Saturday, July 20, 2024

Biden hits Trump over RNC speech: ‘What the hell was he talking about?’

President Biden took to social media Friday evening to blast former President Trump over the speech he gave while accepting the GOP presidential nomination at the final night of the Republican National Convention (RNC).

“I’m stuck at home with COVID, so I had the distinct misfortune of watching Donald Trump’s speech to the RNC,” Biden posted on social media platform X. “What the hell was he talking about?”


  1. They're misinterpreting. He's saying "What the hell was he talking about?" because it was too hard for him to follow it.

    1. Wow so you understood his nonsense?!

    2. He had my support when he brought out Hulk Hogan!

    3. he is such a genius even his nonsense is hard to comprehend

    4. So you want a clown as president - Trump is not dumb enough

  2. I haven't seen any reference on here acknowledging that biden has withdrawn from the race. Why is it so difficult to face reality?

    1. The question is: does Biden remember he withdrew from the race?
      The problem for DT is how to support Harris, someone who has repeatedly made statements that show she's anti-Israel and willing to pander to the Muslim vote.

    2. The problem is how to decide an approach, and whether to treat it as a quasi-halachic problem, when in fact it is tangential to halacha. One of the dilemmas he presented when there was machloket between the Bnei Brak Lithuanians and the Yerushalmi faction, was that Halacha required you to follow both opinions.
      But this could also be a case of "denial" - which is a Freudian defence mechanism, which is not recognized here.
      There is a 3rd problem, that Harris is married to a Jewish man, and she has not, as far as is known, been approached by the EJF for a forced easy conversion.
      So it is a highly complex problem for all the above reasons. Best to remain silent, or just pile on how bad Trump is.

    3. If you're looking for a new TV show but want to know if it's a Woke-infested piece of trash, you go to Rotten Tomatoes. They have two scores there - the critics score and the audience score. The critics are the elites - they love their diversity, Woke stuff and DEI. The audience is honest - they want a good story and acting. If the critic score is 90% or higher and the audience score is 20% or lower, you know it's a Woke piece of trash.
      Kamala Harris is kind of like that. The liberal elites give her 100% but for 4 years the public has given her 40% or less. And it's the public that votes.

    4. The question is not Biden .but Trump who insists he is still president after losing the election or rather the problem is people who long for a fascist dictator and oppose democracy

    5. You mean like the Democratic Socialists of America, or the pro-Hamas protestors on university campuses, or the DIE folks?

    6. Nope I mean the Republican Party

  3. Biden insists he's still president even though sadly, he's been forced to step down because he's not well. He should have refuah shleimah.

    1. Biden didn't resign the presidency

    2. He's withdrawn from the 2024 election campaign. The real reason is that he is not mentally competent to run. That being the case, he is not competent to be a lame duck wearing the Emperor's new clothes for the next 6 months. The Dems have been deceiving the World for a few years already.

    3. True, but he's in a rare position. He's not a second term president lame duck but a 1st time one which is very different.


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