Can you imagine what they would do with another $5 billion?
The leftist groups running in this election are more left and more liberal than ever before — and they’re busy gathering many tens of thousands of votes to advance their agenda.
A group of Torah askanim met recently to assess this situation, and discussions with gedolim in Eretz Yisrael (who live with the results of Reform and left-wing influences) and in the United States led to encouragement of the plan to create a Torah slate to run in these elections, in order to try to limit the influence of the liberal Jewish community. Although the Torah community has traditionally not involved itself in the WZO, circumstances and situations are now different. Today it’s become an eis la’asos — a timely obligation to stand up for Torah values.
To that end, Eretz HaKodesh, an American initiative to protect and uphold true Torah values in Eretz Yisrael, was created, putting together a slate of delegates that represent the yeshivah, chassidic, Sephardic, and Israeli Torah communities of the United States.
Eretz HaKodesh has the backing of numerous rabbanim, including Rav Elya Brudny, who explained the position of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudath Israel of America at the recent Agudah national convention. Rav Asher Weiss of Jerusalem expressed in a video how important he felt it was for every Torah Jew to vote in this election. Both videos can be seen on their websites.
And the rest of us see this: You don't serve in the army. You hardly pay taxes. You demand every last state benefit and then some while refusing to contribute to the economy. All along you condemn Israel and Zionism (cf. Goldknopf's recent horo with the NK'niks). But along comes some money and suddenly poof! We're not Zionists but we want Zionist money!