Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Trump angrily lashes out when confronted with critiques of coronavirus response


Trump was short-tempered and rude during much of his daily briefing on Monday as he refused to even listen to questions about shortcomings in the federal government effort. On Sunday, Trump muzzled the country's top infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci before he could contradict his own gushing assessment of an unproven Covid-19 therapy. On Monday, the President also blasted a report by an experienced Health and Human Services Department watchdog official that found critical supply shortages at hospitals all over the country, claiming it was politically motivated.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Fox News Is Finally Being Sued For Constantly Lying To Their Viewers

PM: Israel in lockdown for Passover holy days, confined to homes on Seder night


The prime minister said the nationwide lockdown would last from 4 pm Tuesday until 7 am Friday. The curfew will last from 6 pm Wednesday until 7 am Thursday,m during which time people would be confined to their homes.

Don't scapegoat the haredim for the coronavirus crisis


Pictures of haredim holding large weddings after the government prohibited gathering of more than 10 people are maddening, But so, too, were photos of crowded Tel Aviv beaches.


Thousands of NY COVID patients are being treated with anti-malarial drug


I n terms of the NYU clinical trial regarding prevention, researchers are enrolling 2,000 adult volunteers at six sites.
They are recruiting people who lack any COVID-19 symptoms but have been in close contact with others who have a confirmed or pending diagnosis.
On a random basis, the trial participants will receive either hydroxychloroquine or a placebo pill — vitamin C — every day for two weeks.

Trump grilled over continued promotion of hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus – video


 US president Donald Trump has again urged Americans to try the drug hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus. Though the drug has not undergone tests to prove its effectiveness in treating the virus, Trump has continued to advocate for it, telling reporters: ‘What do you have to lose?’ Dr Anthony Fauci, the top doctor on infectious diseases in the US and a key member of the White House task force, told CBS Face the Nation program there was nothing to suggest the medicine had any benefit against coronavirus. ‘The data are really just at best suggestive. There have been cases that show there may be an effect and there are others to show there’s no effect’. When asked at the daily press briefing, Trump refused to allow Dr Fauci to answer questions about the drug’s effectiveness

Berman to Navarro: Why are you qualified to weigh in on coronavirus treatments?

Opinion | Sean Hannity wants to rewrite history on Fox's coronavirus coverage. He can't.

How Bill de Blasio Failed New York City

Much has been wanting about Trump’s response to the outbreak. But de Blasio’s fulminations against Trump are clearly meant to divert from his own failures of leadership. De Blasio equivocated on obvious measures like closing schools. He could not even bring himself to close the city’s playgrounds. When these were finally shuttered, it was by decree of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. De Blasio went along with the plan reluctantly—“I respect that,” he said of the decision—like a child being dragged to the dentist by his determined dad. On WYNC on Friday, he said researchers had only discovered “in the last 48 hours” that asymptomatic people can spread the disease. If Trump made the same preposterous claim, there would be howling calls for impeachment, renewed questions about his state of mind. Public-health professionals have known for months how the coronavirus spreads and who can do the spreading. If de Blasio didn't know, the fault is fully his own.

ZAKA head: Ultra-Orthodox ‘completely confused’ by virus, looking for leadership


The head of the ZAKA voluntary emergency organization, which has been helping implement restrictions in ultra-Orthodox communities in order to halt the spread of the coronavirus, said Sunday that there is vast confusion among Israel’s Haredim about the pandemic, and a growing sense of disappointment among the community that their leadership has failed them.

After Trump Bans All N95 Mask Exports, Canadians Remind U.S. That They Helped Americans After 9/11


Canadians across the country expressed hurt and disappointment that their neighbor and longstanding ally is blocking shipments of the masks from the United States to ensure they are available in the U.S. during the coronavirus pandemic. Canadian health care workers — like those in the U.S. — are in dire need of the masks that provide more protection against the virus that causes COVID-19.

Black hat hackers: 6 things to know for April 6




Netanyahu reportedly waffles on expanding closures to additional Haredi towns and neighborhoods as ultra-Orthodox ministers accuse him of singling out their community

Jared Kushner's spine-chilling new role


Kushner's translucent presence -- his affect, bereft of even the slightest hint of empathy, in perfect synchrony with his callous words -- was a spectacle suitable for our nightmarish times.
Now we know why Trump has put him in charge of so many intractable problems. Kushner is afflicted by a superabundance of unwarranted self-confidence. He is an introverted Trump; arrogance without flamboyance.
Kushner chastised governors, with citizens literally gasping for air, for asking the federal government to help find life-saving ventilators. "Don't ask us for things when you don't know what you have in your own state. Just because you're scared, you ask your medical professionals and they don't know," he reprimanded.

Judge Jeanine: America is at war and Trump is the leader we need