Note: The goal here is not to critique the tourist industry. Take your Caribbean cruise if you truly need it, and can afford it. Here we are addressing taking Yiddishkeit, and basic decency, more seriously.}

7. Facts on the conscription of females into the military have been reported for many months. For almost a year, the Jewish Press has reported on many specific abuses, those involving Army-refuseniks like Rinas bas Chedva, Orah Chaya and Moriah Leah bnos Beruriah, Lidar Shira and Zohar bnos Yaffa, Ziva bas Mazel, Avigail Leah Houseband, Olga S., Mindel Cheshin, and others.

8.  For samples of online reports, see:

(Nov. 7, '19)

(Nov. 6, '19)

(Oct. 30, '19)

(Parshas Beraishis)

(Oct 8, 2019)

Violating the Vineyard:

(28 Aug.)

(cf. Jewish Press, Sept.13,'19)

Opportunities for Public Kiddush HaShem (Sanctification of the Divine Name) in Israel: 


9.  The question we must ask is: Where is OUR massive communal outrage over the female draft?  In addition to the enlistment of girls into the military, which is itself prohibited to the extent of being "yai'horaig ve'al ya'avor," the government actually forces girls to enlist, which is far, far worse. Moreover, the nature of a military environment lends itself to immorality, and the Army experience certainly is no exception to that rule, to understate. And those in the know - all know it very, very well. And they even coined a nomenclature for it: "Mizron Tzahali." [For the record, we are also aware of specific cases of credible accounts of abuse by male IDF personnel.]

10.  If G-d-forbid non-Jews would be perpetrating against Jewish  girls anything close to a fraction of what transpires regularly in the Israeli military, there would be worldwide outrage. But because it's being perpetrated by Jews - it's less newsworthy than the social events whose photos merit prominent centerfold profiling in  frum papers weekly??

11.  This illustrates the absurdity here: When a drunken teen scribbles a misspelled swastika on a shul, leftist elected officials waste no time in rushing to the nearest teleprompter to chapp [grab] a cheap photo-op, genuflecting to "eradicating antisemitism" -- and their shallow performances are dutifully advertised by frum media outlets, as if this is a major development we need to be updated on. But when TENS of thousands of Jewish girls - many of them religious (National Religious, others, and even a few Chareidi girls) - are being forced, terrorized, duped, or otherwise enlisted into the notoriously immoral Israeli military, we hardly hear a peep of protest.  Worse, we don't hear the protest even when we're confronted with a constant stream of cases that demand and easily enable an effective protest. Precisely where are our communal senses, sensibilities, and priorities?

12.  How precisely do we expect to fare in our upcoming Heavenly Trial, given our communal tolerance of the "Hashtokoh-campaign," i.e. the news-blackout by most "frum" papers (aka "news"papers) - with the noteworthy exception of the Jewish Press (and a recently-started Chareidi paper called "Lehovin")? They're only getting away with this censorship  because of our overall communal silence. Our responsibility is commensurate to our ability to have an impact - see Gemara Shabbos 54b.

13.  Perhaps one could suggest that that when, in this week's parsha, Yosef cried over Binyomin (Ber. 45:14), over the future destruction of the Bais HaMikdash -  twice (Gemara Meggillah 16b) - perhaps there was something else included in his crying. Perhaps Yosef also forsaw the extension of our Exile, the "virtual destruction" of the Bais HaMikdash every single year, year after year after year, as adjudicated on the Tenth of Teves. Perhaps this crying is a reason why by Yosef, unlike by Binyomin, the posuk says he "fell" (onto Binyomin); see note in Rashi. Perhaps Yosef "fell" to signify an ongoing repetition of the Churban HaBayis, reflecting that we simply fail to learn the lessons of the Churban, the destruction, and continue to "fall," to make the same types of mistakes and missteps.

(14.  Perhaps this event is juxtaposed immediately at the reunification of the two sons of Rochel because it is through them that we can overcome Amalek, and it is primarily the influence of   Amalek, the ultimate maisis (enticer to sin), in our midst that prolongs the bitter Exile. Perhaps one could suggest that due to the extended separation of the two sons of Rochel, Binyomin was denied the immense spiritual benefits of proximity to his older brother, and therefore, le'Doros, the Jewish People were left susceptible to succumbing to evil influences - ultimately sourced in Amalek - which ultimately precipitated the Destruction of the Bais HaMikdash. And it's by identifying infiltrating Amalekite ideas and attitudes that we can overcome the evils of Amalek, and become a truly free People - free to serve HaShem alone, and not serve men who rebel against Him, while feigning allegiance to Him.)

