Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Fact Check: Donald Trump’s claims about the Kyle Rittenhouse video

President Donald Trump is not waiting for a trial to sort out what happened on the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin, where prosecutors say a 17-year-old with a semi-automatic rifle fatally shot two men on a night of protest and violence. He’s giving an account at odds with the authorities who charged Kyle Rittenhouse with homicide.

TRUMP, asked if was going to condemn the actions of vigilantes like Rittenhouse: “We’re looking at all of it. And that was an interesting situation. You saw the same tape as I saw. And he was trying to get away from them, I guess; it looks like. And he fell, and then they very violently attacked him. And it was something that we’re looking at right now and it’s under investigation. But I guess he was in very big trouble. He would have been — I —he probably would have been killed.” — news conference Monday before traveling to Kenosha on Tuesday.

 THE FACTS: His implication that Rittenhouse only shot the men after he tripped and they attacked him is wrong. The first fatal shooting happened before Rittenhouse ran away and fell.

Trump did not say whom he meant by “they” — the two men he shot or others in pursuit of him. But he spoke in defense of a vigilante who opposed racial-justice protesters, who authorities say was illegally carrying a semi-automatic rifle and who prosecutors accuse of committing intentional homicide.

According to the criminal complaint released by prosecutors, victim Joseph Rosenbaum was shot and killed first, after following Rittenhouse into a parking lot, where Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at the gunman and tried to take the weapon from him.

 Rittenhouse then ran down the street and was chased by several people trying to stop him and shouting that he just shot someone, according to the criminal complaint and cellphone video footage.

He tripped and fell. Anthony Huber, who was carrying a skateboard, was shot in the chest after apparently trying to wrest the gun from Rittenhouse, the complaint said. A third man was shot and injured.

Rittenhouse’s lawyer said he acted to defend himself.


  1. "According to the criminal complaint released by prosecutors, victim Joseph Rosenbaum was shot and killed first, after following Rittenhouse into a parking lot, where Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at the gunman and tried to take the weapon from him."

    So...if Joseph Rosenbaum had not thrown a plastic bag at the gunman and tried to take the weapon from him, Joseph Rosenbaum would likely not have been shot.

    Can we agree that is a reasonable assumption? Am I making sense here?

  2. the reason Kyle was arrested and charged with murder was because

    a. The police didn't accept the claim of self defense
    b. Biden and Harris made fake accusations against him
    c. The matter is still under investigation as Trump claims
    d. The police were bribed by the Democrats to make Trump look like an idiot
    e. Kyle had no justification being out after 8 and was not old enough to be carrying the weapon he killed with
    f. Kyle as a 17 year old Trump supporter and non resident had no business or training to be a self appointed vigilante

  3. a. The job of the police is to arrest someone for "probable cause." That standard is set low on purpose. I have no complaint on the police not accepting a claim of self-defense. Even the shooter knew it appeared that he had shot someone unjustifiably. That's why he initially attempted to turn himself in.

    b. I'm not sure what your point is. Sarcasm?

    c. The fact that matters are under investigation doesn't preclude anyone else from thinking they absolutely know what happened. The George Floyd matter is under investigation, too.

    d. More sarcasm?

    e. I think that statement is absurd. There were protesters out. How come none of them were arrested if being out after 8:00 pm is an important factor here in this discussion? Would that be a factor if an owner of a business was at his place of business protecting it? Rifles are an exception to the age restriction. And the weapon charge is a misdemeanor and a distraction to the discussion.

    f. Again, I don't get the point. So Rittenhouse shouldn't have been at that place at that time with a weapon and with that mission? What's your point? So therefore protesters are allowed to chase him and assault him and rob him and kill him and celebrate the death of a White Supremacist vigilante and roast his body in the burning wreckage of another business?

  4. So you are claiming the police do not have a solid case just probable cause. Wishful thinking. Trump is supporting Kyle's version because he has no idea of the facts - after all he said it is still under investigation - but he knows enough from watching the video that it was an act of self defense. your comments would have been more relevant if Trump had said I have no idea about this case let's leave it to the police and a jury. Just as you are mounting a defense as possible without having the facts.

  5. Which Democrat leader said leave the George Floyd case to the police and jury? Are you openminded about Floyd? And what about the appeals process? That can drag on for years after a conviction. Did you withold judgement on Trump before, during, and after his NOT being removed from office through the impeachment process? I quoted the police and based my initial analysis on that.

    The police seemed to say that Rittenhouse was attack on private property. That he was NOT in a public space where there was a curfew. That he was chased. That he was being assaulted and robbed.

  6. which case did trump avoid giving his opinion? yes I am willing to have a jury decide that choking a person for over 8 minutes is not responsible or relevant to police work. and the police obviously agree with your evaluation about Kyle.

  7. Did you watch the multiple videos regarding Floyd? Are you aware of the toxicology report? It's plain wrong to say he was choked. He was complaining about trouble breathing before police put him on the ground -- possibly from drugs that he ingested or other he introduced intentionally or otherwise into his system to avoid police discovering them.


  9. We're living in a highly charged society where politics seems to exert influence over coroners and prosecutors. That's why the videos are critical. It's something everyone can agree on. And Floyd indisputably was complaining about breathing before he was placed on the ground.

  10. Obviously the knee on the neck is a type of oriental resuscitation and everyone things it was simply a restraint technique!


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