Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Debunking a feminist propaganda article II

In my prior article, Debunking a Feminist Propaganda Article, I critiqued an article on the Israel National News site that I consider to be feminist propaganda, and I explained that fairness and balance in regard to Jewish men's rights is practically non-existent in much of the Jewish media.

A new article has appeared on the Israel National News site that I would like to discuss.

Once again, I'm not claiming to know the divorcing spouses in this latest Arutz Sheva article. Nor am I attempting to address which spouse is "right" or which spouse is "wrong" in any particular divorce case.

Some anti-male biases and Torah distortions I observe in the article linked above:


  1. “Debunking a feminist propaganda article II” Bravo. I agree 100%. Torah thought on ויצא.
    In ויצא we see God speaking to Jacob. God introduces Himself and promises to Jacob and to us Israel: “And behold והנה the Lord stood נצב beside him and He said, I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac: the land הארץ on which you are lying שוכב עליה, to you I will give it לך אתננה and to your offspring ולזרעך.” (Genesis 28:13).

    In ויצא much about Jacob and Laban. I heard a vort on: “He said, What shall I give אתן you? And Jacob said, Give me nothing לא תתן לי מאומה! If you will do this thing for me, I will again אשובה pasture and keep your flocks ארעה צאנך אשמר:” (Genesis 30:31).
    בראשית פרשת ויצא פרק ל פסוק לא
    וַיֹּאמֶר מָה אֶתֶּן לָךְ וַיֹּאמֶר יַעֲקֹב לֹא תִתֶּן לִי מְאוּמָה אִם תַּעֲשֶׂה לִּי הַדָּבָר הַזֶּה אָשׁוּבָה אֶרְעֶה צֹאנְךָ אֶשְׁמֹר:
    רד"ק בראשית פרשת ויצא פרק ל פסוק לא
    ויאמר מה אתן לך - כלומר אני מבקש ממך שתשב עוד עמי ועתה אמור מה אתן לך בשכרך:
    לא תתן לי מאומה - לא תתן לי שום דבר קצוב בשכרי, אלא יהיה שכרי דרך מקרה וטובת האל כמו שיזמין לי, ובזה אשובה ארעה צאנך אשמור כמו שעשיתי:
    The Redak says that Jacob tells Laban that Laban is not to pay him any salary. The reward to Jacob will come by happenstance דרך מקרה from God.
    Beautiful. Jacob owes no thanks to Laban. Laban, master fraudster, actually wanted to kill Jacob at the end.

    Allow me to update here my application to SCOTUS for a docket number. Four times SCOTUS returned my package with complaints on deficiencies. On my fifth application yesterday I added in my list of appendices: Appendix C Email between Gerald Aranoff and Secretary to Judge Eric I. Prus, Appendix D Letter from NYS Court of Appeals May 11, 2020, Appendix E Letter from NYS Court of Appeals June 10, 2020.

    “Every term, in my lead-up to our section on fraud, I ask my class whether any of them ever has been defrauded but found himself or herself unable to gather or access the evidence needed to sue. At least 50 percent of my 2,000-plus students over the years have raised their hands: yes. And then I describe to them two or three situations in which I was defrauded — in the years when I simply was a naïve rabbi believing in every person’s inherent goodness — and never got justice. Then I became a pretty good attorney, and it never again has happened.”

  2. “Debunking a feminist propaganda article II” written by “Menachem Lowy is a New Jersey resident and the author of Jewish MGTOW Guide: Jewish Men Going Torah Observant Ways in Marriage and Divorce”

    “Also addressing the conference, Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag, head of the special rabbinical court for agunot and the head of the Agudat Harabbanim of the United States and Canada, said that “the tears of the agunot interceded for them before G-d.” He related several details of a particular case he was involved in, one that was resolved due to this amendment to the law. This case related to a Brooklyn resident who had, for the past decade or more, refused to give his wife a get. Over the years, five different rabbinical courts attempted to resolve the case, and the husband was issued with two separate ‘contempt of court’ rulings, one of which was signed by a very prominent Chassidic leader.”