15.  Boruch HaShem, not all are remaining silent. A major protest was held monday night outside Israeli military prison Four, over the female draft in general, and over specific girls incarcerated recently.  Two of those girls, both religious, have been reportedly released since then, apparently in wake of the shock of that unusual protest. Protesters actually made their way inside the compound around 10:40pm, after a surrounding fence had been neutralized. In an open  manifestation of Divine Intervention, at about 11pm, the protesters witnessed the latenight co-ed mingling in the adjacent Army barracks, accentuating why it's so important for those incarcerated girls to remain resolute against doing anything that could lead them to enlist. (See for more details.) 

Those who care have whom to join in raising our voices.

16.  When the Redemption does arrive, we will be each confronted with our own inconsistencies, as described by Medrashim on this week's parsha (45:3). We, who care about Klal Yisroel in - and outside - Eretz Yisroel maintaining fidelity to the Torah, will be asked: what did we do to help these innocent girls stand up against being forced into the military?  It is our choice to have what to answer.

The Ottomans are back - what does that mean for Israel?
What has happened is that the historically powerful periphery states, Turkey and Iran, have risen to grab influence throughout the Middle East. These states, as the Ottoman Empire and Persian Empire, were weakened in 1920 and European powers supplanted their historic role. But now, with Europe looking more insular, these countries are rising again.
Turkey’s expedition to Libya is just one symbol of that new world order in the Middle East

Drafting Women-The Bride from her Chuppah?- Interview with Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

Russia transfers Naama Issachar back to Moscow prison
The Israeli Consulate in Moscow on Wednesday afternoon updated Yaffa Issachar, the mother of Naama Issachar, that her daughter is being transferred back to the Moscow prison she has been held in since April.

On Tuesday evening, Naama Issachar was been transferred from Moscow to a remote prison under poor conditions. In the new prison, her belongings - including warm clothes and books - were taken from her, and her mother was banned from visiting and sending letters.

On Wednesday morning, there was talk of removing Naama to an even more remote prison.

However, Russian authorities instead chose to transfer her back to Moscow.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Protesting AntiReligious Persecution by Modern Hellenists


Protesting Anti-Religious Persecution by Modern-Day Hellenists

By Binyomin Feinberg

4 Teves 5780 / Jan. 1, '20

A Brief Update:

A vibrant protest was held for several incarcerated religious girls avoiding military conscription on Monday night, at Israeli Military Prison Four. Events took an unexpected turn when a fence was broken down at about 11pm, and multiple Orthodox protesters entered a closed area, triggering a high alert. Several were arrested, and later released. The protesters happened to get a view of the adjacent army barracks, and saw first hand just why enlisting in the Army is so morally hazardous; the latenight mingling between the boys an girls in the barracks was appalling.

The protest (Hafgana) was held specifically to address Giyus Banos (the female draft), to raise awareness, and to protest the silence over this ongoing travesty and systemic abuse of fundamental human rights. Several known religious girls are currently incarcerated in Israeli military prison, over their refusal to sacrifice their religious principles - and personal purity - by serving in the notoriously promiscuous military.

One prisoner of conscience mentioned was the chareidi girl Rochel Efrat bas Ofrah [reported on recently], whose father was born in Iran. Her mother's father also hails from Iran. (In Iran, Jewish girls never had to worry about anything like this.)


Also mentioned at the protest was Sapir bas Naomi from Petach Tikva. Her family hails originally from Libya. They are a religious (Dati leumi) family, and she was somehow duped into enlisting. Subsequently, she realized what was involved, and fled.

Also mentioned was Inbar bas Ayalah (no further details available at the moment).

Yesterday, two groups went to protest at Prison Four lunchtime. The army became so agitated as a result of the hafgana the day before that they immediately called out high alert.

He’s an ultra-Orthodox rabbi, she’s a secular Jew. They share a goal

Neta first became aware of Israeli assimilation distress in her psychotherapy clinic. “I received the following phone call: ‘Don’t ask what just happened. We have to come in and talk.’ The frightened couple came in and had great difficulty believing that their son had brought home a non-Jewish girlfriend. As for the son? He did not have the slightest idea that this was even a problem. He did not want to cause his parents pain but he had no idea that this was important to them. He said, ‘Mom and Dad, you sent me to a public elementary school and, one day a week, to a Jewish Sunday school. Today I’m 25. What did you expect?’”

