Sunday, November 20, 2016

150 divorced father die each year leaving 400 orphans a year - is this the result of the feminist persecution of divorced men?


הנה נתון: 150 אבות גרושים מאבדים את חייהם בשנה.

האם ייתכן שהסיבה היא פשוטה וברורה למדי? רדיפת אבות על-ידי רשויות המדינה (רווחה, בתי משפט, משטרה) מרגע הפרידה או הגירושים מאם ילדיהם שמנצלת את העובדה שהמדינה, בעניינים האלו, תמיד תהיה לטובתה, שחברי הכנסת והשרים חוששים מהג'יאהד הפמיניסטי בכנסת, ולכן שותקים ומאפשרים שואה של ממש לאבות שאתרע מזלם להתגרש מאישה חסרת לבב - כפי שלאחרונה עלתה וצפה התופעה מפרסום מכתבים אחר מותם של כמה מהם. או שאולי כפי שקובעים המחקרים, רק אנשים עם בעיות נפשיות בוחרים ב"פתרון" הזה כמוצא.

י. גבר חרדי בן 34 מירושלים, מספר: "לאחר שאשתי החליטה וטעמיה אתה, שהיא רוצה לחזור בשאלה, התגרשנו בהסכמה. אלו היו גרושים רגועים לחלוטין, בלי דיונים ובלי ויכוחים. סיכמנו על הסדרי ראיה כמו שצריך. הילדים היו אמורים להישאר בתלמודי התורה שלהם, ולמשך ארבעה חודשים התברכתי בלבבי שהכל עבר בשלום יחסי. ואז, התארסתי, והכל התהפך.

"ביום שנודע לה על האירוסין שלי היא הלכה למשטרה והמציאה סיפורים על כך שנהגתי כלפיה באלימות. למעשה זו הייתה הפעם הראשונה שראיתי מה זה משטרה. הייתי בחור ישיבה רגיל. תמים. אני וכל משפחתי, לא היה לי ועדיין אין לי מושג איך מהלכים איתם, ומסתבר שזה גם לא היה עוזר לי, ניסיון. כי כשמדובר בילדים להורים גרושים, האישה מקבלת את מלוא תמיכת החוק. עצרו אותי לכמה ימים, חקרו אותי שתי וערב, ואז שחררו אותי. נאלצתי לדחות את האירוסין לשבוע שלאחר מכן..

"לדעתי היא פנתה לעמותה שעוזרת לחוזרים בשאלה, והם הציבו לה סוללה של עורכי דין. אחרת אי אפשר להסביר את הייעוץ המשפטי המשובח שהיה לה. פתאום היא טענה, שתמיד הייתי אלים כלפיה וכלפי הילדים, וזאת, אחרי תשע שנים שהייתי אבא מצוין גם לדעתה. הרווחה התערבה, לקחו אותה לאיזה מקלט כי אני לכאורה יכול לתקוף אותה. שנתיים לאחר מכן, לא ראיתי אותם. שילמתי מזונות שהלכו וגדלו עם הזמן, למרות שבהסכם שלנו בבית הדין היה חתום שלא תהיה תביעת מזונות, בית המשפט שאליו פנתה לאחר מכן הוסיף עוד ועוד סעיפים לרעתי.

"הרווחה כבר קלטה שאני בסדר גמור. למעשה גם בית משפט, כל התיקים שהיא פתחה נגדי נסגרו מחוסר ראיות, ואולם עדיין יש עינוי דין נוראי, עוד חצי שנה נעשה תזכיר, עוד כמה חודשים נעשה דיון נוסף. הכל מזדחל ומייגע מאד. מאז חלפו שלש שנים. בשנה האחרונה ראיתי את הילדים שלש פעמים בלבד".

מדוע רק שלש פעמים?

"מה שקורה הוא, שהרווחה קובעת פגישות עם הילדים, ואז, ברגע האחרון אני מקבל ביטול עם משפטים כמו 'הילדים מסרבים. זה לא קל לילדים, אי אפשר היום'. אסור לי לבוא לבקרם, לשוחח איתם בטלפון. כלום. אני מיואש מאד, משהו בתוכי כבה. גם כשאתה רואה את הילדים הם לא מחבקים אותך אלא מטיחים טענות על החרדים בלי קשר שהאביסו אותם בבית, ואין אהבה".

