Monday, September 16, 2024

 Sotah (22b) King Jannai said to his wife, Fear not the Pharisees and the non-Pharisees but the hypocrites who ape the Pharisees; because their deeds are the deeds of Zimri but they expect a reward like Phineas.

Beware of those who act like Zimri and request a reward like Pinchas!

Counting Non-Observant Jews Towards a Minyan

Since the spies were clearly wicked people, and according to the Sages they were even heretics (claiming that Hashem did not have the power to bring the nation into the Land of Israel), it emerges that even the wicked can form an eidah.

Based on this, Rav Moshe Feinstein (Shut Iggros Moshe Vol. 1, no. 23) writes that the same condition applies to saying Kedushah with a minyan. According to many opinions, the only requirement is that the ten people should be Jewish. There are no further conditions, and even secular Jews, who have no connection to the Torah, can count towards a minyan for Kedushah if they are participating in the prayers.

From where do we know that ten men constitute a minyan?

I find it absolutely extraordinary that we learn about a minyan from two historic events.

One is the Korach rebellion, and the other is the story of the spies.

Jacob vs. Esau, Part 1: The Two Roles

The answer is that the nation of Israel really has two roles in the world – a “Jacob” role and an “Esau” role. The Jacob role is to be internally righteous people – to study Torah, to become more spiritual, and to develop a relationship with God. The studious, tent-dwelling Jacob was clearly grooming himself for such a role from his earliest years.

הרב קידש בחתונה לפי ‘היתר מאה רבנים’ – ונעצר ביציאה מהארץ

מקורביו טוענים כי הרב לא היה מעורב כלל בהליך ההיתר, וכי תפקידו הסתכם בכיבוד בלבד. עם זאת, נציגי האישה הראשונה הצליחו להשיג את צו עיכוב היציאה בטענה כי הרב תומך בסרבני גט ומסייע להם להינשא באמצעות היתר מאה רבנים

Trump Posts Disdain for Taylor Swift, Vance Defends Pet-Eating Claims

The controversy around an unfounded Republican talking point about immigrants eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio, shadowed Donald Trump’s campaign over the weekend, with the state’s Republican governor on Sunday calling the pet-eating rumor “garbage,” and Trump running mate JD Vance defending his circulation of the claims.

“This is a piece of garbage that was simply not true,” Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Sunday during an appearance on ABC News’s “This Week.” 

Crime down under Biden: Steve Rattner fact-checks Trump's latest claims

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Woman Behind Springfield Haitian Immigrants 'Eating Pets' Rumor Speaks Out

According to NewsGuard, an organization dedicated to combating internet misinformation, Lee was one of the first to spread the baseless rumor on social media, the screenshots of which were widely shared. The neighbor, identified as Kimberly Newton, reportedly got the information about the alleged incident from a third party, as per NewsGuard's findings and reported by NBC News.

Top MAGA Republican Calls Laura Loomer ‘Disgusting Garbage’

In a Friday post on X, Tillis shared a withering takedown, writing: “Laura Loomer is a crazy conspiracy theorist who regularly utters disgusting garbage intended to divide Republicans. A DNC plant couldn’t do a better job than she is doing to hurt President Trump’s chances of winning re-election. Enough.”

New Sefer Igros Moshe on the Parsha

 I wa approaced this Shabbos and asked to produce a sefer that brings Igros Moshe that is connected with the Parsha. As I am almost finished with the sefer on Parnossa and Luck it looks like a useful challenge

Any material or issues you think should be included - please notify me by email

Donald Trump and Loomer Tunes

Donald Trump likes to call his political opponents nuts, as in “crazy Nancy Pelosi,” so then why is he hanging with the 9/11 conspiracist Laura Loomer? Is he trying to lose the election?

We can’t believe we have to write this about a presidential candidate, but then Mr. Trump seems to like the company of Ms. Loomer, the 31-year-old online provocateur. She was backstage with the Trump team during this week’s debate with Kamala Harris and was in the spin room with the former President afterward.