Should I Tell My Friend Her Husband Is Cheating on Her?

Can it be wise to have someone live in a fool’s paradise? Many years ago, the philosopher Robert Nozick asked us to imagine an “experience machine,” which could deliver any experience you liked: Although you would actually be floating in a tank with electrodes attached to your brain, you wouldn’t know it — you would think that you were writing a great novel or making a friend. Should you get hooked up? Nozick was clear that you shouldn’t. It matters that we’re in touch with reality. All of which is to say that a cheerful life lived in ignorance of important facts about your situation is worse than a less agreeable one lived with the truth. In a sense, what you don’t know can hurt you. And — assuming your informant is reliable — it’s an important fact about your friend’s marriage that her husband has had a long-term extramarital relationship.

Drafting Non-Religious Girls Vs. Kiruv


Drafting Non-Dati girls: Enemy of Outreach

by Binyomin Feinberg

4 Teves, 5780  °°  Jan. 1, '20

Question: In addition to all other considerations, if we're so interested in Outreach ("Kiruv") -  which we should be - why do we tolerate, even support a policy that systematically tramples on the legitimate needs of "non-Dati" girls for the same "automatic" exemption from Israeli military service that we (some of us) demand for religious girls?

Forcing girls into the immoral, exploitive military environment is one of the most effective ways of harming prospects for effective Kiruv (for some of the reasons that the girls are prohibited from enlisting to the extent of yai'horaig ve'al ya'avor).  The military environment takes a heavy spiritual/ religious toll on many religious soldiers, men and women. How much more so on those with a tenuous relationship with Judaism, or worse.

it's of course never too late for anyone who has a sincere desire to return to do so. But what are the prospects that someone who spends two years (or two weeks) in that promiscuous environment will opt to give up that lifestyle of hefkairus?

Secondly, how do you think those tens of thousands of non-"Dati" girls denied their legitimate needs to avoid conscription - into a notoriously exploitive military environment - feel about frum Jews? That we just care about ourselves, even when we have increased political power massively since the original draft issues arose about 70 years ago? 

Especially now, that the military is reneging on the initial status quo, and now pursuing religious girls (of all strata) with brazen indifference -- what substantive pretext do we really have to remain silent about the ongoing abomination of drafting girls of any type? 

Previously, some may have argued that those in Israel had sparse ability to organize major protests over "non-Dati" girls because that would endanger the protect status of religious girls.  [In reality, the argument initially probably was that, back in the early days of the State of Israel, most of the nonreligious girls wanted to enlist, so there simply weren't too many nonreligious girls for whom to fight. Now, that's changed radically. Many of them do not want want to serve in the military, for obvious reasons.]

That era clearly ended, as has been especially evident over the last year or two, under the faux rightwing government of Mr. Netanyahu.  Religious girls are no longer truly protected from conscription. [It's only a matter of time for everyone to wake up to that "new normal."] And we have reasonable expectation that that era will never return, especially with the ascension of religious parties to positions of massive "kabbolas tak'tzivim" (which we leave untranslated here). When Greed encounters Creed, the outcome is generally predictable. And that's even where the programs in question are totally legitimate.

We're now in the New Exploitive Order, where no type of girl, with the apparent but temporal exception of the politically connected communities, is safe from military conscription.  Thus, the argument for passivity that may have possibly once existed doesn't anymore. To the contrary, perhaps if the Maitav recruiters running after religious girls would realize that they're helping foment a united front (of sorts) - with religious Jews fighting for the nonreligious too - they'd step back, somewhat. Perhaps they would realize that they're undermining their own cause by fueling religious rage, via their antireligious focus on denying exemptions from religious girls. Thus, there is reason to fight for exemption for all girls even from a purely pragmatic perspective. So what are we waiting for?

For the First Time in Israel's History, Jewish Fertility Rate Surpasses That of Arabs

Jewish Israeli women's fertility rate exceeded in 2018 that of their Arab peers, for the first time in the country's history, according to data released Tuesday by the Central Bureau of Statistics. 

Share Share On Facebook Tweet Share On Twitter Print Print Article Email Email This Article December 31, 2019 11:08 am 0 Palestinian NGOs Reject European Aid, Due to Refusal to Renounce Terror Ties

Over 100 Palestinian NGOs have refused to sign an EU grant request because it demands that funds cannot be handed over to terrorist groups.
The director of the BDS organization Al-Haq, Shawan Jabarin, told The New Arab, “We demanded to include conditions stipulating that we do not have to recognize the criteria listed regarding terror groups.”