וויתרת? אתה לא תובע יותר?

"למעשה כן. גם מבחינה כלכלית זה קשה באופן שלא ייאמן. כבר כרגע אני עומד על מאה אלף שח חובות לעורכי דין, ואין לי כסף לכל התביעות האלו.. אני מרוויח שבע וחצי נטו, מתוך זה ארבע אלף ש"ח הולך למזונות, וזה חוץ מהוצאות לא צפויות כמו חוגים, בנוסף על זה אני משכיר דירה בירושלים ומתמודד כמו כולנו עם החיים והפרנסה היומיומית. זה קשה מאד.

"שלחתי מאות מכתבים ואימיילים לכל מיני גורמים ברשויות. זה כמו להיתקל שוב ושוב בחומת בטון. החוק אבסולוטי נגד דברים, וכשמדובר באישה שחזרה בשאלה נוסף הממד של נטיית הרשויות והגורמים הממלכתיים להאמין ולתמוך באישה שנמלטה מהחיים החרדיים החשוכים ומבעלה החרדי ה'שחור והפנאט'".

"אנחנו מקבלים מקרים נוגעים ללב", אומרת רונית סמדר דרור, מנהלת עמותת לצדכם שמטרתה לסייע משפטית ופסיכולוגית לגברים הסובלים מבעיה זו, ולמניעת מקרים נוספים.

בראשית היה העולם שוביניסטי לחלוטין, גברים נישאו לכמה נשים שרצו, ילדו ילדים וצאצאיהם מילאו את הארץ, נשאו את שמם בלבד, והיו חשובים בעיקר אם היו זכרים... לנשים לא היו כל זכויות, ולא היה פוצה פה ומצפצף.

היום, הגלגל התהפך לפחות בעניין הזה, נשים הן הבעלות הבלעדיות של הילדים. הרשויות תמיד לטובתן, תמיד יאמינו להן ותמיד יעצרו כל אבא שתלונה הוגשה נגדו. יהיו נשים שיגידו שזוהי חוויה מתקנת. הבעיה שהחוויה המתקנת הזו עולה במותם של 150 גברים בשנה. 400 יתומים שמאבדים אבא!

"כאשר מדובר בגירושין בקונפליקט גבוה ומלחמה על גבם של הילדים, ברוב המכריע של המקרים, האימא מקבלת בלעדיות על הילדים תוך כדי פגיעה אנושה באב. מרגע הפרידה או הגירושים מתחיל מרוץ מטורף נגד האב שמתחיל בדרך כלל בתלונות שווא, הרחקות מהבית, ניתוק מהילדים וניכור מהאבא, ממשיך עם תשלומי מזונות שהרבה מאד אבות לא מסוגלים להתמודד עמם ואז יש עיקולים, הוצאה לפועל ושוב מעצרים שלא מאפשרים לאבא הזה לעמוד על הרגליים ולהתפרנס... כך שהוא לא מצליח לצאת מהמלכוד אליו הוא נכנס ולפעמים פשוט מתייאש". אומרת רונית סמדר דרור.

"ניתוק של ילדים מאבות כליל או התעקשות שיראה אותם במרכזי קשר (חדר סגור בו האב משחק עם ילדיו תוך כדי שפקידות סעד צופות בהם) לשעה בשבוע... וככה אלפי ילדים גדלים ללא אבא, ללא דמות אב שתחזק ותהווה משענת מהותית בהתפתחות שלהם. לפעמים במצבים הטובים יש הסדרי ראייה (האב הופך לבייביסיטר לילדיו) של שלוש שעות פעמיים בשבוע, וכל זאת בגלל תלונות של האם שלפעמים לוקח שנים לבדוק. במקביל האבות נשלחים למכוני בדיקה לבדיקת כשירותם ומסוגלותם ההורית שעולים אלפי שקלים ששוב מרבית האבות נדרשים לשלם.

