Thursday, January 6, 2022
Cycle of child sexual abuse: links between being a victim and becoming a perpetrator
Do victims of sexual abuse turn into abusers?
It is a widespread belief that people who were sexually abused in childhood often participate in abusive relationships as adults— either as victimizers of children and adults, or as victims. Some people call this a dangerous myth, which can be used to explain or excuse the behaviour of those who sexually abuse children. It is offensive and unhelpful to demonize adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, the vast majority of who will never perpetrate sexual violence against others. There is, however, some empirical evidence for belief in this ‘cycle’, and the results of the few studies that explore this issue support this hypothesis. In an incisive study called ‘Cycle of Child Sexual Abuse: Links Between Being a Victim and Becoming a Perpetrator’, the authors found that, among 747 men studied, “the risk of being a perpetrator was positively correlated with reported sexual abuse victim experiences. The overall rate of having been a victim was 35 per cent for perpetrators and 11 per cent for non-perpetrators. A high percentage of male subjects abused in childhood by a female relative became perpetrators. Having been a victim was a strong predictor of becoming a perpetrator…” Other studies on sexually abused boys have shown that around one in five continue in later life to molest children themselves.
The Myth of the Abused Becoming Abusers
Adults physically abused as children not more likely to physically abuse their children
Barrett Whitener: Contrary to conventional wisdom, adults who were physically abused as children were no more likely to abuse their own children than were other adults their age. That’s the conclusion of researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health. Their study, which was published in the journal Science, relied on public records to identify children who had been physically abused back in the 1960s and ‘70s. In one of the longest-running studies of its kind, the researchers followed up several times, not only with the original abused children, now in their late 40s and early 50s, but also with their children. The adult children of the originally physically-abused parents were no more likely to have been physically abused than others their age. However, the children of the abused parents were more likely to have been neglected and to have been sexually abused.
Chief Rabbi’s secret mission for mother in twins custody battle
Meretz minister: 'Settlers in Homesh are subhuman'
Migdal Emunah
Rabbinical court rules divorced dad can vaccinate kids despite mom’s objection
A rabbinical court has ruled that a divorced father may vaccinate his young twins against the coronavirus despite the objections of their mother, it was reported on Wednesday.
“It was clear to me that I wanted to vaccinate the children — for health and also so they don’t infect those around them,” 6, a father of six-year-old twins, told Channel 13 news.
Guy, whose identity was obscured, also said that it was hard for children so young to wear masks all the time, indicating that without vaccination they could be more likely to catch the coronavirus or pass it on.
Israel Reports First Case of ‘Flurona’
Israel has documented its first case of the so-called “flurona” — a simultaneous coronavirus and influenza virus infection, Yediot reported on Thursday.
The double infection was first identified in a woman this week at Rabin Medical Center (Ichilov) in Petach Tikva. According to the hospital, the new mother, who is not vaccinated against either pathogen, is feeling well and is expected to be discharged from the hospital later Thursday.
The Health Ministry is still examining the case, which was relatively mild, and has yet to determine whether a combination of the two viruses causes more severe illness.
Health officials estimate many other patients have also come down with both bugs but have not been diagnosed.
Outrage as Israel’s Political Elite Test Positive for COVID After Lavish New Year’s Eve Rave
Ghislaine Maxwell to seek new trial after juror's sexual abuse claim -lawyer
Tucker Carlson: Democrats fixation on Jan. 6 reveals their midterm strategy
He described Jan. 6 as a violent terrorist attack. Of all the things Jan. 6 was, it was definitely not a violent terrorist attack. It wasn’t an insurrection. Was it a riot? Sure. It wasn’t a violent terrorist attack. Sorry. So why are you telling us it was, Ted Cruz? And why are none of your Republican friends who are supposed to be representing us and all of the people who were arrested during this purge saying anything?
What the hell is going on here? You’re making us think the Republican Party is as useless as we suspected it was. That can’t be true. Reassure us, please, Ted Cruz.
Tucker: Maybe the Republican party is as worthless as we suspected it was
For the Jan. 6 Rioters, Justice Is Still Coming