Monday, November 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton - contrary to Trump supporters - has always been involved in helping others

Fox News  by Lanny Davis is a regular weekly columnist for The Hill. In 1996-98, Davis served as special counsel to President Bill Clinton. He attended Yale Law School with Hillary Clinton in 1969-70 and has remained friends with her ever since.

There are three simple facts about Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy that should not be disputable — even by supporters of Donald Trump.

There are undisputed facts about Trump as well — that he has used bigoted words about Mexicans, questioned the integrity of a federal judge because of his Mexican heritage, mocked a disabled reporter, used misogynistic words while bragging on tape about conduct that is the functional equivalent of criminal sexual assault and recommended the spread of nuclear weapons — but these are for another column.

First, Hillary Clinton has spent her life involved in public service and has a public record and voting record that is progressive.

I first met Hillary at Yale when I was in my third year at Yale Law School in September 1969, and she was an incoming first-year student. I was standing in line to register for classes, and I turned around and saw her right behind me. I recognized her from her photo in a national news magazine that I had seen the night before about a highly regarded speech she had given at her Wellesley College commencement the previous June.

I introduced myself and asked her whether there was any advice I could offer her about Yale Law School — what courses to take, what professors were best, how to read cases and study, etc. Her response: “You could help me — where is the nearest legal services clinic that I could volunteer for?”

When I questioned whether she would have the time, she responded:

“The reason I came to law school is to help me do public service.”

Wow, I thought. This person is unusual — she is going places. The more I got to know her that year, the more I thought she would someday be president. I kid you not.

Hillary’s life’s work has been devoted to public service and helping others, especially helping children and healthcare policy — that is a fact. Through the years as first lady of Arkansas and in the White House, as well as her eight years in the U.S. Senate, her position on all the major issues has been as a progressive Democrat with a reputation of working well with Republicans.

Her one mistake — shared by 26 other progressive U.S. Democratic senators and many others — was supporting the Iraq War resolution in October 2003. She has since said she made a mistake - as she also said she made a mistake and apologized for using a server for her emails while Secretary of State. This contrasts with Trump, who never admits to a mistake even when he challenged the sincerity of a Gold Star Muslim mother.

Fact two is Hillary’s unquestioned superior experience and qualifications to be president. As President Obama said at the Democratic National Convention and has reiterated many times since then, there is no one who has ever — ever — been as qualified to be president of the United States in the history of our country, and he included himself and President Clinton on that list. Trump says his lack of experience in government and his experience as a businessman — including bankrupting four companies in two years — is an advantage.

Fact three is her compassion and empathy for those who are less fortunate than she. Hillary is a person who has spent her life helping children, the poor, those less fortunate, and those who are the object of discrimination suffering an absence of equal opportunity. In other words, she meets the definition of a moral leader eloquently defined by former Senator and Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey:

“It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”

That is the Hillary Clinton I have known for 47 years. That is the Hillary Clinton who I know — who I am certain — will make a great president of the United States.


  1. There's no question that Hillary believes in public service and helping others. The problem is that she also believes in helping herself generously.

  2. She certainly helped Morrocan kings and Qatari princes. For a small fee, of course.

  3. As a non-American I appreciate that politics is an expensive business , so I see this more as a 'systems' problem. Also being a long time in politics catches up with you. Still this may not be perfect but far better than those who are interested in maintaining the economic status quo and instead of trying to improve the lives of the poor are just interested in changing their attitudes

  4. This talks of her CLAIMS of attitude. When has she ever done anything even morally equivalent to the mitzvah Donald Trump actually DID when he provided his private jet to transport 3-year old Avraham Moshe Ten, o'h?

  5. Trump's one act was so fantastic that it totally obligaterates anything anyone else might do?!

  6. Might do? What fantastic act has she DONE? It is far more likely that someone who did such a magnanimous act will repeat it than someone who has NEVER done anything MIGHT do something.


  8. Trump has defrauded people, he has refused to pay his bills, he has abused women and minority groups - and yet you praise his greatness because of one act of kindness?! She has devoted her life to public service, to help people and make their lives better. Don't see that is a description of Trump. Where do you see that he has repeated this act?


  10. Trump is toast. As much as many wish otherwise, Clinton will win tomorrow's election.

  11. "She has devoted her life to public service, to help people and make their lives better".

    r. eidensohn have you been hacked??? i can NOT believe YOU actually wrote those words!!!!!!
    shes in politics in order to help people???!?!?!
    "devoted her life"?!???!! " to public service"??!?!?
    this cant be you!!!

  12. The_Original_Bored_LawyerNovember 7, 2016 at 10:03 PM

    The problem here is that "helping other people" always equates with "create a big government program." Note that she never comments on Clinton's personal generosity. Has Clinton ever donated 5 cents to charity or an hour of her time? Not that you would know from this article.