"במרבית התלונות, המשטרה והרשויות מאמינים מידית לאם בשל הפחד האוטומטי שיש במערכת מפגיעה באישה. אבל אנחנו חושבים שצריכים להישאל שאלות כמו, איך ייתכן שחמש עשרה שנה כשהיה נשוי לך היה בסדר גמור בתור אב, ופתאום, עם הגירושין, הוא הופך לבעל אלים? חסר מסוגלות? מתעלל? אלו דברים שצריך לבדוק".

הכאב והעוול של הגברים הגרושים, גרמו לסמדר-דרור ולעוד אנשי מקצוע עובדים סוציאלים ופסיכולוגים להקים את עמותת 'לצדכם' - מערך חדש הכולל יועצים מכל סוג- פסיכולוגי וסוציאלי.


  1. Its substantial ly the fault of batei din. They have no respect for themselves, that they allow other parties to intervene, after a final decision / settlement under their auspices.

    Also, the authorities don't want to recognize that when one party gets engaged / remarried, that's when the false accusations start.

    One partial solution is yo make the accusing party (ex wide, usually) pay for such fees as visitation fees, requiring the accusing party bring the children to the accused's home for visitation (instead of the accused having to ho to the accuser's home) etc. You'll see right away how the accuser all of a sudden shuts up, instead of paying these fees. but f course, the accusation lobby will protest.

  2. Why don't they reinvent Prenuptial's to solve this problem as well as for the sake of shivyon zchuyot. It takes two to tango, both parents have an equal share in bringing life into this world, therefore, the burden is to be shared equally by both. After all, what's good for the goose is good for the Gander. Isn't it unfair for one equal partner polishing the plate and licking off all the nachas, while the Gander only toiling to provide the bread with his brow's sweat mialot haShachar ad sheteitze nishmoso. It is no wonder the Ganders are opting to *exit* such a lose - lose proposition. Did you take into consideration to leave any wiggle room for his future marriage in rebuilding his own nest? Which woman want's a husband whose income is totaled, garnished and mortgaged up to the hilt, veheich shovkis chayim lechol biryah?
    Uhmmm... and if you need to change the text in the Ketuba, also not a problem, you have more than plenty feminist rabiners willing to bring Das Moshe veYehudis up to date and are more than willing to raise the bar on the leftist side of the scale making it even more equal, why not the same for the right, Huh?
    They never have a problem with the Torah being in the way. You need a Get, no problem, hire some Goons, whack him over the head and prod him untill he screams, uyyy...roitze aniiiiiiiiii.... If that didn't do the trick, take three rabiners beilum shem from under the table, thousands of miles away, feed them like "Shtop Genz" in a Straight Jacket that can only say yey, declare the Gander totally meshuge/insane, and we are back to the future rolling back to Daylight Savings time, and undo the Kidushin as if it never happened. Rollback the Chupah, and watch the Gander taking back his ring, putting it in his pocket and going back home. You can even get MIzrach, Shishi and be Guest Speaker at the Guda's Convention. Never mind Shidduch Crisis, it is I- Phones that is the problem, OTD is the problem. You have no clue, OTD comes from throwing the children under the Bus and under the rugs. Veal yehe lecho esek BeTiv Gittin veKidushin, ubeMatir Assurim.

    If after spending all the bullets and the Gander is still holding on his own, Das Moshe will never stand in their way, and proceed on to Plan C, Goldberg's & Shimen Leibowit's way with the latest inventions and Techniques of the cutting edge. You lure him either to Pennsylvania or Uman, dart him with a poisened pygmy blowgun, have a moblie Kangaroo Bet Din kit handy, chant Hocus Pocus and Declare she kind of sort of got Get Will Travel and is FREE. For extra measure, they leave him for dead like a chicken without a head, so that you don't ask, and he Don't tell. And so it goes.

    For the right price you can buy anything, anywhere, anytime. They will even sell their own mother for the right price, never mind Toras Moshe. What an Agunah DeShikra.

  3. 1. Should be in best interests of children. In reality, its best interests of the judge's (mismanaged) schedule.

    Anyway, in this case, the custody was decided. Its the intervenors who decided against best interests.

    2. Don't understand your rant. There was an agreement that was violated by the ex wife and her amuta. And the husband suffered.

