Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Why Democrats are begging Trump to start 2024 right now


Democrats aren’t just eager for Donald Trump to cannonball into the 2024 presidential race before the fall midterms. Across the country, they are actively plotting ways to immediately capitalize on a pre-November announcement.

1 comment :

  1. The press routinely lies about chareidim. If I believed everything I read in the press I'd think every Chareidi rabbi is a paedophile with a long list of molested boys he's hiding. You don't believe that.
    The press routinely lies about Israel. If I believed everything I read in the press I'd think Israel is running concentration camps for the Arabs in Yesha. You don't believe that.
    The press routinely lies about Trump. They skip over anything good he does and they report any unsubstantiated rumour as established fact. And you DO believe that.
    Don't you find that inconsistent?


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