Friday, September 11, 2020

Woodward's Tapes, Trump's Covid Admissions & a Homicide Prosecutor's Take on Criminal Liability


  1. Editorial published in New England Journal of Medicine, February 28, 2020, by lead author Dr. Tony Fauci of NIAID and White House Coronavirus Task force:
    Quote 1:
    "If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively."
    Quote 2:
    "Community spread in the United States could require a shift from containment to mitigation strategies such as social distancing in order to reduce transmission. Such strategies could include isolating ill persons (including voluntary isolation at home), school closures, and telecommuting where possible."

    Yes you read that right. If, some day, community spread happens in the US, then at that point it MIGHT require a shift to mitigation strategies. Extremely serious and strict mitigation strategies such as: isolating sick people (Duh), and the super strict, "telecommuting WHERE POSSIBLE!"

    Shall we ask the homocide prosecutor whether Tony Fauci is liable?

    Don't take my word for it. Read it yourself:

  2. who is the president and who lied about the virus?

  3. Here, you kindly brought the Rema who permits falsely slandering an innocent person

    Is there a similar heter for theft of money, eg to improve the quality of life for a talmid chacham, or for his children to have nice houses?

  4. the heter of the rema was only to end a malor community dispute. He did not intend it to be a blanket heter

  5. There is always some dispute or other going on-
    the "scapegoat" heter is also known as a "displacement reaction" defence mecahnism in psychoanalytic theory.

  6. You are claiming that Trump LIED about the virus. He didn't lie considering his public comments were consistent with what Fauci published in a pre-eminent peer review journal 3 weeks later. He made statements consistent with the stance of his scientific advisors, Fauci (and later, Birx). You can't expect more than that from a President.
    Fauci heard all the same "info" from Xi and China. The whole task force did. Fauci obviously did not accept Xi's assumptions about how the virus spreads. He did not accept the doom and gloom vision of how bad the coronavirus was, as he disputed the claims of Chinese scientists regarding the death rate. He didn't feel there was enough evidence to support either of China's assumptions. On the death #'s he was actually right, or at least within range.

  7. no!
    Trump claims he lied to avoid panic. His defense is if it was so terrible than Woodward should have gone public and he didn't because avoiding panic was the right thing

  8. ======


  10. Messonnier's claims are dishonest. Her organization prepared for a FLU pandemic. They bungled the response. They created a small scale testing effort that not only couldn't address the scale of spread of sars-cov2 in particular, but even at the insufficient small scale failed to even work as a reliable test, while all others were shut out of the process and were not allowed to compete with better tests.

    "Dr. Howard Koh of Harvard’s school of public health said unflinchingly communicating what’s known as soon as possible helps build trust "

    Another dishonest crank giving misleading commentary. Note his specific words: communicating "WHAT'S KNOWN." What was conveyed to Trump by Xi was NOT known. It was presumption. Xi's belief. China CDC's beliefs. The same Dr. Koh's of the world would have been disputing any Trump announcement that contradicted Fauci's (and CDC's) narrative (as published in NEJM, cited above), and saying this is NOT KNOWN, this is NOT PROVEN, we can't jump to conclusions, etc. This is why the same collection of people cited in this article for half a year insisted that we "don't know" if it spreads via aerosol. They want real experiments proving it to be able to say what is KNOWN about it.

    Reuters, as usual, is using word games to convince the reader of a false narrative.


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