    3. What is misleading? Besides, try to take a survey of charedim. They won't cooperate, especially to admit to mental health problems. And in this case, he was exonerated. Try to take such a survey of non charedim. Also won't work. People won't admit mental health issues, charedi or not. .DL, chardal, or chiloni. In America, Israel, or Europe. Try China or Iran, where the definition of mental health is determined by the government's social norms.

  4. Let me get this straight, Monty. You blame the Chareidi community for suicidal women who left the Chareidi community while at the same time absolving fault for anyone when a father who wrongfully was denied visitation/custody commits suicide?

  5. The article doesn't say 150 suicides, it says 150 deaths.

    Borne out by statistics. for example. A simple Google search brings loads of articles. Divorce dramatically decreases life expectancy.

  6. but we are not necessarily dealing with suicide

  7. מאבדים את חייהם

    כפי שלאחרונה עלתה וצפה התופעה מפרסום מכתבים אחר מותם של כמה מהם

    . like Esty z"l may she rest in peace. In her exit note she wrote: In this city I gave birth to my children, in this city I lost my life over my children. Veal ele uke'ele ani bochiyo, no matter which parent
    eini eini yordo mayim

    *רק אנשים עם בעיות נפשיות *בוחרים ב"פתרון" הזה כמוצא
    clearly suicide

    If the broken heart didn't do the job, agmat nefesh of a shattered life katzti bechayay, vetov moti mechayay, im ken lamah ze anochi will make you exit

    כך שהוא לא מצליח לצאת מהמלכוד אליו הוא נכנס ולפעמים פשוט מתייאש".
    indicating reason for suicide

  8. America, Israel, or Europe meaning secular people, not charedim, not DL, not chilonim. Nobody.

  9. I don't read Hebrew, can't read the article. But just to add my cent to the conversation, this happens in the non jewish world too, divorce shortens life expectancy of all men.

    Personally, I think that religious jewish men might suffer more than non-jewish or non-religious jewish men... in my view, a divorced religious man feels way more lost in their new 'divorce reality', mostly because they were never independent, they jumped from 'mommy's care' to 'wife's care'... the religious community's pressure also is a burden, Shabbatot and holidays bring their sting as well... who once was a host now becomes a guest... that's my impression based in what I see in my community.

    Nothing to do with feminism, just that if a man never lived by himself while single, chances are he won't know how to take care of himself very well when divorced. And if the divorce is bitter, his life will never move on... and that will affect his health... and the final result will be very negative.

  10. *Nothing to do with feminism, just that if a man never lived by himself while single, chances are he won't know how to take care of himself very well when divorced.*

    Going to such extreme taking his own life, most likely she was a Machsheifele. Had that been the case, rest assured he got good experience having to do everything on his own as if living in a Boot Camp. With all these feminist rabanim, the deck is stacked against them, finding himself against the world, losing his life's toil, children, visitation rights, his future income salamied away and left be'eirom uvchoser kol totally devastated (stripped of his money, dignity to be left without any simchat hachayim to move on), finally the world collapses on him, only to escape by making an exit. Observe this from a psychological point of view, rather than physical. On the flip side of the coin, when the same happens to woman all the same applies. See nebach Esty W. z"l, she died from a broken heart, not of anything else. Stripped of her children, dignity, simchat hachayim with nothing to look forward anymore. Not all have the koach to start from scratch all over again, like she wrote in her memoirs. My heart goes out for her, and her parents.

  11. “…the result of the feminist persecution of divorced men?”
    Yes, there is the feminist persecution. My case in point. Order 11/18/2016 Index No. 54688/12:

    “…The defendant’s opposition lays out the long and tortured history of this case and the seemingly endless litigation she was subjected to by Mr. Aranoff. The time to object or appeal the pension award or any other award to the plaintiff has long since passed. Consequently, Mr. Aranoff’s claims are time barred and at this late stage are nothing short of frivolous. Accordingly, Mr. Aranoff’s applications are denied in toto with prejudice…”
    Yes, I responded in court to every award to the plaintiff. No, my motions and appeals from the first were not trivial, silly or light-minded

  12. Agree that it affects the observant community more than non religious.

    But different reason: orthodox society is based on the marriage model, not the single, not the live in, not the live out. And the basis is permanent, not experimental or let's try it out.

