Sunday, August 20, 2023

The only defense being presented for the Kaminetsky-Greenblatt heter is to attack me personally

It is obvious at this point that the only defense being made for the Kaminetsky-Greenblatt heter for Tamar Epstein to remarry without a Get - is to attack me personally. It is incredible that the disgusting reality that a young man and woman are committing adultery as the result of the guidance of two major talmidei chachom - is being ignored. The reality of the gross misuse facts and a psychological report does not concern them nor the danger to the proper halachic observance of marriage and gittin.

What clearly concerns the supporters of the the Kaminetskys and Rav Greenblatt is , "How dare I insult gedolim?" How terrible it is for me to publicly agree with a wide range of gedolim condemning this heter. What a terrible person I am because I don't accept someones mistaken understanding of Daas Torah and comply with every word and imagined word that is claimed to have been said by a godol. How dare I write anything which offends anybody? How dare I provide legitimate sources and proofs which contradict gedolim?

I am giving notice that henceforth - I will not be publishing comments that personally attack my frumkeit, my editorial policy or anything else about me. I will no longer  be spending many hours defending what I am doing in the vain hope that the enraged supporters of the Kaminetskys and Rav Greenblatt actually might learn about the plague of corruption and lies that that his heter has set off.  

As in the Tropper scandal - when a similar approach was tried to defend Tropper - all complaints about what I am doing should be referred to Rav Moshe Sternbuch. While I don't want his precious time wasted - it is clear that there is no chance that anyone on a lower lever is capable of responding properly.


  1. I would never question your frumkeit, your wide and comprehensive Torah knowledge or your sincerity. But as a disinterested observer I have watched the insults flow freely from both sides in this argument until the great quote from Hamlet, "A pox on both your houses" came to mind.

  2. Apparently many posters follow this dictum - "If you can't answer a man's argument, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names." --Elbert Hubbard

  3. fedupwithcorruptrabbisJanuary 5, 2016 at 4:16 PM

    amazing how its forbidden to criticize rabbis for wrongdoing but these same group of people shame men everyday with their phony seiruvim as well as eject them from shuls and in AF's case even claim that he has a personality disorder! What happened to shimi ben geira, Achitofel, Yochonon Kohen Godol, and ACHER? Were they also immune from criticism as they were Gedolim?

  4. The only defense I have seen for Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky that perhaps has some merit is that actions of his son Shalom are not his responsibility. It was Shalom who presented false false information to Rav Greenblatt. However, was there a benefit to Rav Shmuel or his Yeshiva in any way from the Epsteins as a result of the "psak"? In that case rav Shmuel became a party to כַּחַשׁ and must rectify the damage.

  5. This saga reminds be of the dialogue between Eliyahus Hanavi & Achav (Melachim I, 18):

    יז ויהי כראות אחאב, את-אליהו; ויאמר אחאב אליו, האתה זה עוכר ישראל. יח. ויאמר, לא עכרתי את-ישראל, כי אם-אתה, ובית אביך--בעזובכם את-מצוות יהוה, ותלך אחרי הבעלים

    Achav and Eliyahu mutually accuse each other as to who is responsible for the disaster which has befallen the nation. Eliyahu Hanavi says that Achav and his family is ultimately to blame, because they abandoned the Torah.

    As Torah Jews, we know that Eliyahu was right. Those who corrupt the Torah, are the true עוכרי ישראל.

    Not meaning to get carried away, but essentially the function of the נביא, to
    bring, להביא, the word of Hashem to the intended recipients.

    Kudos to Rabbi Eidensohn for being the mouthpiece of Gedolei Yisrael, and for bringing us their words!

  6. Politically IncorrectJanuary 5, 2016 at 4:34 PM

    I do solemnly mourn for the loss of entertainment, :'-(. More seriously, though, I thought that they were let here to begin with, in order to help prove the contrast between emes and sheker.....guess, you're getting older. .

  7. My comments about you are
    יְבָֽרֶכְךָ֥ ה' וְיִשְׁמְרֶֽךָ: יָאֵ֨ר ה' פָּנָ֛יו אֵלֶ֖יךָ וִֽיחֻנֶּֽךָּ: יִשָּׂ֨א ה'׀ פָּנָיו֙ אֵלֶ֔יךָ וְיָשֵׂ֥ם לְךָ֖ שָׁלֽוֹם:

  8. You won't be publishing this, but I'm going to tell you anyway since you will in fact be reading it before you delete it.

