A Brooklyn man who fled to Israel in 2010 amid accusations of child molestation was extradited back to the Big Apple on Thursday, officials said.
A Brooklyn man who fled to Israel in 2010 amid accusations of child molestation was extradited back to the Big Apple on Thursday, officials said.
“The fact is I’m a cheerleader for this country. I love our country and I don’t want people to be frightened,” Trump said at the White House. “We’ve done well from any standard.”
According to the interviews, CNN and The Washington Post reported, Trump knew the virus was dangerous in early February.
“It goes through the air,” Trump said in a recording of a Feb. 7 interview with Woodward. “That’s always tougher than the touch. You don’t have to touch things. Right? But the air, you just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed.
Every scientific discovery which appears to contradict the Torah, in truth, comes to strengthen our religious understanding; "to build upon it the palace of the Torah." This is similar to the idea of the kodesh kodashim being built on top of the kodesh and chol. Scientific discoveries actually contribute to the enhancement of the world of the "beit midrash." Once we have reached the level of kodesh kodashim, and we are comfortable with this principle regarding science, we can then give an honest criticism of scientific ideas. They may not yet be sufficiently developed (as was the case with evolution in Rav Kook's day), they may be inaccurate or primitive or merely incorrect, but in any event our criticism must not stem from feeling attacked by science. As Alfred North Whitehead believed, science leads religious men to better religious understanding. For example, in the past people had a more literal understanding of the statement "God lives in the heavens." However, after scientific discovery revealed the nature of the heavens, the idea is understood in a spiritual sense. His presence is not geographically defined; He is everywhere, but is hidden as if He were "in the heavens."
It is important to note that a hundred years ago, when the letter was written, the scientific world had not arrived at any convincing answer, other than Darwin's hypothesis, as to how the world as we know it began. The theory of evolution was greeted in the religious world – especially the Christian world – as an atheistic teaching, since it proposed a manner of the world's creation that did not assume any transcendental will and was based on the assumption that our natural world can be understood purely on the basis of its internal processes. Darwin's theory that man was a descendant of apes likewise contradicted the foundations of the religious perception of man – a perception that regarded man as fundamentally different from other natural creations, and therefore maintained that he must have been created separately (and obviously by God).
But doesn't the apparent age of the dinosaurs contradict the Torah? Well, to claim so, one would have to claim to understand what the Torah actually means with its account of Creation. But this raises many matters of interpretation; for example, how do you measure a "day" when the sun is only created on the fourth one? How do you determine the flow of time when it varies depending on how near you are to objects of large gravitational mass? Since we have so little understanding of these matters, how can dinosaurs frighten us?
Far from being frightened by dinosaurs, Rabbi Yisrael Lifshitz, author of the Tiferet Yisrael commentary on the Mishna, received the news of fossil discoveries in the nineteenth century with delight. As he had undoubtedly expected, they confirmed everything that we knew all along. He writes:
A paper published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, a peer-review journal that is open to the public, concludes that the coronavirus was spreading widely in Orthodox communities across the country last spring around that Jewish holiday — before public health warnings were given about the dangers of large assemblies.
Even Conservative rabbis do not recognize Reform conversions. When I spoke at a Reconstructionist temple’s public panel alongside a Reform rabbi and a Conservative rabbi on the subject of conversion, everyone in the audience expected that a major onslaught would be directed universally at me once I spoke simple truths. But that never happened. Instead, when the Reform rabbi said that he does not require immersion into a mikveh for conversion — or even into a swimming pool or home bath tub (not that either of those last two would have any halakhic consequence at all) — it was the Conservative rabbi who interjected: “My movement would not recognize such a conversion!”
The Israeli Medical Association called on Wednesday for a criminal investigation into threats and incitement from antivaxxers against health care professionals working to encourage vaccination.
The statement came the day after the revelations that Prof. Galia Rahav, a member of the Health Ministry panel that has been advising on vaccinations, was receiving threatening messages from antivaxxers.
בהודעת משרד הבריאות נאמר בין היתר: “אנו מגנים איומים וגינויים כלפיי צוותי הרפואה והרופאים השוחרים במדע. פרופ’ גליה רהב הסכימה לתת מזמנה הפרטי והיא שותפה בצוות הוועדה המייעצת למשרד הבריאות, בהתנדבות מלאה. אנו מודים לכל חברי הצוות על השתתפותם ומוקירים זאת”.
בהודעה נאמר עוד: “פרט לכך פרופ’ גליה רהב מטפלת במסירות ובמקצועיות באלפי חולים במחלות זיהומיות בכלל ובוודאי במגפת הקורונה והצילה את חייהם של אלפי אנשים”.
במשרד ציינו: “אנו דוחים בשאט נפש את ההודעה המגנה אותה ומשווה אותה לעבר האפל של העולם. זו בושה וכלימה עבור אותם אנשים שבחרו להתבטא ככה.
“בזכות שיתוף הידע והשיח בין המומחים אנו בחזית המאבק בקורונה ותוצאות מבצע החיסונים הן מהטובות בעולם, זאת משתקף בבטיחות ובמועילות החיסון בישראל”.
“The real question we have is [how] to prevent fake conversions that could enter the country,” he said in the interview, which was broadcast by the Tel Aviv International Salon. “You know, a lot of people want to come into Israel. In fact, I put up a fence, they call it a wall, but I prevented the overrunning of Israel, which is the only first-world country that you can walk to from Africa. We would have had here already a million illegal migrants from Africa, and the Jewish state would have collapsed.”