    On top of this, accusations of this type lead to rejection of future opportunities. Like what happened in this case -- the second fiancé rejected / dumped him.

  13. Does a group called "fathers for justice exist"?. They have also been known to interfere with custody cases and cause untold suffering and persecution towards mothers who have unfairly lost custody of the children.

    Persecution of this nature can happen to either gender and any agenda that favours one over the other is wrong. This blog post only addresses women persecuting men, but there isn't even any acknowledgement that the reverse also happens.

  14. your reading of this blog is very selective. You obviously don't attend to the case of Beth Alexander

  15. “…the result of the feminist persecution of divorced men?”
    Judge Prus 11/18/2016 Order and he told me similar on the phone 11/16/2016:
    “Mr. Aranoff is ordered not to file any further proceedings before this court. Mr. Aranoff is ordered not to contact this court, the clerk's office or chamber's staff as all his requests are time barred and nothing less than a waste of this court's time and resources.”
    I write 11/22/2016 to the NYS Court of Appeals: “I seek here leave to appeal for the purpose of stopping TIAA from paying Susan $825 monthly child support with the youngest, Miriam, now 31.” I did send original and 6 copies to the court with notice of motion and affidavit of service and $45 check and 2 copies to Susan.
    Yes, I did send a polite request to Judge Prus to allow me to contact his court for the purpose of perfecting my appeal. I did send copies to the Appellate Division 2nd Dept who gave me the round around several times.

  16. “…the result of the feminist persecution of divorced men?”
    I add: “If you lend money to My people, to the poor among you, do not act toward them as a creditor; exact no interest from them. If you take your neighbor’s garment in pledge, you must return it to him before the sun sets; it is his only clothing, the sole covering for his skin. In what else shall he sleep? Therefore, if he cries out to Me, I will pay heed, for I am compassionate. You shall not revile God, nor put a curse upon a chieftain among your people.” (Exodus 22:24-27).
    Mekiltah de-Rabbi Ishmael v. 3 p. 151 “Thou Shalt Not Curs Elohim…R. Ishmael says: This passage speaks of judges as when it says: “In all charges of misappropriation—pertaining to an ox, an ass, a sheep, a garment, or any other loss, whereof one party alleges, “This is it”—the case of both parties shall come before God: he whom God declares guilty shall pay double to the other.” (Exodus 22:8) ”
    The Torah warns me not to be disrespectful to Judge Rigler and to all my other NYS judges. Rabbi Avraham Gordimer writes today

    As Jews, we are charged to appreciate and respect the government, and to pray for its welfare. Our Sages tell us that Yosef Ha-Tzaddik and Moshe Rabbeinu, the Biblical Joseph and Moses, accorded respect even to Pharaoh, as such is proper conduct, despite Pharaoh’s nefarious deeds towards the Jewish people. Our Talmudic Sages, Chazal, enacted firm halakhic legislation centering around issues of Eivah (causing discord), for it is crucial to be on good terms with people and powers around and above us.
    I add: “If you lend money to My people, to the poor among you, do not act toward them as a creditor; exact no interest from them. If you take your neighbor’s garment in pledge, you must return it to him before the sun sets; it is his only clothing, the sole covering for his skin. In what else shall he sleep? Therefore, if he cries out to Me, I will pay heed, for I am compassionate. You shall not revile God, nor put a curse upon a chieftain among your people.” (Exodus 22:24-27).
    Mekiltah de-Rabbi Ishmael v. 3 p. 151 “Thou Shalt Not Curs Elohim…R. Ishmael says: This passage speaks of judges as when it says: “In all charges of misappropriation—pertaining to an ox, an ass, a sheep, a garment, or any other loss, whereof one party alleges, “This is it”—the case of both parties shall come before God: he whom God declares guilty shall pay double to the other.” (Exodus 22:8) ”

  17. Still think it has nothing to do with feminism. According to this site (just Googled it) divorced men are really more prone to commit suicide than divorced women.

    Lack of social skills? Feelings of failure? Financial despair?

