Monday, November 8, 2021

Fact check: False claims about George Soros

In a 1998 60 Minutes interview ( Soros says his father forged his family’s identity to protect them. Soros, as a teenager, was placed under custody of a government official with the premise of being his godson. During this time, Soros witnessed (but did not actively participate in) the confiscation of Jewish property (here). In the interview, Soros says he doesn’t feel guilt looking back at these events, mentioning that he was a child at the time and that he was a “spectator” to something that would have happened regardless of his presence. 


George Soros does not “own” ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter.

False. Conspiracy theories about George Soros visible in this post are unfounded.



    look at this amazing video of a Leviathan/ whale coming out of the water behind the fishing boat.

    reminds me of the Book of Jonah!

  2. Again: Reuters has been lying about Israel for decades. In the last couple of years it has joined with the rest of the MSM to lie about Trump, the BLM protests and the true objectives of the Woke Folk. Their "We rate this false" is like Pravda taking an accusation about torture in the Gulag and saying "We rate this false"

  3. So Soros is bad because he is being defended by Reuters against slander!
    Please cite examples of Reuters "lying about Israel for decades" you obviously have read a lot of these lies and should have no trouble selecting a few examples.
    Based on your claim that Reuters is lying about Soros please state what these lies are. Even a liar sometimes tells the truth and perhaps this article is accurate. Simply saying that obviously anyone defending Soros is lying is a poor tactic.

  4. You really need to do a chesbon hanefesh. A guy dedicates his energies and his millions to attacking Israel and harming the Jewish people but because he's anti-Trump, you run to defend him.

  5. Please show me what halacha says you can say any possible negative claim about him or anyone else you don't like- Truth doesn't matter
    Can I do that for Lapid Bennet or Trump? Even to call someone a Rasha is problematic


    Your article here claims he "DID NOT PARTICIPATE" in the confiscation of Jewish property. But that is false. He did participate. Why do you feel the need to lie about this?
    It's not as if he, as a 14 year old kid, crafted the nazi policy and sought to victimize the Jewish people. One could reasonably argue he didn't have much choice in the matter. (Although that can't be known entirely one way or the other. Why would he have to participate in this? And given his attitudes today, the assumption that this was against his will cannot be automatically accepted. And the tone and comments of the interview do nothing to dispel the idea that this wasn't something bothersome to him) BUT HE DID PARTICIPATE. STOP LYING ABOUT IT.

    Interview transcript:
    Kroft: "My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson."
    Soros: "Yes. Yes."
    Kroft: "Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews"
    Soros: "That's right."

    And from earlier in the same 60 minutes program THAT YOU LINKED.

    Kroft (narration): "... But survival carried a heavy price tag. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds, confiscating property from the Jews."

    Obviously everything that went into the narration for this program was likely cleared with Soros ahead of time too.
    So that's his interview answers and the narration all saying the same thing. Soros doesn't lie about what he did. Why do you lie on his behalf?
    Same thing with his current activities. He thinks it's moral to support leftwing and anti-Israel causes. He does not hide it. Why do YOU try to hide it?

  7. What negative story did he make up?
    You keep making this accusation yet you can't point to any false stories or any real examples of this that have been committed by Garnel or anyone else here. Soros supporting causes for the destruction of the Jewish people is not a "made up negative story."

  8. This "fact check" is a lie, and you lie by posting it, and you lie by continuing to remove my comments pointing out reality.
    Interview transcript:
    Kroft: "My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson."
    Soros: "Yes. Yes."
    Kroft: "Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews"
    Soros: "That's right."

    And from earlier in the same 60 minutes program THAT YOU LINKED.

    Kroft (narration): "... But survival carried a heavy price tag. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds, confiscating property from the Jews."


please use either your real name or a pseudonym.