Monday, August 5, 2024

Deja vue from the 1920's

 Hofstadter quotes with some sympathy Hiram W. Evans, the imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, who, he says, summed up the major issue of the time ‘as a struggle between “the great mass of Americans of the old pioneer stock” and the “intellectually mongrelised Liberals.”’ ‘We are a movement,’ Evans wrote, ‘of the plain people, very weak in the matter of culture, intellectual support, and trained leadership. We are demanding, and we expect to win, a return of power into the hands of the everyday, not highly cultured, not overly intellectualised, but entirely unspoiled and not de-Americanised, average citizen of the old stock…. This is undoubtedly a weakness. It lays us open to the charge of being “hicks” and “rubes” and “drivers of second-hand Fords.” We admit it.’


  1. For every action, there is a reaction.
    Several years of liberals running rampant over society - the BLM riots, the pro-Hamas riots, universities descending into chaos, DIE declaring that the US is a Nazi-like country, and eventually there is a push back. The left went radical and now radicals on the right will respond. Only one thing is certain: the Jews will suffer.

  2. 馃挴. Jan 6th was a reaction to the lack justice to the BLM domestic terrorists

    1. jan 6 was simply anger of a sore loser

    2. If January 6th was a "reaction to the lack of justice to the BLM domestic terrorists", why were they attacking the US Capital and not, say, offices of local or state officials who they felt mishandled it? Why did they choose to do it on January 6? And why did they want to hang Mike Pence?

    3. Jan 6 was "If BLM can burn cities to the ground, we can prevent a fraudulent government from taking power. If the police and national guard didn't do anything to stop BLM, they are hypocrites if they try to stop us."

    4. Wow! Utter nonsense! In what sense was the election fraudulent? Oh your hero was rejected so that means the election process must be replaced by a mob of "heroes"?


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