  18. “…the result of the feminist persecution of divorced men?”
    Here’s evidence of feminist persecution in my case: Judge Prus 11/18/2016 Order
    “Mr. Aranoff objects to the payment of 55% of his TIAA-CREF pension to the defendant. The papers are replete with statements, letter, and materials that have no bearing on the application or the underlying matrimonial proceeding and its resolution. The defendant's opposition lays out the long and tortured history of this case and the seemingly endless litigation she was subjected to by Mr. Aranoff.”
    Judge Prus says that what I submit has no bearing on the application and that I subjected Susan to endless litigation. My application is for Judge Prus to stop TIAA paying Susan $825 child support from my pension with the youngest, Miriam, now 31.
    Trump won because Hillary Clinton went too far Left, See
    Mendel Epstein went too far in taking the wife’s side in marital disputes. Pacer: 11/23/2016 TEXT ONLY ORDER (Clerk) granting Motion for extension of time filed by Appellants in Nos. 15-4053, 15-4094 & 15-4095. Appellants' reply brief must be filed and served on or before November 30, 2016. Pursuant to 3d Cir. L.A.R. 31.4, only one motion for extension of time to file a reply brief may be granted, filed. [15-4053, 15-4094, 15-4095] (MB)
    Kamenitsky-Greenblatt went too far to permit Tamar to marry her boyfriend with her husband alive and well and refusing to divorce her.
    Judge Prus is going too far in saying that what I submit has no bearing on the application and that I subject Susan to endless litigation. This all are cases of feminist persecution. Thank G-d, I’m in Israel with my dear wife Yemima and our 3 daughters, all in good health and productive.

  19. Feminista rabonim taking side as in Aaron F's case. Tamar claimed he has no Social Skills, in spite he was a Congressional aide, no feelings of failure, in no financial despair. These same feminist rabonim and their ilks disenfranchise many men, and therefore there are many more that contemplate suicide. Possibly because the husbands are burdened with Parnassa and cannot raise children and a living at the same time. However, if these same rabonim will allocate visitation rights, not let the wives sneak out of town so that children should not be accessible, not to encourage character assassinations all over the place, deny them a job under various disguises, strip them of their dignity, rodef them ad chormo vead sheteitze nishmosom, we will see less suicides of men. Broken hearts do not discriminate, have no borders, it happens all across the board. Some men are stronger, some men get hurt more by these feminist RHS'S, K's, RNG's, depending on what the case and situation might be. In any case, you can always learn a trade, and there is a lot of help out there to do so. No one died from lack of Social Skills, or financial despair or feelings of failure that are there even before they divorce. It is mostly from having their loved ones stripped away from them, and unjustifiably so. i.e. Esty W, z'l That is why the divorce is a catalyst in being that way.
    In any which way, it must be addressed, and amended no matter which side has been disenfranchised, railroaded, and done injustice. These ra ra bonim need to brought to justice, like RNG is subpoenaed to the other end of the world By the Israeli Rabonim, for the world to see.

  20. How about Gid or Ogud proposal, let the Father have custody of the child, and she send over the dough for her children. If not, why not? Do you think she would go for that. And perhaps, if shove it down her throat, how many would go to the George Washington Bridge, in your opinion? There had been over 150 Frum suicides this past year in USA, mainly in NY, some women as well. Ask the USA Rabbi Gluck what brings on what, which comes first and what precedes suicide.

  21. What are you talking about?
    Come back to Earth and then we talk.

  22. It's not feminism, it's the Justice system. Deal with it.
    Kids go to the mother and father has to pay support. Tough? Yes. Fair? Not always. But that's the reality.

  23. Not so fast, it's the injustice system. The K's and the RH'S's, RNG et al got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. The Justice world did not let them get away with it, paid for it dearly, and they are yet far from done. RNG is summoned to the Bet Din hagadol shebeYerushalayim. The Epstein et al got stung big time, rotting away in jail. The Torah is not for sale, not even for 60 K a pop, as they say sof ganav latliya. You have the Goldberg from Israel that decided, *Omarti echkemo* only to find out *vehi rechoka mimeni*, got stung big time from the feds, sitting now in the can and waiting to be brought to Justice.

