Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Rabbi Zalman Nehemiah Goldberg, leading Israeli rabbi, hospitalized after stroke


Over more than 50 years, Rabbi Goldberg has given hundreds of Torah lectures at Religious Zionist institutions, and he served as president of dozens of Religious Zionist institutions.

Rabbi Goldberg also served as the yeshiva dean of the Lev Academic Center, and the head of the Shevet Mechokek yeshiva for rabbinic judges.

The public is asked to pray for the complete recovery of Rabbi Zalman Nehemiah, the son of Freidel.


  1. Here's another thing I could ask you about: Rav Adin Steinsaltz, zt"l, passed away recently. Not a word about it on the major Chareidi news sites. Given his achievements, why not?

  2. http://daattorah.blogspot.com/2020/08/rabbi-yy-jacobson-tribute-to-giant.html

  3. https://matzav.com/steinsaltz-completes-his-controversial-translation-of-shas/

  4. Problem was, he would bend halacha to suit him. I asked him during their messianic campaign how they claim to have even hizkas moshiach (presumed messiah) since rambam requires him to force all Israel to keep Torah / mitzvos, yet many Barbra Streisands intermarry. His answer was that its not requirements, "they are characteristics " (referring to rambam 's hilchot melachim.)

  5. indiosyncratic reading of Rambam

    Now, if a king should arise from the House of David who is versed in Torah and engages in Commandments, as did David his forefather, in accordance with both the Written and the Oral Torahs, and he enjoins all of Israel to follow in its ways and encourages them to repair its breaches, and he fights the Wars of G-d128, then he may be presumed to be the Messiah. If he succeeds in his efforts and defeats the enemies around and builds the Sanctuary in its proper place and gathers the dispersed of Israel, he is definitely the Messiah.
    But, if he does not succeed in these matters or is killed, we will know that he was not the one Torah has promised. He is (merely to be considered) like all the (other) exemplary and qualified kings of the House of David who have died. G-d set him up only to try the masses, as it says, “And some of the wise will stumble, to refine among them and to purify and to make white, even to the time of the end, for it is yet for the time appointed” (Daniel 11:35).

  6. "Enjoin" is not the correct translation. All rabbis and many frum people enjoin secular to keep Torah. The Hebrew says

    וְיָכֹף כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל לֵילֵךְ בָּהּ וּלְחַזֵּק בִּדְקָהּ. וְיִלָּחֵם מִלְחֲמוֹת ה'. הֲרֵי זֶה בְּחֶזְקַת שֶׁהוּא מָשִׁיחַ.

    Keffiya is to force or compel.

    Nobody has succeeded in doing this.
    Many baal teshuva yeshivas, but nobody claims they are moshiach.

  7. kefiya is pressuring but does not indicate whether it was successful

  8. The Matzav source is from 10 years ago.
    From the material of his that I've read, I also don't see him as being a meshichist. He was very much into Chabad Chasidus, which Lubavitchers would like you to believe is synonymous with being a Lubavitcher, but it's not. One can be a Chabad follower and not be a lubavitcher.

  9. https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=iw&tl=en&text=%D7%9C%D6%B4%D7%9B%D7%A4%D6%BC%D7%95%D6%B9%D7%AA

    To force in modern hebrew

    Give me an example where it mean to pressure?

  10. וְיָכֹף כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל לֵילֵךְ בָּהּ וּלְחַזֵּק בִּדְקָהּ. וְיִלָּחֵם מִלְחֲמוֹת ה'.

    3 requirements for chizkat moshiach :

    1 compel all Israel to walk in darkei Torah - failed, many chazir and seafood restaurants in israel, gay parades etc.

    2. To rectify the breaches - failed, us jews intermarry 50%, reform & conservative bigger than orthodoxy.

    3. Fight wars - mitzvah tanks and Tefillin campaigns are nice, but not what the rambam had in mind.
    Lubavitch opposed the Zionist State, the rebbe did not serve in the army (unless it was the soviet army). The religious figure who fought in 1948 , 1967 and liberated Judea and Samaria, including har habayit was rav shlomo Goren. Did his kashering of kitchens make him moshiach?