    It is not your view about the halachic issues involved here that is in question. You may in fact be right. Indeed the consequences of those actions are serious. It is the way you handled it by besmirching the Chashuva Rabbonim whose views and actions you criticized. In doing this in such a public manner, you have lost your Chezkas Kashrus among so many of your former supporters - of which I counted myself as one.

    How sad it is for someone with your talent - and all the contributions you have made to Klal Yisroel in other areas - to have fallen so low. I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in you - someone I used to admire so much.

    I'm actually thinking about publishing this comment on my blog so that my views will be known by more people than you. Because you deserve a public rebuke.

  9. Now that your laid out your arguments, what do additional posts accomplish? Either the frum world will react appropriately or it won't.

  10. Thank you, at least, for clarifying to your readership that your rabbinic backing is from the Edah.

  11. You forgot Doeg HaEdomi who was Av Bais Din.

  12. Actually, that is not even a defence as such. It is anger, since their Rebbe is being attacked.
    You don't need to defend yourself, but are any of these supporters also criticising the Rabbis who oppose this heter?

  13. In a recent discussion with a choshuve Rov, he basically told me that if we do not engage in groupthink, our children might think for themselves and not blindly follow the 'accepted' Rabbonim.
    I just wonder why Hashem gave us brains if we are not meant to use them?
    I think that your issue here is very similar. Surrender your brain to the 'Gedolim' or else you are not frum.
    I'm not personally interested in being 'frum'. Just trying to follow the Torah.

  14. The reality of the gross misuse facts and a psychological report does not concern them nor the danger to the proper halachic observance of marriage and gittin.

    if you want to speak your opponents' language you may add that leading rabbonim to whom we turn for daas torah agree that the hetter is a scam. how dare your opponents insult those gedolim?

  15. Bravo. Wow, I very
    much like Rabbi Eidensohn.

    “What clearly concerns
    the supporters of the the Kaminetskys and Rav Greenblatt is , "How dare I
    insult gedolim?" How terrible it is for me to publicly agree with a wide
    range of gedolim condemning this heter.”

    I could apply this to Susan whom I divorced 2/17/1993. How dare I insult NYS judges. How terrible for me to denounce NYS judges
    who ruled so very many times against me.
    The NYS Appellate Division Second Department now told me they received my
    fax of last week and that I will get a response. This is on the issue of Susan trying to
    scratch my name from the property records of my house in Brooklyn.

  16. This fiasco has been from ADAM an AV MELOCHO, as his son presented in a letter.

  17. We the people need to convene in CITIFIELD, and not for cell phones or against OPEN ORTHODOXY. It is for selling out Torah HaKdosha for a piece of the Pie, and nezid adashim. Eile manhigecho Yisrael? Eisav olecho, Yisroel.

  18. The D Eidenson's Shlit"A are doing a Great service with their GOLDEN VOICE to Toras Yisroel, Am Yisroel, Ukvod Shamayim, veCheilchem LeOIRAYSO. Keep up the good work! What would have we done without you? We can surely use more of your kind. ILAN veILAN, Bameh avorechecho? VEHALVAY, Sheyirbu kmoschem beYisroel, veashrei yoiladteichem!!!

  19. I can see that you are upset and rightly so. Just please use the grammer checker if you can before posting.

  20. "He [Rabbi Tarfon] used to say: It is not upon you to complete the task, but you are not free to idle from it." (Pirkei Avos, 2:21)

    As sorry as this situation has become, this blog is important in case the adulterous couple has children. Potential suitors will be forewarned those children are mamzerim. That will sadly be the completion of the task.

  21. This attack on you personally is serving to expose the foundations of the the current Agudath Yisroel and its MOETZES to public scrutiny and now has certainly exposed the rotten Hull and underlying beams of the (sinking ship)Agudath yisroel that are rotted to such a great extent that there exists no beams or foundation at all !
    And proves the prophetic words of Reb Chaim Brisker and the Minchas elozer and the Brisker reb Velvel Griz and many prewar Rabbonim Rav Chaim Sonnenfeld and the Complete Hungarian rabbinate /Talmidai Chasam sofer that are now proven right.for opposing this new creation Agudas Yisroel

    Now thru Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky and his newfangled ideas!
    A sinking ship!
    Let them come to their senses.
    Don't shoot the messenger.!