  13. Clinton has defrauded the citizens of the country while enriching herself through her influence-peddling schemes. Isn't it amazing how a person who spent her whole life in public service helping others is now worth, together with her husband, more than 100 million dollars.

  14. sorry if you can't believe that someone is interested in helping other - even if they at the same time are helping themselves

  15. Would suggest you reread the article

  16. The_Original_Bored_LawyerNovember 7, 2016 at 11:47 PM

    I did. I stand by what I said. Her generosity is wholly in the realm of working for government policies and institutions that might help people. No indication she has ever given a dime of her money to anything.

  17. This is the conventional wisdom.

  18. "Politics is an expensive business" is why people have campaign chests. It does not excuse selling influence for self-enrichment. As I posted above, after lifetimes in "public service," Bill and Hillary are worth over $111 million. This does not include the vast millions they have raised for campaigning, buying votes, and the like.

  19. Hillary Clinton has abused her power. Her crimes and her evil are in her public service. She is a lot different than Bill. Bill was a complete immoral in his private life, but he was a pragmatic president in his domestic policy. Hillary does not have that.

    Donald Trump did evil in his private life. We do not know what he will be as a public servant, but we know that he lacks the shrewdness and motivation to abuse that power anyway close to the way Clinton can.

    Hillary will definitely continue to abuse her power. Presidency will give her a lot more powers to abuse.
    That gives me the motivation to vote for Trump.

    There is one thing that I still cannot clarify. Do you value progressive principals? Do you lean to the right or to the left? I would really like to understand your political worldview.

  20. Hashem decides the winner. We've done our hishtadlus and despite how bleak things may look we know that Hashem is giving this nation the leader it deserves just as He chose in 1933. May Hashem be more merciful to US than He was to Deutschland.

  21. You still haven't shown even a single instance equivalent to any of the acts of kindness Trump HAS done. On the contrary, her actions in "public service" as Secretary of State directly led to the deaths in Benghazi. I have never heard anything equivalent about Trump in his construction business.

  22. You wrote

    "Has Clinton ever donated a dollar to charity or an hour of her time? "

    yes she definitely has given of her time. Regarding the money - it should be available in her tax returns.

    Not sure that Trump has given either money or time

  23. Why do you begrudge that of Trump? Yet I can assure you that when he helped Avraham Moshe Ten, o'h, Mr. Trump received absolutely no personal benefit. I will keep citing that example because a) I know about it since the time it occurred, b) it shows the side of the man your closed mind refuses to acknowledge.

    Again, show me where in her 30 years of public service Hillary actually has helped anyone?


  24. I introduced myself and asked her whether there was any advice I could offer her about Yale Law School — what courses to take, what professors were best, how to read cases and study, etc. Her response: “You could help me — where is the nearest legal services clinic that I could volunteer for?”

    When I questioned whether she would have the time, she responded:

    “The reason I came to law school is to help me do public service.”

    Ah, so college students don't volunteer in order to pad their resume?! Really?? A claim as honest as Hillary herself, right in her basket of deplorables.

    Other than this, this piece lacks any actual stories. A secretary of state without any accomplishments, and several failures, is not valuable experience. A senator without any accomplishments is not valuable experience.

    Claims that she is full of compassion and empathy, as long as it is on someone else's dime, is worthless. The millions that she took from her foundation to compassionately and sympathetically marry off her daughter in billionaire style, could have been used to help poor people. The furniture that she stole from the White House could have been used to help the poor.

  25. Let's take just one of those examples. The supposed abuse of women. Name an actual verifiable instance that has not been disproven.

  26. If you'd glance at the lists of Trump's kindnesses I posted below, you'd stop being not sure.

  27. In my opinion, the Republicans guaranteed their loss as soon as Trump became the presumptive nominee. Clinton was defeatable with almost any other primary candidate.

  28. from kikar shabbat - בתוך כך, ל"כיכר השבת" נודע כי הגאון רבי ירוחם אולשין, מראשי ישיבת ליקווד, אמר לאחד מתלמידיו להצביע עבור טראמפ והתייחס למסרבים לתמוך בו זאת בשל הפרשיות בהן היה מעורב וגסותו בנושאים רגישים. "כתוב בגמרא שדוד המלך עשה שתי עבירות אולם לא איבד את המלוכה - מה שאין כן בנו שלמה המלך שעשה עבירה אחת ואיבד את המלוכה, זה משום שיש הבדל בין העבירות בחיים האישיים והפרטיים לבין עבירות בנושא התפקיד והמעמד של המלוכה" אמר הרב.

    "להבדיל אלף אלפי הבדלות" הוא הוסיף, "ניתן ללמוד מכאן את הרעיון של הבעיה הגדולה של השחיתות במישור הציבורי. טראמפ בעייתי בחייו האישיים, אולם הילרי עשויה להיות מושחתת בחיים הציבוריים".