    It is only the girls that go the mother, the boys only till they are six. However, there is such a thing as visitation rights that is mostly violated, and there goes child support along with it. Fair? No. Tough? Until the Feministas are brought to Justice. Deal with it? And how, ask RNG. In the meantime, he lost his Kashrus on Gittin veKiddushin. Results, the paramours must depart. In the mean time Tamar is not producing children, if she does, they will be declared Mamzerim. Did she do any better second time around? You tell me.

    Esty W. z"l, did she get to see her children? No. What was the result? She took her own life. Does InJustice prevail, not always. And Yes, they are all being dealt with, one by one. If you don't believe me, ask The ProdFather, the Goldsteins, the Karate choppers, the Kidnappers, the waterboarders, the water brigades, and the rest of those wise guys. Hashem has his ways, and the Justice System has the means. Mean? Yes. But they all got what they deserved. Who says there is no Justice after all?

    And that's the real Reality, ny friend.

  24. Aren't the feminists out for equal rights and equal pay? And I thought you are up in Mars, since when are you an EarthLink? Get with it. Right is always right, but left is passe, ask Oh McDonald, the new President in waiting.

  25. I still don't know what you are talking about.

  26. I believe you're referring to Torah system, I am talking about secular justice system.

    Outside Israel, boys and girls stay with the mother, unless something really bad is proven against her, the father stays alone, loses his house and has to pay child/spouse support. That's the law and if the father does not comply, he is sent to jail.

  27. Man... if it's aaaaaaaaall fault of the feminist, how come divorced non-Jewish men are also committing suicide? The feminist rabonin are also going after them?
    This problem has nothing to do with feminism. It's a problem caused by the pressures put on the divorced men by the secular justice system, plus many other personal causes.

  28. r u joking?!?!?! obviously the secular justice system is a Symptom of the culture. i.e. feminism!!!

  29. Gid or Ogud
    she dont undestand gmara looshen

  30. What makes you think that no-fault divorce laws are not a direct result of feminism and feminist lobbying and lobbyists? These laws, combined with most other divorce laws that favor women, are direct results of feminism. Laws have to be made fair again.

  31. Why don't you explain it to her, just like I explained to her so many other things just for the asking. Could it be that she only speaks Martian? In any case Krayna deigarta, if don't understand, send out an S.O.S.

  32. Houston! We've got a communication problem. Do you have TR pgm?

  33. You got it the other way around. The feminist rabanim caught the disease from the non-Jewish feminists. For thousands of years, there was no such thing as meshuga of toit heteirim, turning back the clock and mafkia Kidushin so as if it never happened, No Epstein Prodding's, waterb oarding, Baseball battings, gittei meusse for 60K a pop. These are all recent inventions from mischadshim that know things much better than the Torah, and send messages back to Kivyachol with updates and ammendments of Century 21. You say Vekosav lah, I will show you that we can beat the c... out of him untill he says yey Ok, and we show you that *Oh yes we can*, like the little engine that could. We also have more scientific cutting edge methods like HETER e.g. FREE without the husbands awareness or agreement if she has Yeshiva Bonus Credits from back home. You than have the Israeli *Patent lamachat* by putting the husband to sleep for good, so that he may rest in peace permanently and create a good riddance. Talmud produced a Pruzbel, and a Mechiras Chametz, others updated and paralleled it with HETER MECHIRA for Shmita. r Rackman churned out a mekach ta---s from a magicians hat in lieu of a Get, with pilpulim shel dofi, chant hocus pocus and aus shidduch, aus marriage as if it never happened. For these nashim da'aton kalos = feminist rabiners, can pull a rabbit with the greatest of ease. So for your equating non-Jewish suicides to J. suicides, the reasons are the same, as the saying goes, *azoi vi est goyisht zich azoi yiddisht zich*. Compare it with pre feminist dated suicides, not even close. And that is exactly why this Israeli MP Glick is complaining about. The Torah true Rabanim fought back tooth and nail lehachzir atara lyoshno, and B'H' succeded. These scoundrels are being brought to Justice, sitting in the cans, and summoned to BD in Israel to explain themselves, if they only can. And that is all I have to say in the EarthLing linguage, fershteist.
    You can experiment with a lab test by reversing the system to see what happens with the pressure and other personal causes.
    Chadash ossur min haTorah, Period!!!
    Agunnah is here to stay veteshev ad shetalbin sa'arah until legitimately resolved the Torah way. You don't become an Agunnah just for the screaming or calling up ORA. Hashem has a special Pekel put away for ORA and their goons and supporters, just like for the Prodders et al.

