Thursday, September 10, 2020

Bnei Brak mayor apologizes for 'bad joke' train video

 Bnei Brak Mayor Avraham Rubinstein issued an apology Thursday evening in response to the uproar over a video in which an actor pretended to block haredi passengers from boarding a train from the predominantly-secular city of Bat Yam.

"I am sorry for the way things happened, in particular I am sorry for the damage to the good name of the railway workers and the Transportation Ministry," Rubinstein said.

The video was commissioned by the Bnei Brak municipality through a public relations office, with the aim of protesting the removal of the city from the light rail programs in the Gush Dan region.

The actor stood between the haredi passengers and the train, physically preventing them from boarding, and proclaimed: "Haredim, do not board!"

1 comment :

  1. Decades ago the Jerusalem Post ran an opinion piece that claimed that the State of Israel was the cure for German guilt over the Holocaust. As the piece went, Germans were raised to feel terrible about what their country had done to the Jews. The poor Jews. The poor, suffering Jews. The poor, suffering, innocent Jews. And then they'd come on a tour of Israel and meet the Israelis and decide "You know, maybe slaughtering them was wrong but I can see why Hitler wanted to get them out of Germany."
    Today it's the Chareidi community that seems hell bent on justifying every Jew-hating trope, myth, and belief out their with their behaviour. Chareidi ideology holds that if you are not a Chareidi then you are an enemy of the Chareidim and that you think of nothing else day and night other than how to destroy the Chareidim (and by extension of course, the Torah). In the absence of that actually being the case, the Chareidi community seems determined to create that hate to ensure they're right.


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