Igros Moshe (OC IIII #93) Question Is it permitted to go on a pleasure trip on Sukkos to a place that does not have a sukkah?Answer At first thought It seems that it should be prohibited since one is not supposed to leave the sukkah unless there is an actual need that would require he leave his house such as going to work.
Igros Moshe (EH IV #32.8) Question You have doubts about what I wrote that it is prohibited to take a pleasure trip on Sukkos to a place without a Sukkah Answer Perhaps you mean that there might be s a difference between a trip in Israel for a visit of a short time or outside of Israel? You might think that since he is in Israel a short time that the travel to see the sights is considered an actual significant need as opposed to a pleasure trip outside Israel? It would seem in such a case it would be permitted if he can’t spend more time in Israel for touring. Actually this reasoning would also permit it outside of Israel if there is a mitzva associated with the trip. Even traveling to any foreign country which has things people want to see and he would miss seeing them because of Sukkos it would be permitted. However taking a trip just for pleasure would be prohibited if there is no Sukkah to eat and sleep in. Also if he will be there a number of days after Sukkos in which to see the sights it would be prohibited if there is no Sukkah.
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