Tuesday, August 18, 2020

It’s time for the Harvey Weinstein scandal to refocus attention on Donald Trump


 As Donald Jr. asserts that Weinstein must clearly be guilty, given the number of accusers, and that Hollywood and Democrats are somehow complicit, he of course is engaging in President Trump’s habit of projecting his own questionable behavior on other people.

After all, Donald Jr.’s arguments could just as easily apply to his father’s own multiple sexual harassment allegations and the way that Republicans have stood by him, Blake and Helderman said.

 Weinstein has become a pariah in Hollywood and pretty much everywhere else.

Meanwhile, Trump is president of the United States, and leading Republicans rarely say anything negative about him. It is true that many in the Republican establishment haven’t actually jumped to use the Weinstein scandal against liberals, not like Donald Jr.

But in the end, liberals have taken action over their alleged predator — however belated and imperfect. And they aren’t done with the soul searching. But leading Republicans have done what with Trump over this issue?



  1. Trump is like the Jews.
    The Gentiles have a problem. They have to deal with the problem. The problem has nothing to do with the Jews. So who gets blamed? The Jews.
    Ultimate "What about them!" Weinstein was a darling of the Hollywood glitterati and Democratic aristocracy until they couldn't cover his crimes up anymore. But hey, even with a Democrat who was aided and abetted by Democrats and Democratic supporters, it's really all about Trump.
    Now do you see why we call it derangement?

  2. you clearly didn't read the article I posted which says just the opposite.
    Poor little Trump how dare anyone accuse him of doing things he has openly admitted to and even bragged about

  3. Trump is a menuval.
    Wein and Ep - Stein are different criminals.
    Wein preyed on starlets and either raped or took advantage, whereas Ep bought underage girls and forced them into prostitution.

    No evidence that Trump ever indulged in any Epstein underage girls.

    As for Weinstein, he did not pimp out his women, but he donated to Democratic Party.


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