Sunday, March 15, 2020

Zohar on marriage

Zohar (Bereishis 49a) AND G-d brought her to the MAN. From this we learn that it is incumbent on the father and mother of the bride to transfer her to the domain of the bridegroom; so we read ‘my daughter I have given to this man’ (Devarim 22:16).After she has been transferred to her husband, he needs to come to her because the house is now her  domain as we see in Bereishis (24;23)”and he came to her”i.e. and he came to Rachel”This is reinforced by the fact that regarding the parents it says “brought” but in reference to the husband it says “he came”. That shows that the husband now needs his wife’s permission. Similarly the verse says:”And he prayed in the place and stayed there for the night Bereishis 28:11) which means he sought permission first. From this we learn that if he wants intercourse with his wife he must persuade and placate her with words first. Otherwise he can not be with her because the relationship needs to be of mutual consent and desire without force. We also see that the Torah states “He stayed there because the sun had set” That means that intercourse is forbidden during the day.It also says “he took of the stones of the place and put it under his head”. From this we learn that even a king who has a bed of gold with expensive covers,if his wife prepares a bed of stone for him he must leave his own bed and sleep on the stone bed which she prepared. As it says “and he lay down in that place” Also see that it says here “and the man said “this time” that shows he spoke to her to coax and attract her to him in a friendly and affectionate manner. Look how tender his words were,”bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh”, to express that they were truly one entity and inherently inseperable. And then he began to sing her praises, “and this one shall be called woman” meaning she surpasses all others and is so perfect as if other woman were like monkeys compared to human beings. Only she is seen as the perfect woman. Every word is inspired by love  this is comparable to the verse in Shir HaShirim(31:29) “Many woman have done great  things but you surpass all of them .”therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and cleave to his wife and they shall be one flesh.” All this was to win her affection and attract her to him

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