Monday, March 24, 2025

The rise of ultra-Orthodox feminism: a movement against all odds

Once deemed impossible, Haredi women have organized to challenge exclusion from political parties; while no women have entered the Knesset yet, their activism is reshaping political discourse

"The first step I took was to check whether there was a halachic issue with electing women," Shoshan said at the book launch. "When I learned that this was a cultural, not a halachic issue, we turned to a learned rabbi, who published a Torah booklet clarifying that there is no halachic obstacle to electing women to the Knesset. However, the rabbi refused to attach his name to the booklet."

1 comment :

  1. For every action there is a reaction.
    Some Chareidi women are brainwashed. Sitting at the back of the bus? A mitzvah! Watching the kids and working so the husband can sit in kollel drinking coffee and waving his thumb? A mitzvah! Like Uncle Remus, they are happy slaves.
    And some still think and what do they see? That they are erased from photos because they are automatic sex objects driving men into uncontrollable lust. That they can speak their idea but only if a rabbi approves, no matter how much they've learned on the subject. That if human parthenogenesis was invented tomorrow, within a generation the Chareidi community would be 100% male. And they're tired of it.


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