Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Pelosi Salon Scandal: Stylist Says It Was A Set Up



Soleiman, APC, the firm representing stylist Jonathan DeNardo, said in a statement that e Salon SF owner Erica Kious authorized him to go forward with the appointment even though it violated local health rules prohibiting salons from operating indoors.

It’s unclear if DeNardo knew the appointment violated health orders or if he was mistaken about the rules, as Pelosi’s office says they were told by the salon they were “allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business.” (Soleiman, APC did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Forbes).

During a phone conversation when the appointment was approved, Kious “made several vitriolic and incendiary comments about Speaker  Pelosi and her purported responsibility for temporarily suspending operations of Ms. Kious’ business,” according to the statement.

The law firm representing DeNardo says it has photographs, video footage and witness statements alleging that Kious has herself been violating health orders by operating her business indoors while not wearing a mask since April 2020, despite her admonishment of the visit in an interview with Fox News.



1 comment :

  1. And the revisionism begins. By the end, someone will have photoshopped it and it'll turn out it was actually Ivanka Trump!


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