Monday, January 10, 2022

Rav Sternbuch's Opaque letter


This letter is apparently a continuation of the war against secular influences and makes no reference to the allegations of abuse or that the author committed suicide. It simply says his books are a bad influence apparently because he supposedly didn't get a proper yeshiva education. He says that rabbis have already prohibited them - but there is no mention of which rabbis I assume he is referring to the Eidah's ban. [see letter below which appeared in the summer.] 


  1. Yes, the print is not very clear
    but the condemnation is

  2. yes what was the condemnation - that he was a rapist or his books are a bad influence because he wasn't educated properly in yeshiva?

  3. I see, your point.
    Presumably he doesn't wish to offend anyone in bnei brak. It has gone too far to sit on the fence though. Some still claim it was a set up. This is pretty clear the books should not be in frum houses. Why should he sully his letter by relating to what had actually happened?

  4. > because he supposedly didn't get a proper yeshiva education.
    So this is the next excuse: Chareidim aren't bad. Oh, Walder? Well he wasn't really a very good Chareidi. What, we used zt'l for him? Must've been a typo.

  5. If my memory serves me correctly, Walder tried to bring attention to abuse sometime between 2004 - 2010 and was condemned for it. He wrote in one of his books how a child wasn't doing well in school and turned out because he was abused .(touched in an inappropriate way) He encouraged children to talk about it with a parent or an adult if such a thing happened. This story got a lot of flack that children shouldn't be exposed to such information. wasn't a ztniot topic etc etc


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