  22. Finally!

    I think it is important to realize that the all the respect, prestige and honor that a gadol b'Torah deserves, is only due to their complete commitment and subservience to Hashem and His Torah. If it does happen that a person - regardless of his greatness - errs or shows a lack of subservience to Hashem's rules, then one cannot defend him with the argument "Well, honor him and thereby show respect to Hashem." No. Just as honoring those who are completely subservient to Hashem (a gadol b'Torah...) is showing honor and respect to Hashem, so too, dishonoring a person when they deviate and disrespect Hashem is also showing and expressing honor of Hashem.

    אוהבי ה' שנאו רע

  23. The only defense I have seen for Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky that perhaps has some merit is that actions of his son Shalom are not his responsibility.

    That may only be a partial defense, at best. Rav Shmuel himself joined shady characters and signed on incomprehensible siruvim against AF. He joined ORA. Now, we can say
    ויהי לעת זקנת ש.. בנו הטו את לבבו

    I wouldn't dare say that. But who knows?

  24. that are now proven right.for opposing this new creation Agudas Yisroel

    Simply inane.

  25. @hmaryles: If you really thought RDE wouldn't publish your comment, and you intended it only for him to read, you would have sent a private email. Quit grandstanding.

  26. Just beats me how anybody can find sympathy for the K I can understand someone who would like to look past one rabbis momentary indiscretion or lapse of good judgment whatever it might be, but this clearly was premeditated they knew exactly what they're getting into made the decision and stuck to it there is no reason why anybody could justify them not paying the full freight

  27. Conceding that I might be correct regarding the facts leaves you in a rather difficult situation when you claim to condemn me for besmirching chashuva rabbonim. If my facts are correct they deserve to be publicly condemned! Or do you think geting people to commit adultery is not serious enough to criticize them?

    Harry you apparently didn't bother reading the letters written by a wide range of gedolim that I published on this blog. As you unfortunately have done with other issues you don't bother ascertaining the facts before you pontificate. And you respond on an emotional level rather than as an adult with concern for the truth.

    You don't seem to understand that rabbis who twist the halacha to accomplish certain inappropirate goals - are not deserving of respect.
    Especialy regarding adultery and divorce laws. Please take some time and read Rav Aharon Feldman's letter. I even have it translated so it shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes to understand that you are severely mistaken in your crtiticisms

  28. Since as of now there isn't a board who appoints gedolim and so they are unaccredited , I would suggest that we judge them by their actions and morals . Rabbis K who were clearly disingenuous on multiple issues should definitely be placed on probation at the very least

  29. Excuse me, but calling someone who lies to be a liar is what needs to be said when the liar refuses to correct the damage he caused. Do you see the language Tehillim uses about Doeg in Perek 52?

  30. I would just like to share a very insightful comment made by R' Avraham Yeshua Soloveichik a while back in one of his Chumash Shiurim, for which he was much maligned. One could say that it was prophetic, but I would say that chocom adif me'navi. He said, and I quote, "Sholom's a maskil, Shmuel's a maskil, . . .(And I won't complete the quote in this venue. . ."

  31. Enjoy: (I just tweeted it, too.)

  32. Politically IncorrectJanuary 5, 2016 at 9:53 PM

    Perhaps one can add that on Yeravam ben Nevot, if some of the 10 shvotim' would have protested, it wouldn't be said on him for posterity "chotoh v'hechti es Yisroel"

  33. Not sure what they might be. Candies? Oy vey, what happened to his fingertips?

  34. Very interesting. How far back did he say that? And in what context?

  35. Why not complete it?

  36. please use the grammer checker if you can before posting

    And you should consider using the spell check before posting. If you can.

  37. Are you also aware that many of the Gedolei haPoskim have worked tediously with them to retract, to no avail. Ein onshin elo im ken mazhirin has been complied.

  38. RaP_Commentary wrote,

    "Eretz Yisroel its Talmidei Chachomim are now the de facto if not de jure voices and leaders of Torah Judaism, and hence of proper Daas Torah."

    OK but lets face it, " the de facto .. leaders" of the 21st Century community are psychiatrists, psychologists. social workers and paediatricians.