    On Pacer search for Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag:
    "259 Filed & Entered:03/09/2015 Order Docket Text: ORDER that Aryeh Ralbag provide testimony or other information which he refuses to provide on the basis of his privilege against self-incrimination as to all matters about which he may be questioned as to MENDEL EPSTEIN, MARTIN WOLMARK, JAY GOLDSTEIN, BINYAMIN STIMLER, DAVID ARYEH EPSTEIN, MORDECHAI EICHENTHAL. Signed by Judge Freda L. Wolfson on 3/9/2015. (mmh) 260 Filed & Entered: 03/09/2015 Motion Hearing Docket Text: Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Freda L. Wolfson: Motion Hearing as to MENDEL EPSTEIN, JAY GOLDSTEIN, BINYAMIN STIMLER, DAVID ARYEH EPSTEIN held on 3/9/2015 re [251] MOTION in Limine to admit Gov. Ex. 102-B and/or testimony of Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag relating to statements against penal interest of Avrohom Goldstein and Simcha Bulmash filed by DAVID ARYEH EPSTEIN, (Court Ordered Motion Denied as moot)[257] MOTION in Limine filed by JAY GOLDSTEIN(Court Ordered Motion denied as moot in part), Jury Trial as to MENDEL EPSTEIN, JAY GOLDSTEIN, BINYAMIN STIMLER, DAVID ARYEH EPSTEIN held on 3/9/2015; trial w/jury adjourned until 3/10/2015 at 9:30 a.m. (Court Reporter/Recorder Vincent Russoniello.) (jg,)"

    Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag handled the Brooklyn side of my divorce from Susan 2/17/93. Bravo Menachem Lowy.

  3. “Debunking a feminist propaganda article II” My theory. Abraham tried to make Ishmael good. This was the reason for Abraham’s distress: “She said to Abraham, Cast out that slave-woman and her son, for the son of that slave shall not share in the inheritance with my son Isaac. The matter distressed Abraham greatly, for it concerned a son of his.” (21:10-11).
    Isaac tried to make Esau good. This was the reason Isaac showed love to Esau. “When the words of her older son Esau were reported to Rebekah, she sent for her younger son Jacob and said to him, Your brother Esau is consoling himself by planning to kill you.” (Genesis 27:42).
    My theory. Jacob tried for 20 years to make Laban good. Yet Laban intended to kill Jacob: “I have it in my power to do you harm; but the God of your father said to me last night, Beware of attempting anything with Jacob, good or bad.” (Genesis 31:29).
    Hertz Chumash p. 115: “to do you hurt. It would thus seem that Laban was accompanied by a large band, which outnumbered Jacob and his servants.”
    Jacob tries to make Esau good: “Jacob sent messengers מלאכים before him לפניו to Esau his brother אל עשיו אחיו in the land of Seir, the field שדה of Edom, and instructed ויצב them as follows, Thus shall you say, To my lord Esau, thus says your servant Jacob: I sojourned גרתי with Laban and stayed ואחר until now; I have ויהי לי oxen שור, asses וחמור, flocks צאן , and men-servants ועבד and maid-servants ושפחה; and I send this ואשלחה to tell my lord להגיד לאדני that I might find favor in your sight למצא חן העיניך.” (Genesis 32:4-6).
    Lesson for us today? Yes keep trying to make our enemies good, but know our enemies and their intentions. Jacob had to flee Israel because of Esau. Jacob had to flee Syria because of Laban, the master fraudster. We pray to God Wednesday weekday mornings: “God of vengeance נקמות, Lord, God of vengeance נקמות, appear! Arise הנשא, O Judge of the earth, render recompense גמול to the haughty על גאים! How long shall the wicked, O Lord, how long shall the wicked exult יעלזו? They speak freely יביעו, they utter malicious falsehood ידברו עתק, they glorify themselves יתאמרו, all workers of iniquity כל פעלי און. Your people עמך, O Lord, they crush ידכאו and they afflict Your very ownונחלתך יענו ; the widow and the stranger they kill אלמנה וגר יהרגו; they murder the fatherless ויתומים ירצחו, and they say ויאמרו, The Lord will not see לא יראה, nor will the God of Jacob understand ולא יבין.” (Psalms 94:1-7).

