Monday, May 11, 2020

‘God is telling us something’: Deri says 70% of Israel’s virus cases are Haredim

Interior minister and Shas party chief urges ‘soul-searching’ in ultra-Orthodox community, cites high virus infection rate in its major cities and smaller neighborhoods


  1. “God is telling us something” Bravo Rabbi Eliezer Melamed. See how I sneaked Zionism in my letter today to the NYS Court of Appeals.
    “1.I request permission to submit these papers concerning my motion return date 5/25/2020. I'm attaching an affidavit of service proving I mailed by UPS a true copy to Susan.
    2.I refer to Exhibit E Memorandum 23213/91 June 23, 1997 William Rigler, J.S.C. of my motion return date 5/25/2020.
    Page 1 states: Should the motion to unfreeze Gerald Aranoff's pension (TIAA-CREF account) in whole or in part, be granted?
    Page 2 states: On August 29, 1994, this Court denied Gerald Aranoff's application to vacate an order of this Court to stay the transfer of all or part of his pension and other annuities.
    Page 4 states: Her claims that she is entitled to intervene because she is Gerald Aranoff's wife and because she is the beneficiary of the TIAA-CREF account are irrelevant as explained herein. She mentions the fact that a pension is a marital asset that should be subject to equitable distribution. Whether or not this is in fact the case, this Court has frozen it to secure Gerald Aranoff's payment of child support. He is bound to fulfill his responsibilities by an order of this Court.
    Page 7 states: if and to the extent that such earnings are subject to garnishment to enforce a support order with respect to a period which is prior to the twelve-week period which ends with the beginning of such workweek. (emphasis added).
    Page 8 states: This Court determined that in accordance with CPLR \S 5242(C)(2)(i), it had been improper to direct 100% of Gerald Aranoff's pension to Susan Aranoff as enforcement for the non-payment of child support. This Court held that the limitation for child support enforcement is 55% of disposable earnings since Gerald Aranoff is supporting dependent children other than those of the creditor. This limitation stands even though at the time, he was admittedly in arrears for over 12 weeks. Thus, the QUADRO served upon TIAA-CREF was to be modified to provide only 55% of the disposable earnings from Gerald Aranoff's pension fund to be paid to Susan Aranoff.
    Page 9 states: The Federal Cnsumer Credit Protection Act 15 U.S.C.A. \S 1673, CPLR S 5242 (C)(2)(i), and aprior decision by this Court dated October 22, 1996, all indicate that the limitation for child support enforcement is 55\% of disposable earnings since the Defendant is supporting dependent children other than those of his creditor. However, this applies only the extent that Gerald Aranoff is given regular monthly payments from the fund equivalent to earnings or a pension payout.
    3.I failed to follow an August 19, 1992 support order because my only earnings was my salary as a professor in Israel. I offered Susan half of my pension because she was caring for my children and maintaining my house. Susan rejected my offer. I bless her and wish her well. I never had any earnings that Judge Rigler could garnish. I divorced Susan following the Talmud edict. See “We can see this from what our Sages, Rishonim and Achronim, instructed about when one spouse wishes to immigrate to Israel --- the other must comply, and if not, immigration to Israel justifies a divorce (Rambam, Hilchot Ishut 13:20; S. A., E.H. 75:4).”
    4.With this Coronavirus pandemic, me being 74 and poor, living in Bnei Brak, Israel with my wife and daughters---it is an emergency, extremely urgent. I seek Court compassion to restore my pension. You could make a motion to the Court to dismiss the Court from any control over the QDRO. Judge Rigler and TIAA and the Court have been taken for a ride in 1994 with Susan at the wheel.”

  2. You know, there's an old story about a Jewish neighbourhood in which there were constant motor vehicle accidents at one particular intersection that had no stop signs. So the community gathered to do a cheshbon. Were the women not dressing tznius? Was the eiruv not holding by all the strictest opinions? Was someone's mezuzah faulty? Finally the Rav stood up and said "The problem is that the intersection needs stop signs."
    It's a good story but in real life no one ever believes that Rav. Nah, can't be that. Has to be a deeper mussar thing.
    What's God saying? It's quite simple - don't trust the Chinese and when a contagious virus comes to town, follow Public Health's recommendations.

  3. wow
    we are truly fortunate to have such wise commentators

  4. Wow. Sarcasm. {Yawn}
    People always want to look for deep explanations for things but usually that's because they have an agenda and the pshat doesn't support it so they come up with new interpretations that, surprise, do support it.
    I've seen endless videos by various men with long beards and black hats explaining all about coronavirus from every nistar angle they can think of but for me the bottom line is the obvious answer, even if it's not one you want to hear.


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