Thursday, August 8, 2024

Trump praised Walz's George Floyd riot response in 2020, audio shows: 'Very happy'

As former President Trump blasts Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz over his response to the unrest in his state in May 2020 following the murder of George Floyd, a resurfaced audio recording shows that Trump had praised Walz at the time for how he "dominated" the situation.

In the audio recording, which was obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, Trump was on a phone call with Walz and other governors and officials on June 1, 2020.

"What they did in Minneapolis was incredible. They went in and dominated, and it happened immediately," Trump told Walz and the others on the call.

Vets Group Calls BS on GOP Attacks of Tim Walz’s Military Service

Several publications soon corrected the record. As noted by CNN, it was two months after Walz retired in 2005 to run for Congress when his former unit received orders to deploy. Nevertheless, right-wing commentators have insisted on pushing the baseless claim, as Media Matters for America pointed out.

Will Donald Trump Blow Another Election?

The Trump campaign knows this, but the problem is the candidate. Mr. Trump has his passionate followers who don’t want to hear a discouraging word. Yet the political reality is that he has a ceiling of support that is below 50% because so many Americans dislike him. And now that he is in the news every day campaigning, he is reminding those voters why they didn’t vote to re-elect him in 2020.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Blu Greenberg

Through the founding of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) she carved out the path for Orthodox women to become rabbis and explore greater participation in ritual. Through the creation of the International Beit Din (IBD), she has helped many agunot, women trapped in unwanted marriages.

'Two Potential Crimes' in Trump's Reported Egyptian Cash Scandal: Attorney

The article suggested that Trump's attorney general, Bill Barr, prevented the U.S. Attorney's Office in Washington from investigating further after the office obtained more information from Cairo on the cash withdrawals.

Trump Betrayal of Profamily Agenda & Supporters

 1) first version of a letter to the MonseyMevaser.Com (Aug. 1, p.10) regarding a a Torah-based perspective on Trump's gutting the GOP platform of its' previous opposition to Sodomist "marriage," Assisted Suicide/ Euthanasia, and much of Abortion-at-whim;

2) a timeless and powerful statement of Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik OBM, on the Torah imperative to UNCOMPROMISINGLY confront anti-Torah movements - whether being promoted by  governmental tyranny or otherwise, from Dialogue, Fall 2013, quoted at the conclusion of a landmark article by Rav Meir Twersky Shlit"a, "Judaism and Deviant Behavior."

Friends, again, we learn about yet another Trump betrayal of the profamily cause: 

This is one more example of what we've been warning about for years - about how Trump threatens to devastate the GOP and the Republican base (especially, via the elements of that base that serve Trump's LGBT agenda as useful idiots - by wearing the profamily badge - while supporting Trump no matter how grave his betrayal of the profamily agenda, aka "Ever-Trumpers") more than any elected Democrats could ever do on their own - to the GOP or the conservative base.

This betrayal also illustrates how much of an exploitationist Trump really is - all with much help from his enablers. His remaining, ostensibly-profamily Amen-Choir incessantly message Don "Grennell" Trump to feel reassured that - regardless of his flagrant, repeated betrayals of the authentic profamily, conservative cause -- he'll be able to rely on the unwavering support of said faux-pro-family activists -- to provide him cover and protection from the logical political consequences of his LGBTQ advocacy and more.

Consequently, Trump knows up front that he never needs to fear lurching Ever Leftward on moral values, especially LGB- & T/2 (the less extreme elements of the trans agenda) - given all the Ever-Trumper lemmings who have his back. (Together with the broader Trump Personality Cult Community - including far too many sadly post-cognitive people - we see why Trump need not spend so much on professional campaign staff...)

Consequently, we find Trump uninhibited about revealing - prior to the Republican Primary - that he's fully committed to "fighting hard" for the LGBTQ mob.*

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter,

Executive Director,

Help Rescue Our Children


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Tomim Tih'yeh [countering New Age influences internationally]:

Kamala Harris Now Leads in All Major Polling Averages

Vice President Kamala Harris now leads Donald Trump across all national poll aggregators.

Since launching her campaign in recent weeks, Harris has seen largely positive poll results. Overall, the polls indicate she has closed the gap on Trump compared to when President Joe Biden, who dropped out of the race on July 21, was on the ticket.

President Chosen by G-d?

Berachos (55a) There are three things which G-d Himself proclaims, namely, famine, plenty, and a good leader.

Berachos (55a) Rab Judah also said in the name of Rab: There are three things for which one should supplicate: a good king, a good year, and a good dream.

Researcher warns of whooping cough spike as disease spreads throughout Israel

Infectious disease expert says Israel is in the middle of an outbreak that occurs every four years; Health Ministry urges vaccination for pregnant women to lessen spread

Squad Member Cori Bush Ousted Amid Democrats' Israel Divide

Bush, who was elected to represent Missouri's 1st Congressional District in 2020, is a part of the progressive group of Democratic House lawmakers known as "the Squad," whose members have been some of the loudest critics of the Biden administration's policies regarding the Israel-Hamas war.

The congresswoman was among several Democratic lawmakers who boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's address to a joint session of Congress last month. In a statement at the time, Bush accused pro-Israel lawmakers of "continuing to green-light genocide" and "actively celebrating the man at the forefront of that genocide."

Bell, conversely, has promised to "fight to make sure the United States remains Israel's strongest ally" if elected to Congress. AIPAC also spent more than $8 million in advertisements supporting Bell's primary run, according to The New York Times.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Trump Runs Against Republicans in Georgia—Again

Mr. Trump’s rants are especially counterproductive because he needs Mr. Kemp’s organization in Georgia. Mr. Kemp is supporting the former President and is deploying his turnout machine, but Mr. Trump may convince many of those Republicans to vote for someone else or stay home as they did in 2020.

Mr. Trump won’t win if he’s fighting about the past instead of laying out an agenda for the future. But he simply can’t help himself.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Daas Torah Parnossa

 Berachos (28a) Rabban Gamaliel said I will go and apologize to R. Joshua. When he reached his house he saw that the walls were black. He said to him: From the walls of your house it is apparent that you are a charcoal-burner. He replied: Alas for the generation of which you are the leader, seeing that you know nothing of the troubles of the scholars, their struggles to support and sustain themselves! 

Deja vue from the 1920's

 Hofstadter quotes with some sympathy Hiram W. Evans, the imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who, he says, summed up the major issue of the time ‘as a struggle between “the great mass of Americans of the old pioneer stock” and the “intellectually mongrelised Liberals.”’ ‘We are a movement,’ Evans wrote, ‘of the plain people, very weak in the matter of culture, intellectual support, and trained leadership. We are demanding, and we expect to win, a return of power into the hands of the everyday, not highly cultured, not overly intellectualised, but entirely unspoiled and not de-Americanised, average citizen of the old stock…. This is undoubtedly a weakness. It lays us open to the charge of being “hicks” and “rubes” and “drivers of second-hand Fords.” We admit it.’

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Trump reopens old feud in Georgia. Some Republicans are scratching their heads.

“I’m sitting here scratching my head,” Bobby Saparow, a Republican operative and Brian Kemp’s former campaign manager, told POLITICO. “Attacking the popular governor of a pivotal swing state makes zero sense. If we want to actually unite, ask for the support of the guy who beat your endorsed primary opponent by 52 points and handily defeated Stacey Abrams.”