  4. I think it's interesting how the courts are titled towards women and no one complains but if the man uses the get to give himself an advantage, suddenly it's an outrage.

  5. R Ralbag shills for BDA RCA bet din.
    He was granted immunity in the R Mendel Epstein case you cite, discussing how he knew about beating up husbands without permission from a bet din, which is required to make the get kosher.

  6. “MiMedinat HaYam “R Ralbag shills for BDA RCA bet din. He was granted immunity in the R Mendel Epstein case you cite, discussing how he knew about beating up husbands without permission from a bet din, which is required to make the get kosher.”
    A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. ... Shills may be employed by salespeople and professional marketing campaigns.
    Assaulting husbands without permission from a bet din, what about from a kangaroo bet din, a star chamber? To the feminists the get is kosher. This was Mendel Epstein’s personal statement in his jury trial. He told the jury that he presented himself with his black hat and black coat standing at a night club in Queens to confront a husband there, surrounded by ladies of the night, whose wife is in Israel allegedly demanding a get. He told the follow that he will not go away until the fellow gives a get to his wife in Israel. The feminists say bravo to Mendel Epstein et al and to Rabbi Ralbag.
    I say bravo to Menachem Lowy, aka MiMedinat HaYam ?.
    The feminists admit that all their methods are not 100% kosher. This is like Joe Biden and his supporters now admitting some fraud did take place in Trump states to switch the vote to Biden. Plenty of evidence that the method used was to keep inspectors out on the night of elections. Then, with no pro Trump inspectors looking , run some ballets for Biden, criminally, over and over. Also to process patently illegal scooped up ballets that show pro-Biden, etc.
    Judge Freda came down hard on Mendel Epstein et al. God bless her. Why? Heinous what Mendel Epstein et al did with their kangaroo star chamber court and beating husbands. This was a huge embarrassment to the feminist movement. Progress that Joe Biden and supporters admit to some fraud.

  7. all elections are fraudulent especially the 2016 election of Trump.
    Trump has destroyed the basis of democracy

    boycott the voting in Georgia!

  8. Daf Hayomi Pesachim 7b:
    “The School of R. Ishmael taught: In the evening of the fourteenth leaven is searched for by the light of a lamp. Though there is no proof of this, there is an allusion to it, because it is said, “No leaven shall be found in your houses for seven days. For whoever eats what is leavened, that person shall be cut off from the community of Israel, whether he is a stranger or a citizen of the country” (Exodus 12:19). And it is said, “He searched, beginning with the oldest and ending with the youngest; and the goblet turned up in Benjamin’s bag” (Genesis 44:12). And it is said, “At that time, I will search Jerusalem with lamps; And I will punish the men Who rest untroubled on their lees, Who say to themselves, The Lord will do nothing, good or bad” (Zephania 1:12). And it is said, “The Spirit נשמת of man is the lamp of the Lord Searching חפש all his inmost parts כל חדרי בטן.” (Proverbs 20:27). What is the purpose of the additional quotations [lit., what is (the purpose of) and it is said]? And should you answer, this “At that time” is a statement of lenient treatment by the Merciful One, [viz.,] I will not search Jerusalem with the light of a torch, which gives much light, but only with the light of a lamp, the light of which is much smaller, so that great wrongdoing will be found out but petty wrongdoing will not be found out, then come and hear! “The Spirit נשמת of man is the lamp of the Lord Searching חפש all his inmost parts כל חדרי בטן.” [Thus a single lamp suffices for a search.]"

    My theory. The Sages ruling to search for bread crumbs by candle on the 14th is just a ceremony. Everyone cleans for bread crumbs thoroughly much before the 14th. When God says he will search by candle light means just a ceremony, a leniency.
    Leniency = the fact or quality of being more merciful or tolerant than expected; clemency. the court could show leniency

    Jacob worried Esau wants to kill him: “When the words of her older son Esau were reported to Rebekah, she sent for her younger son Jacob and said to him, Your brother Esau is consoling himself by planning to kill you.” (Genesis 27:42). Jacob opted to appease Esau with gifts and at the same time to pray to God and to prepare for war.