    יצוין, כי גם הגאון רבי שמואל קמינצקי ראש ישיבת פילדלפיה הורה לבחור ישיבה אמריקאי הלומד בישראל להצביע עבור מועמדותו של טראמפ.

    - RDE , I think you have written the opposite , that Trump has made his personal failings very much part of his public image . Interesting RSK's view

  29. you have one instance and you keep playing it over and over again as if it is representative - it isn't

  30. this is not about world view - it is whether to have a fool as president or a corrupt individual who has the basic competence to run the country.

    Or to use a different framework - would you fly on an airplane with someone who hasn't got his pilot's license but is known to be a reckless driver of cars. Takes unnecessary risks to show off and shows no sense of responsibility?

    Or would you fly with a pilot of is fully qualified and experience but trades on the black market and is known to cheat on tax. You have a choice of only one - which would you pick?

  31. As I said - repeating one example over and over in now way presents a convincing argument that outweighs Trumps many negative characteristic including his use of his foundation money to buy portraits of himself.

  32. Perhaps. On both counts.

  33. Devoted her life to public service. What a joke. Devoted her life to exploiting her so-called service for personal enrichment. Lanny Davis is the perfect disinterested character witness.

  34. And Hillary paying for daughter's wedding and the gown with Clinton Foundation money was ok?

    Even if the Andrew Ten example was the only example of Trump's kindness (there are more as kisheyum listed) that is still more than Hillary. No one disputes Trump's failings. But compared to Clinton, the defender of rapists (one being her husband) that is like comparing Mussolini (who actually provided safe haven to those fleeing Hitler until the Nazis took over Italy) to Hitler. And you know which one I consider Hitler (

  35. Absolutely. Let's take the supposed incident on the plane. That was completely debunked by the British passenger who had been sitting across the aisle next to them who said Trump never touched the woman. In fact, she had been the one shamelessly flirting with Trump who showed no interest in her.

  36. Conventional wisdom failed during the times people cast actual ballots. What bracha do you make on toast? ברוך אתה ה' אלוקינו מלך העולם שחלק מכבודו לבשר ודם ?

  37. Trump will never go to court over these charges - despite his bluster - because he knows he will lose

  38. Any one who can make these glib comparisons simply doesn't know who Hitler was. This discussion is absurd!

  39. Hillary is only interested in public service in order to push her agenda.

    Among her donation s were several million dollars to anti Israel / anti Jewish terrorist children via the children's defense fund she was involved with (in terms of allocating money.)

    3. Her personal tax return donation s include full value for her husband's underwear. Remember?

  40. RSK speaking again at agudah convention Thursday nite 8:00pm in Stamford, Connecticut.

  41. 1- ok which is her primary interest? duh?!

    2 - thats not what you wrote earlier!! you claimed " She has "DEVOTED HER LIFE to public service, to help people"
    if you you really are so naive to believe so - then on what basis??
    you can make that claim about any corrupt politician

  42. A first-person account that illustrates how Hillary Clinton really is when dealing with ordinary people:

    Not exactly in line with Lanny Davis's preposterous claim.

  43. Who said anything about a lawsuit? I said the lady from the supposed plane groping has already been debunked. That's why no one has heard a peep about Jessica Leeds lie about being groped in the last few weeks.

  44. You are clearly a politician because you avoid giving straight answers. talk about glibness! You know darn well that Clinton's use of their Foundation's money is for Chelsea's intermarriage is no better than anything Trump did. And the comparison of Hitler to Mussolini is only different in degree of difference between Hitler and Mussolini from Hillary and Trump. Hitler corrupted and took over the German government and Hillary wishes she can achieve what he did.

  45. you can't have an intelligent discussion - everything is analogies which are simply inaccurate

  46. Then I will put into a simple Yes or No question to you.
    Was it alright for the Clintons to use their Foundation money to pay for Chelsea's wedding?

  47. R
    Refused to pay his bills. Sounds like some orthodox jewish customers of mine.

  48. Pretty sure Trump's gonna take it. So much for "100%" and "guaranteed their loss."

    Not that I was too sure myself.

  49. Ok. Here's an analogy for you. In a year that the Chicago Cubs winthe World Series, Donald Trump is elected President of the United States. Nissim v'Niflaos!

  50. Yes I agree they are both concerned with the same thing - entertainment

  51. C'mon. Just admit it, this election proves that it is Hashem who selects those who are to be the leaders of nations. After all, what sane person could have possibly imagined this outcome? :)
    Perhaps that one mitzvah Trump performed for a sick Jewish child many years ago measured more in Hashem's eyes than all of Clinton's potential?


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