  39. Please - don't be מקצר. We need to know every פרט and סעיף קטן of what you think about all the Gedolim and Roshei Yeshiva of our generation - their MO, personality traits and place in the grander historical scheme. Rap away...

  40. Calling someone who lies to be a liar is what needs to be said when the liar refuses to correct the damage he caused.

    The problem is that Harry himself continuously lies, and if you dare just mention the documented facts, he will remove your comment. Harry does not even seek to be truthful if it will interfere with his agenda.

  41. You're right. I didn't read every single post you wrote on this subject. But I read enough to know that you condemned these Rabbonim Chashuvim many times.

    If they deserve to be publicly condemned, Why haven't I seen R' Sternbuch's condemnation. Not his disagreement. His condemnation the Philadelphia Rosh HaYeshiva.

    If he did and I missed it, show me his letter now and I will apologize to you.

  42. Harry your lack of basic integrity is astounding. You are acknowledging you don't know the material or what has been going on - and yet you start blasting away and then afterwards say you are sorry? You are simply another Joe McCarthy and have no sense of shame.

    You might want to read the letter from Rav Shlomo Miller and Rav Wachtfogel who refer to Rav Greenblatt "as a so-called rav" and they blame the current wave of terror in Israel on the wrongful psak permitting an eishes eish to marry without a Get. Read the other letters which condemn the joint efforts of Rav Greenblatt and Rav Kaminetsky to allow remarriage without a Get and that the result according to all of them is adultery and mamzerim.

    So please cut out your nonsense of "Why haven't I seen R' Sternbuch" . I can not print what Rav Sternbuch has said about these rabbis. but you in your gaaveh induced visions "know" better than everybody else in the world.

    Harry - you are the one who has to bring proof that what I have done is wrong. Your approach of hanging the accused with a lynch mob based on meditating on your navel and then saying well I will apologize if I made a mistake - is simply rishus. You are a chasid shoteh!

    I have letters from many of the gedolim in the world who have condemned the actions of Rav Kaminetsky and Rav Greenblatt. You need to publicly apologize to them for your nasty ignorant comments.

  43. Rabbi Eidensohn, please accept this as a friendly and respectful criticism from someone who more often agrees with what you say than disagrees. I fully agree that the basis for heter to remarry seems far-fetched. I also agree that there is a need to object to the misapplication of halacha (the when and how to object is something I express not views on). However, at the same time I think the "dialogue" (or "protest" if you prefer) has taken on a nasty tone. Irrespective of who is at fault for the nasty tone, I think as the owner of this blog you should try to keep the tone on this blog civil. I do not know what involvement Rav Shmuel K had in this issue and find it hard to justify Rav Sholom's actions as far as we know them, however, they are both generally respected as being sincere individuals and I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt that they either erred in this particular instance or even if they crossed some line - good people do things like that from time to time. I acknowledge your criticism about their failing to rectify the problem once it was called to their attention, but overall I think the big picture remains the same. In particular, Rav Shmuel, who is a zaken (in his 90s) with many years of service to the klal and someone who is generally very highly respected, deserves a certain level of respect and deference - even if we vehemently disagree with him on a particular issue. I think we should afford them at least the level of civility and respect we (and I say "we" because I think you and I are of similar views on this issue) would like most people to afford to a husband each time a wife alleges that he has withheld a Get. To be clear, I am not suggesting that you do not express your objection to the psak.

  44. Although I do not have an exact quote, I heard that in a shiur on this past Motzei Shabbos he completely dismissed and "passeled" Junior.

  45. Politically IncorrectJanuary 6, 2016 at 12:24 AM

    Gerald, I also have an ex to complain about. I hear your problem and hope it goes off from you, but truthfully, nobody is interested in our ex ex, nor in our Ex-Lax..

  46. What is it with you and psych workers? You incessantly write about their supposed power. And now pediatricians. Clearly, you have a personal beef on this topic.

  47. How do we know that no one protested? We do know that Yerovam himself was aware that the prophet אחיה השילוני hated him for what he had done. So much so, that when he sent his wife to him years later, he had her dress up so that she wouldn't be recognized (forgetting that the novie may be able to see through that..).

    It was אחיה השילוני himself who had prophesied to Yeravom that the kingdom will split and that he had merited to be the king.

    Also, if no one disagreed, he would not have had to set up border patrols to stop people from being Oleh Regel.