    Wow Mendel Epstein et al had a jury trial with Rabbi Aryeh Ralbag giving damaging testimony. My theory. ME talking like a tough guy is practically a confession that he did kidnapping over and over which he was charged for in the one case of the FBI sting. Mendel Epstein tough guy talk did not get him leniency. Trump haters often use tough guy talk. We pray for God’s leniency.

  9. Thanks DT for kind words. Mendel Epstein continued with tough talk till the last day before his jury trial. What else could he do? The FBI had videos of how Mendel Epstein speaks. I knew Rabbi Mendel Epstein as a gentleman scholar neighbor just around the corner in Flatbush. He lived in an unusual house that had an elevator, with his wife and children. I was there for happy occasions. Yes when I made aliya 7/8/1991 he did tell Susan that the gamara says that if the man wants to live in Israel the wife must follow. I’m waiting now to hear from SCOTUS on my petition. My case is that Susan won my pension and house through fraud. I learn from Trump whom I consider a blessing from heaven, a modern King Cyrus the Great.

  10. Torah thought on וישלח
    “Esau said, I have enough יש לי רב, my brother; let what you have be yours יהי לך אשר לך. And Jacob said ויאמר יעקב, No, I pray you אל נא; if you would do me this favor אם נא מצאתי חן בעיניך, receiveולקחת my present at my hand מנחתי מידי; for to see your face is like seeing the face of God כי על כן ראיתי פניך כראת פני אלקים, and you were pleased with me ותרצני. Please take my gift קח נא את ברכתי which has been brought to you אשר הבאת לך for God has dealt graciously with me כי חנני אלקים and I have plenty וכי יש לי כל. And he urged him ויפצר בו, and he took it ויקח.” (Genesis 33:9-11).
    I heard a vort on Jacob has all: and I have plenty וכי יש לי כל. Esau has much: I have enough יש לי רב.
    בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לג פסוק ט
    וַיֹּאמֶר עֵשָׂו יֶשׁ לִי רָב אָחִי יְהִי לְךָ אֲשֶׁר לָךְ:
    מלבי"ם בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לג פסוק ט
    ויאמר עשו. עפ"ז אמר אם תחשוב כי מתנה זו היא רבה לפי ערך המקבל, טעית בזה, כי יש לי רב אחי, ומנחה זו קטנה ומעטה לפני, ואם היא רבה בערך הנותן, כי נתת בזה כל אשר לך, אך למותר היא למה תורש יהי לך אשר לך:
    According to the Malbim Esau is bragging how rich he is. Jacob’s present is small to Esau in relation to Esau’s vast wealth. “And he lodged there that night וילן שם בלילה ההוא, and took of that which he had with him ויקח מן הבא בידו a present מנחה for Esau his brother לעשיו אחיו: 200 she-goats and 20 he-goats; 200 ewes and 20 rams; 30 milch camels with their colts מיניקות ובניהם; 40 cows and 10 bulls; 20 she-asses and 10 he-asses” (Genesis 32:14-16).
    Berachoth 48b:
    “Our Rabbis taught: Where is the saying of grace intimated in the Torah? In the verse, “And you shall eat and be satisfied ואכלת ושבעת, bless וברכת the Lord your God for the good land על הארץ הטובה which He has given you” (Deuteronomy 8:10). “And you shall eat and be satisfied ואכלת ושבעת, bless וברכת” this signifies the benediction of Who feeds הזן. “the Lord your God”: this signifies the benediction of הזמון. For the land על הארץ: this signifies the blessing for the land הארץ. The good הטובה: this signifies Who builds Jerusalem זו בונה ירושלים; and so it says וכן הוא אומר “Let me go over I pray You אעברה נא, and see the good land את הארץ הטובה that is beyond אשר בעבר the Jordan, that good hill country ההר הטוב הזה, and Lebanon והלבנון.” (Deuteronomy 3:25). “which He has given you” This signifies the blessing of Who is good and bestows good זו הטוב והמטיב”.
    Hertz Chumash p. 126: “I have enough. Lit. ‘all’. Jacob has ‘all’ now that the danger of being slain by a brother, or of slaying a brother, is over; (see on [“Jacob was greatly frightened; in his anxiety, he divided the people with him, and the flocks and herds and camels, into two camps,” (Genesis 32:8)]. Where as Esau has ‘much’; therefore he is quite willing to have more.”