  11. it is clear that is what the Rambam said. Tough that you don't fit it in your boxes

  12. wow , what an unscholarly response - for someone so... learned!

  13. It is your poor understanding of this area of halacha.

  14. an essay by an influenced chabad missionary , or stack exchange discussion is not what we go by, or go and buy!
    Rav Shmuely Boteach once said that the Rebbe brough countless millions to Torah observance. That is a bit of an exaggeration.

    The rebbe did not fight any single battle in his life.

    Rambam is concerning himself with cases like Bar Kochba , who was a military leader, and killed in battle.
    Furthermore, many people who went to see the Rebbe were secular, and thus are not influenced towards Torah observance.

  15. I am just saying you are misunderstanding the Rambam regarding chezkas Moshiach the issue of battle and Beis Hamikdash was not being discussed

    when the Rambam distinguishes between trying and succeeding you can't cite his views on definite Mosihiach to redefine chezkas Moshiach and that is what you did

  16. Wow! I can't believe you can't understand a clearly expressed Rambam

  17. possibly, we all have the blind spots

  18. where does he say "trying"?
    You have to know what the stages are.

    or outcomes:

    1) tried but did not succeed in anything - nothing

    2) tried and succeeded in some areas of the first part (making religious, fighting wars) ----- Goren, maybe rebbe, Moshe dayan, Motta gur.

    3) succeeded in the first part chizkat moshiach

    4) succeeded in first and second part - Moshiach

    5) succeeded in 2nd but not first - could be Herzl

  19. you are saying a species is kosher even if it only cloves the hooves, but doesn't chew the cud! That is redefining halacha!

  20. all issues are relevant - this is assuming my analytical method of reading halacha has any value. Perhaps it doesn't and halacha is something you have to learn from a teacher. Except the Rambam writes that you just need a Tenakh and his Yad to learn the Written and oral law.

  21. A compliation of the rebbe's sichos on Rambam, this is what he said on Halacha 4:

    It is not the main point of the Moshiach's role to make people religious... see below

    י.הלכה ד:ביאור שייכות ההלכה לזמננו וקשר
    המשך ההלכות –לקו"ש חכ"ג ע' 174. מקורות והערות בלשון רבינו –לקו"ש ח"ח ע' 358 ,361, חי"ט ע' 147, חכ"ה ע' 265. ביאור פרטי ההלכה ע"פ פנימיות –סה"ש תנש"א ח"ב ע' 500הע' 105. סדר ההלכות מתאים לסדר קיום ג' המצוות, מינוי מלך, מחיית עמלק, ובניית המקדש –לקו"ש חט"ז ע' 304הע' 39. ע"פ סדר הדברים המופיע כאן צ"ע בנוסח הקדיש הנאמר בסיום מסכת –לקו"ש חל"דע' 240 .מלך מבית דוד:החידוש בענין המלוכה ושלמותה –לקו"ש חל"ה ע' 17. מדוע לא הוזכרה כלל הופעתו ופעולתו של משיח בן יוסף?! –לקו"ש חל"ב ע' 185 .הוגה בתורה:הכוח לגאול את ישראל הוא היגיעה בתורה עד כדי שהיא נעשית כל מציאותו –לקו"ש חל"ה ע' 205. ע"פ כל הסימנים כבר הגיע זמן הגאולה, ומוכרח שמשיח כבר נולד וכבר הוגה בתורה –סה"ש תשמ"ט ח"א ע' 123הע' 97 .ויכוף . . בדקה:לא זה עיקר ענינו של מלך המשיח –סה"ש תשמ"ח ח"ב ע' 389והע' 55 .ויילחם מלחמות ה':הסיבה להתגברות החושך בעולם היא התקרבות הגאולה, מפני שככל שגוברת הקדושה מתגברת כנגדה הקליפה ויש צורך ללחום עימה –סה"ש תשנ"ב ח"א ע' 201 .וניצח . . שסביביו:דיוק בזה –לקו"ש חכ"א ע' 196הע' 73. מטרת מלחמת המשיח –חכ"ד ע' 19הע' 58 .ובנה מקדש:והרי המקדש "יגלה ויבוא משמים"?! –לקו"ש חל"ח ע' 39הע' 58 .במקומו:דיוק הלשון –סה"ש תשנ"ב ח"ב ע' 468 .משיח בוודאי:ב' ענינים ודרגות בפעולתו של מלך המשיח –לקו"ש חל"ה ע' 206והע', סה"ש תש"נ ח"א ע' 222הע' 107 .ויתקן . . כולו:החילוק בין מ"ש כאן לפרק י"ב בענין פעולתו של המשיח על אומות העולם –לקו"ש חל"ה ע' 98 .לעבוד . . אחד:השינויים בדפוסים הנפוצים ביחס לדפוסים שלא שלטה בהם הביקורת –לקו"ש חכ"ה ע' 127הע' 47. סיבת השינויים מלשון הכתוב –לקו"ש ח"ה ע' 420, חי"ד ע' 414, ח"כ ע' 165הע' 69, חכ"ג ע' 103הע' 79, חכ"ה ע' 127הע' 49 .ולתקן . . כולו:ב' שלבים בזמן הגאולה; דיוק הגרסאות –לקו"ש חכ"ה ע' 127הע' 47, חל"ה ע' 167והע' 32 .ולעובדו:הגירסא המדויקת –אג"ק חכ"ו ע' רל

