Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Not Responding to Embarrassment Gives power of Beracha?

 There is a widespread claim that not responding when someone insults or embarrasses you gives you the power of Beracha

Does anyone know its source?

I have been told it comes from the statement  "toleh eretz al blima" but can find nothing, it is also claimed the following is the source but I don't see how?

Chullin (89a)With regard to that verse, Rabbi Ile’a says: The world endures only in the merit of one who restrains [shebolem] himself during a quarrel, as it is stated: “He hangs the earth upon nothing [belima]. Rabbi Abbahu says: The world endures only in the merit of one who renders himself as if he were non-existent, as it is stated: “And underneath are the everlasting arms” (Deuteronomy 33:27), i.e., one who considers himself to be underneath everything else is the everlasting arm that upholds the world. 

Rambam (Sanhedrin 26:06) Although a judge or a nasi has the right to look past affronts to his honor, he cannot look past being cursed. Similarly, with regard to other people, even though the person who was cursed is prepared to look past the matter, the person who uttered the curse is lashed, for he committed a transgression and incurred liability. If, however, a person is obligated to be placed under a ban of ostracism, because he conducted himself in an unbridled manner in court, and the judges desire to look past the affront to their honor and not impose a ban of ostracism, they have that license, provided it will not lead to a decline in the honor of the Creator. For example, people at large were repudiating the words of the Torah and the judges. Since the people overstepped the bounds, the court must act firmly and punish as they see necessary.


  1. There's the obvious gemara that says that one who overlooks an insult has God overlook his insults towards Him. Maybe being in "the good book" gives you that power?

  2. Not an exact source, but related:
    Iggeres HaGra
    וכל רגע ורגע שהאדם חוסם פיו, זוכה בשבילו לאור הגנוז שאין מלאך ובריה יכולים לשער.

  3. Chullin 89a
    אמר רבי אילעא, אין העולם מתקיים אלא בשביל מי שבולם את עצמו בשעת מריבה, שנאמר (איוב כו ז) תולה ארץ על בלימה.

    1. Where does it say you get the power to give Berachos?

  4. It speaks about the well known segula without saying the source

  5. שבת פח: גיטין לו:): "הנעלבים ואינם עולבים שומעים חרפתם ואינם משיבים, עושים מאהבה ושמחים בייסורים, עליהם הכתוב אומר: 'ואוהביו כצאת השמש בגבורתו

    Much better than bracha giving powers

    1. That doesn't explain the source of the segula only possibly why it might work


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