    Beautiful. We worry people trying to kill us. Bennet calls that Iran scientist assassinated Friday 'a ticking nuclear bomb'. Iran chanted 'death to America' plenty during Obama/Biden years. Other than people trying to kill us, we, in Israel and in America, have everything, thank you God in heaven.

  11. Esau v Jacob וישלח
    Soncino Zohar, Bereshith, Section 1, Page 171b
    “Esau ran to greet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck צוארו, and kissed him וישקהו; and they wept ויבכו.” (Genesis 33:4). The word zavaro (his neck) is used here instead of the more usual zavorav; while dots are placed over the letters of the word vayishoqehu (and he kissed him). Said R. Isaac: Many are the methods by which the Scripture conveys recondite allusions, yet with a common purpose. It is written: “But the wicked are like the troubled sea Which cannot rest, Whose waters toss up mire and mud.” (Isaiah 57:20) This verse may be applied to Esau, all of whose actions were wicked and sinful. His approaches to Jacob on this occasion were insincere, as is shown by the signs mentioned above. The neck here is an allusion to Jerusalem, which is indeed the neck of the universe, and the singular form zavaro is used instead of the regular dual form zavorav as a hint that the seed of Esau would one day fall upon and destroy one of the two Temples. Again, the dots above the word vayishaqehu (and he kissed him) indicate that he kissed him reluctantly. The verse: “Faithful are the wounds of a loved one נאמנים פצעי אוה while the kisses of an enemy are profuse ונעתרות נשיקות שונא.” (Proverbs 27:6) has been applied by our teachers to Balaam, who, although he blessed Israel, did it against his will; but Esau provides another illustration. R. Jose said: It is written: “Rise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God! For You slap all my enemies in the face [lit. cheek];You break the teeth of the wicked.” (Psalms 3:8). And there is a tradition which reads here shirbabtha (thou hast lengthened) instead of shibbartha (thou hast broken), to indicate that Esau's teeth were suddenly lengthened to prevent him from biting. We read further: AND THEY WEPT ; both the one and the other with good cause, as the companions have expounded. For Esau was so evilly disposed to Jacob that even at that very time he was planning how to afflict him and bring accusations against him in the distant future. Hence they wept: Jacob for fear lest he might not escape from his brother's onslaught,”
    בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לג פסוק ד
    וַיָּרָץ עֵשָׂו לִקְרָאתוֹ וַיְחַבְּקֵהוּ וַיִּפֹּל עַל צַוָּארָו וַיִּשָּׁקֵהוּ וַיִּבְכּוּ:
    רש"י בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לג פסוק ד
    ויחבקהו - נתגלגלו רחמיו כשראהו משתחוה כל השתחוואות הללו:
    וישקהו - נקוד עליו, ויש חולקין בדבר הזה בברייתא דספרי (בהעלותך סט), יש שדרשו נקודהצ זו לומר שלא נשקו בכל לבו. אמר ר' שמעון בן יוחאי הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב, אלא שנכמרו רחמיו באותה שעה ונשקו בכל לבו:
    Dots over a word is a clue to a euphemism = a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing.

    Was Esau embrace and tearful kiss of Jacob fake news? Not important. My theory. We have to learn from Jacob’s response: “Jacob for fear lest he might not escape from his brother's onslaught,” Whether Esau’s embrace and tearful kiss was fake or not---in any event Jacob feared Esau. “Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, lest he come and smite me, the mother with the children אם על בנים. And You said ואתה אמרת, I will deal bountifully with you היטב איטיב עמך and make your offspring as the sands of the sea, which cannot be counted for multitude אשר לא יספר מרב.” (Genesis 32:12-13).

