Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Ultra-Orthodox trust rabbis on COVID-19 far more than medical officials


 A new study polling attitudes in the ultra-Orthodox sector in Israel to the COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that while members of the community are fully aware of the dangers of the disease, they are far more trusting and willing to follow the orders of their rabbis than those of the government and state institutions.

Dr. Shuki Friedman, director of the Center for Religion and State at the Israel Democracy Institute that commissioned the survey, said it demonstrated that the community’s behavior during the crisis came about not due to a lack of understanding of the serious threat posed by COVID-19 but instead due to a conscious choice to prioritize community values above others.


  1. It's more complicated than that. It's also which "Gedolim" they trust.
    This is something I've said repeatedly - Chareidim listen to "the Gedolim" but only as long as "the Gedolim" say what they want to hear.
    Rav Asher Weiss, shlit"a, for example, has been very clear about the importance of following public health regulations and listening to the government. No one seems to care. Is he not a "Gadol"? Nope, because he's not saying what they want to hear. This is something you should address.

  2. Chareidim only listen to "the Gedolim" when "the Gedolim" say what they want to hear.
    Rav Asher Weiss, shlit"a, and all the other major halakhic authorities have repeatedly said that we must follow public health rules and government requirements. The response has been "Well they're just saying that so as not to cause trouble" or "they don't really mean it" or just straight up "But the Shvantzer Rebbe said no masks!"
    So no, they don't follow their rabbis. They follow their own ideas and pick figurehead rabbis to support them.


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