  22. totally irrelevant to your mistranslation of the words of the Rambam

  23. How do you know it's the right or wrong translation?
    There is no commentary on it. It's not part of the yeshiva curriculum.
    Does anyone have Yad Peshuta?

  24. Every good chareidi is moshiach. They fight the wars of the L_rd (protests, demonstrations), and compel all Israel to keep Torah ( bills, government laws etc).

  25. The issue of battle is integral to the discussion. It is a crucial halachic requirement, just like religious / Torah observance.

  26. Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target.

  27. what is your reaction to the UAE normalization deal - did Bibi betray his base?

  28. He broke a promise. But his promise was pie in the sky.

  29. Your premise that only a righteous messiah figure can do the simple commonsense act of annexing "disputed" lands and give people a guarantee they will not be expelled from their homes in some future "peace agreement" is totally baseless and ignores Israeli history. They've done it before. This process isn't the building of a Temple.

  30. Yes, as he has routinely done throughout his political career. A man full of hot air and empty promises. His base is the MAJORITY in Israel. Basic nationalist rightwingers are his base (obviously that's inclusive of religious zionists and settlers). And they ALL just eat up his empty tough talk and false swagger.

  31. I haven't followed all the back and forth of this specific discussion. Can we get a summary here of what was mistranslated?
    What in particular are the words that are in dispute between yourself and Kalonymous? And what is the accurate translation?

  32. Not necessarily the Messiah - it may or will happen before the Messiah. He obviously had to deal with realpolitik. He said it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, then backtracked. Do you think he was put under pressure by the USA and EU? Most likely.
    It would not be recognized by anyone, and USA would revoke it if the /dems get in. Annexations had been a slow process. E. Jerusalem and golan Heights so far.

    There would be economic costs, and maybe a war with Turkey and Hezbollah too.

  33. We are discussing the interpretation of Rambam's Hilchot melachim on identifying the Moshiach - ch11, in particualr Halacha 4

    This particular translation is by Rav Tavger who is quite a big scholar.

    I initially criticized the late Rabbi Steinsaltz who told me personally - during the Lubavitch Messiah madness, that the requirements brought by rambam for chizkat moshiach are not requirements at all, but characteristics!