    Jacob feared and prayed to God, so must we today. We still have the fear Esau (Iran today); for I fear him, lest he come and smite me, the mother with the children אם על בנים.

  12. I heard a vort yesterday. Rabbi Simon Bar Yochai says, according to Rashi, that Esau’s running, embracing, and tearful kissing of Jacob was not fake news, but genuine at that moment. Rabbi Simon wrote the Zohar in the cave for many tears. Q. How to explain the dots over וישקהו and yet Rabbi Simon gives the plain meaning---a real sincere token of love? The dots are supposed to indicate an opposite to plain meaning explanation. A. The plain meaning of Esau is that Esau is thoroughly wicked always plotting evil. Here Esau kissed with his full heart contrary to the plain meaning of Esau:
    וישקהו - נקוד עליו, ויש חולקין בדבר הזה בברייתא דספרי (בהעלותך סט), יש שדרשו נקודה זו לומר שלא נשקו בכל לבו. אמר ר' שמעון בן יוחאי הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב, אלא שנכמרו רחמיו באותה שעה ונשקו בכל לבו:

  13. “Debunking a feminist propaganda article II” Torah thought on וישלח
    “Jacob was left alone ויותר יעקב לבדו. And a man wrestled with him ויאבק איש עמו until the break of dawn עד עלות השחר.” (Genesis 32:25).
    “I have often argued that the episode in which the Jewish people acquired its name – when Jacob wrestled with an unnamed adversary at night and received the name Israel – is essential to an understanding of what it is to be a Jew. I argue here that this episode is equally critical to understanding what it is to lead. There are several theories as to the identity of “the man” who wrestled with the patriarch that night. The Torah calls him a man. The prophet Hosea called him an angel (Hosea 12:4-5). The Sages said it was Samael, guardian angel of Esau and a force for evil.[1] Jacob himself was certain it was God. “Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, “It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared” (Gen. 32:31).”
    “Judaism is the ultimate particularist culture. As was noted by the former British Chief Rabbi, the late Jonathan Sacks, the people who are always in the way of any universalizing agenda are the Jews. This is something that progressively minded Jews, who form the majority of the American Jewish community and who have effectively made a religion out of liberal universalism, simply cannot understand. The principal target of liberal universalism is the Western nation-state, which was supposedly brought into being in 17th-century Europe. The belief, however, that the nation was essential to safeguard life and liberty was pioneered thousands of years ago by the Jews. The template for the nation-state was the ancient kingdom of Israel, composed of a particular people in their own land bound by their own laws, which expressed the history, traditions and principles that formed their shared identity and purpose.”
    בראשית פרשת וישלח פרק לב פסוק כה
    וַיִּוָּתֵר יַעֲקֹב לְבַדּוֹ וַיֵּאָבֵק אִישׁ עִמּוֹ עַד עֲלוֹת הַשָּׁחַר:
    Chullin 91a
    “Jacob was left alone ויותר יעקב לבדו. And a man wrestled with him ויאבק איש עמו until the break of dawn עד עלות השחר.” (Genesis 32:25). Said R. Eleazar: He remained behind for the sake of some small jars [He had already taken across that which he had (“And he took them ויקחם, and sent them ויעברם over the stream את הנחל, he sent across all he had את אשר לו.” ibid. 24), but he must have returned for some small vessels.]. Hence [it is learnt] that to the righteous their money is dearer than their body; and why is this? Because they do not stretch out their hands to robbery [And whatever they acquire by their toil and honest dealing is therefore very dear to them.].”
    Beautiful. Interesting. My theory. It does not matter what really happened that night. There are many opinions. Jacob may not have known whom he was wrestling with that night, Angel or Satan or trickster or if it was just a dream. Yes “Jacob’s hip socket was wrenched at the thigh muscle.” I like Rabbi Sacks’ theory, may his memory be blessed.


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