Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Donald J. Trump: The Greatest President in History of All Time | The Daily Social Distancing Show


  1. The progressive stupidity of the liberal minds.
    Yes, Trump has some faults, some of them pretty big. But until the pandemic:
    He did grow American manufacturing. He reduced unemployment to negligible levels. The stock market took off like a rocket. He riled up American allies by demanding that they pay their share of NATO's defence costs instead of riding on America's coattails. He stood up to China, not perfectly but way more than any previous President. He stood up to Iran and treated them like the terrorist they are. And he arranged three important peace deals between Israel and 3 Arab nations.
    Even during the pandemic he took steps to ensure Americans would be the first to get all the vaccines they'd need.
    The fact that you need to lie, distract and obviate to make people think he did absolutely nothing good shows how effective he was and how bad your Trump Derangement Syndrome is.

  2. How convenient. Everything you disagree with is nonsense. Is there evidence to back it up? Also nonsense. My suggesting this? Nonsense! How convenient.


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