Monday, November 8, 2021

Ethiopian PM to Bennett: You let war criminals into Israel

Ethiopia’s prime minister accused Israel of allowing a number of officers involved in a massacre in their home country to find refuge in Israel, slamming Israel’s handling of a recent wave of immigrants from Ethiopia.

According to a report by Israel’s Channel 13 Monday afternoon, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed slammed his Israeli counterpart, Naftali Bennett, claiming that at least three to four of the recent Ethiopian immigrants brought to Israel were actually officers involved in a massacre.


An Eye for An Eye ֠Payment for the injury

             The Rambam's view regarding injury seems to be a continuation of his aforementioned position that not only would there have been room for corporal punishment, but even the money that is paid expresses the fact that "he deserves to lose a limb" – even the monetary payment is a kenas imposed on the person who caused the injury.  

What Does ‘Eye for an Eye’ Really Mean?

“An eye for an eye” may be an idiom, but the Torah always uses precise language, so why use this particular phrase? There is a purposeful subtext here: The perpetrator deserves to be injured or lose a limb in the same manner as the victim, but G‑d is compassionate, so the perpetrator makes financial restitution to the victim instead. It’s therefore important to bear in mind that, as is the case with all interpersonal transgressions, merely giving financial compensation should not be seen as having made amends for what was done, which can never fully be corrected; The best we can do is offer monetary compensation and beg forgiveness from the victim.


Fact check: False claims about George Soros

In a 1998 60 Minutes interview ( Soros says his father forged his family’s identity to protect them. Soros, as a teenager, was placed under custody of a government official with the premise of being his godson. During this time, Soros witnessed (but did not actively participate in) the confiscation of Jewish property (here). In the interview, Soros says he doesn’t feel guilt looking back at these events, mentioning that he was a child at the time and that he was a “spectator” to something that would have happened regardless of his presence. 


George Soros does not “own” ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter.

False. Conspiracy theories about George Soros visible in this post are unfounded.

Dozens of Ethiopians brought to Israel accused of scamming way onto airlift

 Dozens of people smuggled in a secret operation from Ethiopia to Israel recently may have misrepresented their Jewish ancestry and exaggerated the level of danger they were in, according to reports Sunday.

An investigation by the Immigration and Population Authority raised “serious doubts” regarding the vast majority of a group of 61 Ethiopians brought to Israel over the last several months, who may have been part of a conspiracy involving a man who immigrated from Ethiopia over 20 years ago, Haaretz reported.

Members of the community involved in the effort denied the accusations, according to Channel 12 news, which also published an assessment from the National Security Council claiming that there was no urgency to airlift efforts.

Israelis rally behind teen brutally bullied at school for viral video

Hundreds gathered Sunday night in central Israel to show support for an eighth-grade student from the city of Rishon Lezion, who was filmed being brutally bullied by his classmates at a local school.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

New Jersey GOP senator-elect Ed Durr apologizes for Islamophobic tweet

 In a 2019 tweet resurfaced by WNYC, Durr attacked the prophet Muhammad by name, denigrated Muslims as “fools,” and referred to Islam as a “false religion.”

Durr, 58, had made other incendiary claims on social media. He also downplayed the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol and touted other right-wing conspiracy theories and referred to all undocumented immigrants as “criminals,” among other comments that have gained scrutiny.

In 1st for Conservative movement, women rabbis tie knot in same-sex wedding

  You could call it bashert: 15 years after a landmark decision in Judaism’s Conservative movement that paved the way for gay and lesbian students to enter its rabbinical schools and for rabbis to perform same-sex weddings, it would seem like destiny that two Conservative rabbis would wed.

Of course, it happened at Camp Ramah.

Rabbi Ariella Rosen and Rabbi Becca Walker tied the knot at the Conservative movement’s camp in Palmer, Massachusetts, last month, with yet another queer woman rabbi, Megan GoldMarche, officiating. Rosen’s father, Rabbi Jim Rosen, also played a role.

4 cops hurt in Jerusalem riot over settler’s death in police chase last year

 Sandak, a resident of the Bat Ayin settlement, was fleeing Border Police in a car with three other so-called hilltop youth on December 21, 2020, when the car flipped over, killing him. According to police, Sandak’s group fled from police before losing control of their vehicle. Sandak’s defenders view his death as a police killing; they allege that the police car hit his vehicle from behind, causing it to run off the road.

COVID-19 vaccine for kids like Hitler Youth, child predators - pundit

Conservative political commentator Candace Ownes slammed the recent push in the US to vaccinate children aged five-11 against COVID-19 as being "sinister" and compared it to child predators and Nazi and Soviet youth programs.
Speaking to Fox News, Ownes directly responded to incentives recently pushed by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who offered $100 for children getting their first vaccine dose at public schools or municipal-run sites.
Owens slammed it as "not a good incentive" and told the news outlet that "there's something about this that feels like a child predator."

Attacks on Jewish people rising on Instagram and Twitter, researchers say

 Researchers who study social media say that they are seeing an increase in anti-Semitic posts from far-right users of Instagram and Twitter and that the services aren't doing enough about it.

Separate researchers who were independently looking at the two social networks said attacks on Jewish people had spiked on both services ahead of the midterm elections on Nov. 6, similar to a rise in harassment before the 2016 presidential election.

Many but not all of the posts mention billionaire investor and philanthropist George Soros, the researchers said. Soros is frequently the subject of unfounded conspiracy theories, and his home was among the targets in a series of attempted bombings this month.

Which Jews are criticizing Jewish philanthropist George Soros?

 It’s not just people in power who are calling attention to Soros: This spring, there were half a million negative tweets about him in one day, according to the Anti-Defamation League, which says the Soros theories “can serve as a gateway to the antisemitic subculture that blames Jews” for unrest in the US Many of the tweets, according to the ADL, blamed Soros for fomenting violence in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests.

This all creates a dilemma for Jews who oppose Soros’ actual activism but feel uneasy about the antisemitism against him. How can you criticize his billions of dollars in international philanthropy, for example, without the criticism fueling those who accuse him of masterminding a global conspiracy to destroy the American government? If you believe Soros is fundamentally opposed to what you believe are Jewish interests, such as support for Israel, what do you do when he’s the victim of Jew-hatred?


Saturday, November 6, 2021

Blinding is alternative to capitol punishment

Sanhedrin (27a) ] in the case of Bar Hama, who committed murder. The Resh Galutha said to R. Abba b. Jacob: Go and investigate the matter, if he is definitely the murderer, dim his eyes.[ Perhaps, ‘blind him,’ ‘put out his eyes.’] 

So Glenn Beck Calls George Soros a Nazi Collaborator? Marty Peretz Said It First

The part that’s gotten the most attention is a reference, repeated several times, to Soros’s childhood in Nazi-occupied Budapest, when Soros’s father hid him and his siblings with Christian families as their “godchildren.” As Soros describes in his own 2003 authorized biography, he went out at times with his godfather-protector to deliver Nazi orders to Jewish residents and — once, apparently — to inventory some property confiscated from Jews. Here’s how Beck tells it:



As Beck tells it, Soros