    For all the mamzerim as a byproduct and residue from these vooddoo funny happenings, call Houston and Xplain the problem. I hope this helps.

  34. Ok, and as you just said that the product and result is goyishe suicides. They make a cheshbon it is easier to exit than suffer away a prison life. However, when he has the dough and builds a new nest, the exit polls go down.

  35. I am going to take up Martian lessons, maybe I will get through :). Have for you a question, suppose the husband proposes the wife, you pay me palimony, child support get to keep the house, the children, for even less than you would charge for. That is Gid or Ogud proposal aka Equal rights for < /= pay, and let her be by herself. And if she is not willing, she should go to jail. Sort of Richade in Chess or turning tables like Lucy used to play.

  36. “…the result of the feminist persecution of divorced men?”
    Here’s evidence of feminist persecution in my case: Judge Prus 11/18/2016 Order
    “Mr. Aranoff objects to the payment of 55% of his TIAA-CREF pension to the defendant. The papers are replete with statements, letter, and materials that have no bearing on the application or the underlying matrimonial proceeding and its resolution. The defendant's opposition lays out the long and tortured history of this case and the seemingly endless litigation she was subjected to by Mr. Aranoff.”
    Judge Prus says that what I submit has no bearing on the application and that I subjected Susan to endless litigation. My application is for Judge Prus to stop TIAA paying Susan $825 child support from my pension with the youngest, Miriam, now 31.
    Trump won because Hillary Clinton went too far Left, See
    Mendel Epstein went too far in taking the wife’s side in marital disputes. Pacer: 11/23/2016 TEXT ONLY ORDER (Clerk) granting Motion for extension of time filed by Appellants in Nos. 15-4053, 15-4094 & 15-4095. Appellants' reply brief must be filed and served on or before November 30, 2016. Pursuant to 3d Cir. L.A.R. 31.4, only one motion for extension of time to file a reply brief may be granted, filed. [15-4053, 15-4094, 15-4095] (MB)
    Kamenitsky-Greenblatt went too far to permit Tamar to marry her boyfriend with her husband alive and well and refusing to divorce her.
    Judge Prus is going too far in saying that what I submit has no bearing on the application and that I subject Susan to endless litigation. These all are cases of feminist persecution. Thank G-d, I’m in Israel with my dear wife Yemima and our 3 daughters, all in good health, happy and productive.

  37. If a wife makes more money than the husband, he can ask for alimony. I found an interesting article on Forbes about this:

    I describes the story of a stay-at-home-dad, married to a woman who earned 100.000k a year and after she filed for divorce, he DIDN'T ask for alimony, because of embarrassment...

    It's not a beautiful fight in the court, the secular judicial system is biased to favor women, BUT...a man has the right to ask for it.

    The main problem here is 'paying the lawyer'. Many men give up pursuing their rights just because it gets too expensive to pay a lawyer. My brother in law had completely given up the custody of his ex-rich-wife, until one of his brothers decided to pay for a better lawyer. In the end, my brother in law got the right to see the girls. But... it costed money... money that he didn't have, get it?

    If a man can prove that his ex-wife will cause damage to the children, he can ask for their custody.

    If a woman makes more money than the man, he can ask for alimony.

    The house? The lawyers will decide, I do not know how that works.

    As far as a man has money to pay for a good lawyer, he can ask whatever he wants. And if the man wins the right to alimony and the woman does not pay for it, I believe she will go to jail as well.

  38. Machsheifadom is independent symptom of Feminism. When both attributes come together in one entity, G-t zol ophitten, it becomes a critical mass. Men zol Nicht geprivt veren. Those people go straight to Gan Eden, *from the shlosha that eino roeh pnei gehinom. However, I am not so sure whether the same one's rush to Judgement to BD shel ma'ala. (150) Not necessarily from any mental defficiency. Shaul HaMelech also took his life because he couldn't face the oncoming. Same when dealing with machsheifa's, they don't want to let go even when the umbilical cord is severed.


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