    Maybe we can adjust your comment, that had enough members from ten Shvotim protested, then...

  48. Gerald ue woes are over, im told Susan was killed in a motorcycle accident BDE

  49. RDE, don't forget that Harry is from Chicago, where Rabbi Fuerst, one of the alleged people behind the so-called "heter" resides.

  50. When damage was done, then you don't stop until the damage is undone. So far that hasn't happened.

    Judging by the fact that it's business as usual with the frum American public's perception of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, then the frum world has yet to react appropriately. Perhaps people are too challenged to properly understand the issues at hand, or they have been conditioned to check in their brains at the door...

  51. But he isn't relying on that but merely on the fact that I am insulting important rabbis and he can't conceive of a justification. He hasn't even read most of the material but he has become judge and jury because he is Harry Maryles

  52. I agree with you regarding Rav Shmuel and have said as much to Rabbi Eidenson, but Shalom K is a whole nother story. He has not earned the respect that Rav Shmuel did and there are many very questionable tactics that he's used in the very recent past to harm people and that's what's coming back to bite him now. There are many people who couldn't care less about Eishis Ish but are just happy to see Shalom K get his just deserts. He most definitely has not earned the right to be judged favorably and that's why very few people are keen to do so.

  53. The irony here is delicious beyond compare. Harry himself - the one who besmirches anyone he desires to - big and little alike - with little regard for the facts - on matters little and littler - is calling our Rabbi Eidenson for criticizing people who've trampled on the truth and been מתיר אשת איש!

    If it weren't Harry, I would say, "You've got to be kidding" but sadly, Harry is a joke and always has been, so he's actually serious.

    Harry - go back to your silly little blog and write your pious ill-informed diatribes and collect the praise heaped upon you by your little minions.

    You don't belong here - you can't handle a person who does his research like Rabbi Eisenson. He's way too dangerous for the likes of the Harry M's of the world who do nothing more than cut, paste, and opine.

  54. You mean not only didn't you do outside research, but you couldn't even be bothered to read what Rabbi Eidenson actually wrote and is freely available on his blog and yet you offer a "public rebuke"?

    Harry - seriously, You are only making yourself look worse than you already do. I didn't think I could think less of you than I already did, but you've introduced me to new vistas of distaste for a human being.

  55. Does Harry ever do anything other than grandstand?

  56. Lakewood Yeshiva GuyJanuary 6, 2016 at 1:34 AM

    Not just Junior, Senior too! And not just "dismissed and passeled", he ripped them apart.
    RAY also said he will no longer take Philly talmidim into his Yeshiva. BMG has been buzzing about this development which is huge in the Yeshivishe velt.

  57. Lakewood Yeshiva GuyJanuary 6, 2016 at 1:36 AM

    Rabbi Eidenson, there was a letter written to the Moetzes in America which everyone in Lakewood is tumuling about. Do you have it? Could you post it?

  58. You of all people are giving Rabbi Edinsohn mussar about
    being nasty? You of all people, the one who is simply incapable of following the
    back and forth regarding the issues at hand are telling Rabbi Edinsohn what to
    do? You of all people, the one trick
    pony, are telling someone not to harp on such a travesty of halachah?

  59. "He most definitely has not earned the right to be judged favorably "
    You vile behaima. How dare you!! You should be a crumb of the Tzaddik he is.

  60. I don't think that Harry is relying on Rabbi Fuerst. I just suspect that Chicagoland Harry is inclined to take the side of the local rabbis in issues where they differ from other rabbis outside of Chicago.

    This isn't to say that Harry doesn't miss an opportunity to bash the chareidim and gedolim on his blog, but when it comes to local rabbis, they are more likely to get a pass from him.

    Harry posted on his blog, that RDE's handling of this saga "is beyond disgusting". My question to him is, how does he rate the handling of his own blog, and his comments against other gedolei Yisrael that he doesn't see eye to eye with? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black...

  61. Your post there gives the impression that RDE refused to publish your critical comment. But surprise, he actually did publish it, acerbic as it was. Where is your intellectual honesty?