    I provided , here, lingusitic analysis whcih shows that Rambam is talking about 2 stages, and the first is necessary but not sufficient, for the candidate to be verified as Moshaich. DT is alleging that all he needs to do to be considered (b'chezkat) Moshaich is to try, but he doesn't need to succeed, in making anyone frum or fighting / winning wars. So hi sposiiton is as ludicrous as that of Steinsaltz. BTW, Rav shach - who did write a commentary on the Rambam - said that Steinsaltz is a rasha, and that the Rebbe was a moshiach sheker - false mesiah! If Rabbi Eidensohn's version is correct, then Rav shach's analysis would be rendered false, and it would indeed follow that the Rebbe was b'Chizkat Moshiach!

  34. In psychological projection, the human ego finds others to blame for bad they’ve done.
    Human ego = Ego, in psychoanalytic theory, that portion of the human personality which is experienced as the “self” or “I” and is in contact with the external world through perception.


    “Some Republicans have lost interest in the Middle East as great-power competition increases. But the region is still a major oil producer and Iran a significant regional and terror-sponsoring menace. The partnership with Mr. Kadhimi could make it more stable so long as Mr. Trump avoids the kind of precipitous withdrawal he attempted in Syria. Add the new Israel-UAE accord, and the Administration’s firm anti-Iran posture in the Mideast seems to be paying off.”

    DT, surely you agree: so long as Mr. Trump avoids the kind of precipitous withdrawal he attempted in Syria. Add the new Israel-UAE accord, and the Administration’s firm anti-Iran posture in the Mideast seems to be paying off.

  35. In psychological projection, the human ego finds others to blame for bad they’ve done.
    Example: see http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/285653

    “Unfortunately, because of the long Exile away from the Land of Israel, instead of one Torah, we have two. We have the real, complete, original Torah which Moshe received at Sinai, the Torah of Eretz Yisrael, and we have its truncated and distorted imposter – the Torah of Galut. What is the difference? The difference between night and day. Basically, the Torah of Galut removed the Land of Israel from the Torah. Wandering from one foreign land to the next, the Jews didn’t have their own Homeland, so they developed a non-geographic Torah that could be performed anywhere, when, in fact, the Torah was given to be observed in Eretz Yisrael. Obviously, you can’t build the Beit HaMikdash in Russia, France, nor even in New York. You can’t have a Jewish State in the Catskills, or the Kingdom of Israel in Florida.”
    I’m a YC and TI graduate of YU June 1967. Rabbi Soloveitchik did not visit Israel, though Ben Gurion pleaded with him. Rabbi Soloveitchik followed the Torah of Galut which removed the Land of Israel from the Torah. He attacked all the failings of Ben Gurion.
    Another example. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/dershowitz-the-metoo-movement-and-the-rule-of-law-opinion-639396
    “Over the past year, however, he committed the cardinal sin of defending some of US President Donald Trump’s policies, and went so far as to argue during Trump’s impeachment trial that there were no legal grounds to remove the president from office. This outraged his former liberal supporters and turned the liberal media against him.
    He is regarded to be among the world’s best criminal lawyers and has successfully defended some of the allegedly worst and most disgusting suspects. He takes pride in providing the best defense possible to all, which he considers a hallmark of democracy.
    Having successfully negotiated a plea deal for the now deceased, convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein in the first criminal case against him, Dershowitz is now undergoing a Kavanaugh-type witch hunt and, without any evidence, is being accused of having sex with a minor who was allegedly trafficked by Epstein.”

    Kamala Harris attacks with passion Kavanaugh only because Kavanaugh is against abortion on demand and a supporter of Trump. As a woman Kamala may know, deep down, abortion on demand is evil. In psychological projection, Kamala’s human ego finds others to blame for bad policies she supports.

    The Left attacks with passion Dershowitz. The Left may know deep down, Dershowitz is a good man and did the right thing over and over. In psychological projection, the Left’s human ego finds Dershowitz to blame with no evidence to support. In Aranoff v Aranoff Susan finds me to blame with no evidence to support..


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