Thursday, October 29, 2020

Covid-19: Antibody levels ‘waning quite rapidly’ after infection, new study finds


  • Antibodies appear to decrease rapidly after SARS-CoV-2 infection, a recent study found

  • Asymptomatic individuals involved in the study were also found to quickly lose antibodies 

  • The results stress the need for everyone to continue following preventative measures

Covid-19 May Cause 'Significant' Declines in Cognitive Function, According to Survey of Patients

A study of more than 84,500 people backs prior indications that surviving the novel coronavirus may be associated with potentially serious cognitive deficits, Reuters reported on Tuesday. While the new study, which is based on an online survey, has some major limitations, other research has found that covid-19 can cause neurological issues even in people with mild cases.

The research team, led by Imperial College London’s Adam Hampshire, reviewed data from the Great British Intelligence Test—a collaborative project with BBC2 Horizon that collects a broad array of cognitive test and questionnaire data. It was expanded to include questions about covid-19 infection in May; in the dataset of about 84,500 people, 9,201 reported infections without respiratory symptoms; 3,466 had respiratory difficulties but did not obtain medical assistance; 176 required medical attention at home; 147 were hospitalized; and another 60 had to go on a ventilator.



Some Covid Survivors Have Antibodies That Attack the Body, not Virus

 Some survivors of Covid-19 carry worrying signs that their immune system has turned on the body, reminiscent of potentially debilitating diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, a new study has found.

At some point, the body’s defense system in these patients shifted into attacking itself, rather than the virus, the study suggests. The patients are producing molecules called “autoantibodies” that target genetic material from human cells, instead of from the virus.

This misguided immune response may exacerbate severe Covid-19. It may also explain why so-called “long haulers” have lingering problems months after their initial illness has resolved and the virus is gone from their bodies.

Is Netanyahu dumping Trump? - opinion

 Netanyahu, who is more fluent in many more languages than Trump, including English, has no doubt seen the writing on the wall, and in both directions it says Joe Biden has a good chance of becoming the next US president.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been doing some of that writing on the wall himself, also took a slap at Trump this week when he exonerated the Bidens, declaring, “I don’t see anything criminal” about any business Hunter Biden might have done in Russia or Ukraine. Trump’s hysterical accusations of a Biden family criminal conspiracy, fed by a deranged Rudy Giuliani, have been crumbling.The US poll numbers Netanyahu has been reading show not only that Republicans could be in for a drubbing (I stopped making predictions after I said Hillary Clinton was a sure thing four years ago), but Jewish voters are once again expected to vote three-to-one Democratic.Trump and a Republican Congress were Netanyahu’s protection in the past. No foreign leader has embraced Trump and the GOP more tightly than this Israeli premier.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Jared Kushner bragged in April that Trump was taking the country 'back from the doctors'

The statement reflected a political strategy. Instead of following the health experts' advice, Trump and Kushner were focused on what would help the President on Election Day. By their calculations, Trump would be the "open-up president."

Why deaths aren't rising as fast in Covid-19's second wave, despite big spikes in new infections

The most obvious reason for the lower death toll is age.
The first wave of the pandemic hit Europe's elderly people particularly hard, spreading in hospitals and care homes, but this has changed over the summer, with the virus circulating more widely among younger people going to restaurants, bars and other public places.



10 Leaders Who Stuttered 

10. Joe Biden. Vice President Joe Biden came out very publicly a few years ago and said that he overcame a stutter after years of childhood teasing, including taunts from his seventh-grade teacher who mocked him in front of the whole class.

President Donald Trump’s Most Epic Gaffes of All Time

Jared Kushner has some thoughts on Black success and they’re definitely not the delusions of a spoiled white brat

 Jared Kushner is a privileged white man whose greatest accomplishments include being born into a privileged family and then marrying into an even more privileged one. Somehow, this makes him think he’s qualified to lecture Black people about how to make it in America. So much so that he effectively implied that Black Americans don't want to be successful on Fox News this morning.


Trump attacked Biden for warning against '4 more years of George,' but the Democrat was probably referring to moderator George Lopez

  • Trump seized on the apparent gaffe to attack Biden on Monday, tweeting: "Joe Biden called me George yesterday. Couldn't remember my name. Got some help from the anchor to get him through the interview."
  • The campaign event was being hosted by the comedian George Lopez.
  • Biden has been open about his stutter and previously described himself as a "gaffe machine."
  • Trump's campaign has long sought to portray Biden as mentally unfit for office. In a separate interview, Biden said he was happy to have his mental capabilities compared with Trump's.



Biden was speaking to George Lopez in widely shared video

 CLAIM: In an interview, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden confused President Donald Trump with former President George W. Bush.

  AP’S ASSESSMENT: Missing context. Biden and his wife, Jill, were being interviewed by actor and comedian George Lopez during the virtual “I Will Vote” concert Sunday.

 THE FACTS: Social media users are sharing a 27-second clip of Joe and Jill Biden to suggest that Biden is not mentally fit to run for office ahead of Election Day. But the clips being widely shared lack context.


Did Joe Biden confuse Donald Trump with George W. Bush?

 In the clip, Biden says "George" while discussing the significance of the upcoming election, which some viewers took as an allusion to former President George W. Bush.

The clip was shared on Twitter by Republican National Committee rapid response director Steve Guest, who used it to attack Biden’s mental acuity. The next day, media outlets including Fox News, Sky News, and the Today Show published stories on Biden’s comments, and Trump tweeted about it.

Some reporters, however, pointed out that Biden could have been referring to his interviewer, comedian George Lopez. 


 Joe Biden: "Well, first of all, the reason they should vote is that there’s a lot on the ballot this year. I mean, this is the most consequential… Not because I’m running but because of who I’m running against. This is the most consequential election in a long, long, long time. And the character of the country in my view is literally on the ballot, what kind of country are we going to be. Four more years of George uh… George, we’re going to find ourselves in a position where if Trump gets elected, we are going to be in a different world. And so… The reason I think people should be voting is out of their own self-interest right now, because look, you know, everything is at stake from the environment to our health. You heard what his, his, his chief of staff —"



Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Obama blasts Kushner for suggesting that Black Americans need to 'want' to be successful

 Kushner made the comments during an interview on “Fox & Friends” on Monday morning during which he also referred to raising concerns about racial inequality as “complaining” and suggested that those who protested systemic racism over the summer were more interested in “virtue signaling” than solving those issues.

 "The thing we've seen in the Black community, which is mostly Democrat,” Kushner argued, “is that President Trump's policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they're complaining about, but he can't want them to be successful more than they want to be successful."

Jared Kushner Faces Backlash Over Comments Considered Racist | Morning Joe | MSNBC