Monday, July 11, 2022

Despite claims of Trump-era 'energy independence,' the US never stopped importing foreign oil

In fact, contrary to prominent Republicans' suggestions over the last month that the US had just recently started consuming Russian energy under Biden, US energy imports from Russia spiked during the Trump presidency.
And that isn't the only thing Republicans have gotten wrong.
Contrary to claims from Trump and other Republicans, Biden has not "shut down" American energy: US crude oil production in Biden's first year was higher than in each of Trump's first two years and just narrowly shy of production in Trump's last year, though substantially lower than production in Trump's record-setting third year. And experts say it is economic factors and cautionary pressures from Wall Street, not anything Biden has done, that has made US oil companies reluctant to dramatically ramp up production from current levels.


  1. The environmentalists block fracking, oil field development in the far north and shale gas exploration and then complain that the US has to import oil.

  2. And how do you know that would make the difference?

  3. More false republican talking points!


    there was a partial fracking ban

    there has bene a rearrangement of fossil fuel supplies - - US is exporting more to europe, who are stopping russian imports. Russia is exporting to china and asia, and Norway is redistributing its exprots from Asia to europe/UK.

  5. yes but that is not what trump and supporters have been claiming

  6. Just weeks into the conflict, EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen struck a deal with Biden, with the US pledging to supply American LNG to the European Union “until at least” 2030, as the latter aims to completely cut ties with Russian gas as fast as possible. The agreement scrapped the plans of halting new oil and gas extraction on public lands. Rather, it did the exact opposite, calling for more drilling and the release of oil from the government’s emergency stockpiles to help cut rising gas prices. In fact, in late April 2022, the White House announced it was opening up public land for drilling – nearly 144,000 acres – to new oil and gas leases, just months after suspending them. While Biden’s promise to ship more LNG to Europe may abate the energy price crisis and contribute to softening the rising costs, it is also extremely likely to hamper the transition to renewable resources. Some experts even argue that the new LNG infrastructure needed to meet the EU’s import demand would embed fossil fuel in the economy for decades. In a bid to justify the decision of opening up more land for drilling, the US released a report that shows the country is on course to produce enough renewable energy to power about 9.5 million homes by 2025. While this is certainly good news, we should not let this distract us from the fact that the Ukraine conflict is exposing the consequences that the US may face by having other countries rely so much on its fossil fuels.

  7. It's probably him confusing economic terms. USA could be a net exporter of fuel /energy.
    We had the same problem with north sea oil, at its peak. We had to export it because our refineries were attuned to middle east oil, in the 70s and 80s. So UK was a net exporter of oil, but still needed to import.


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