  62. RDE has in a most respectful way shown caring for these great people. It is OK to make mistakes. Great people have made mistakes, but their willingness to expose their vulnerability and admit their mistakes, a core value of great leaders is the problem. They have been handed the ladder or rope to climb down from the tree. if they take it , they will be respected even more if not, they must bear the responsibility and consequences

  63. What questionable tactics has he used in the recent past?

  64. FYI - I very much enjoy reading your lengthy comments/essays.

  65. I refer to the post dated,

    Sunday, December 6, 2015


    'The abusive use of psychology to destroy one's
    opponent:"All is fair in love and war" '

    "In the Tamar Epstein heter - the critical issues is not so much the halacha but the psychological "reports" that are used as evidence to "prove" that Aharon Friedman is not capable of being a minimum husband and thus it is a mekach ta'us because Tamar would never have married aperson whom the majority of women would not view as even a minimal husband."

  66. I contacted Rabbi Sternbuch about a different issue and was told he takes no responsibility for any of your articles.

  67. Their twisting of Halacha in the Friedman case did not begin with the Heter to an Aishes Ish. It began 6 years ago when R' Shmuel authorized and supported demonstrations, protests and signed a fake Seruv. It is because they 'overstepped the red line' that everyone is protesting. In reality the Kaminetsky family fell to Shochad many years ago.

  68. Agree -
    Does a Zakain Mamrai gets no respect?

  69. Those of us who have known shalom 25 years plus or so , like I and others are aware of some very unseemly behavior the least of which is dishonesty and the total lack of standards and/or morals this is by far not the first time he has been caught with his fingers in the cookie jar you only need to ask the close students of Rav Elya .you might want to judge favorably once twice but after a while you call a spade a spade . A close look at the tactics used to receive this ruling show definitively that real facts were not the basis for this ruling , it was someone's interest to win at all costs which left us with this mess . Yes Rabbi K senior does not come clean at at this mess either regardless of his decades of service facts are facts ,the reality is bitter,what you can't have his service for the klal cloud the facts either. yes probably without his son he would not have gotten into this mess but he does have a responsibility to clear this up you cannot walk away and say I have nothing to do with this he is a karov el hacholol in the very least

  70. Heard in third person from rav elya worse version of the same comment shalom iz a koifer Samuel iz a maskil

  71. I heard that RNG told tamar not to have children.

  72. I would really like to know where u are getting info about rav avrohm yehoshua? I learned in brisk and I am not sure if you are aware that the rosh yeshiva spoke against him this week again. Please contact me for exchange of info

  73. And what is the purpose of your posting and tweeting this and then sending this snide message to RDE unless you are doing exactly what you accuse him of?

    Also to (respectfully) call a spade a spade, you have posted on your blog views that have crossed similar lines as RDE, the main difference is that you each have your own pet peeves that you are fighting, but the common denominator is that you both have your red lines beyond which ein cholkin kavod l'rav.

  74. Not that he's right with this very insightful comment, but anyone who makes such a flood of very insightful comments is bound to be right sometimes.

  75. Politically Incorrect says “Gerald, I also have an ex to complain
    about. I hear your problem and hope it goes off from you, but truthfully,
    nobody is interested in our ex ex, nor in our Ex-Lax.”

    My ex, Susan, whom I divorced 2/17/1993 is part of this
    blog, e.g.

    (internet 2012):

    “Supporters of Tamar Epstein, whose ex-husband, Aharon
    Friedman, refuses to give her a religious divorce, have been pressuring
    Friedman's boss, U.S. Rep. Dave Camp, R-Michigan, to fire Friedman. They have
    protested in front of Camp's office, signed a petition at, started a
    website ( and in February, bombarded Camp's official
    congressional Facebook page. But Susan Aranoff, director of Agunah
    International, which supports Jewish women seeking divorces, said social media
    has little effect because many husbands still are resistant after all the
    bullets have been fired."

    The Appellate Division Second Department is working on a
    reply to my fax. I write in that fax:

    “I'm afraid to call the lower court because they deny I
    divorced Susan 2/17/1993.”

  76. R' Avraham Yeshua Soloveichik is no better than RSK, he knows nothing regarding halachah either. He is part and parcel of the problem facing the Yeshivah world today, namely the Brisker derech that has denigrated the requirement to learn halachah.

  77. Please don't give the Harry so much credit. Lets ignore him he is a first class am haaretz, and a shoteh.

  78. RAP- great essay. I've had a lot those ideas floating around in my head for a long time, but never organized them as succinctly and well as you have.

    Re: Shalom K, or as his own email refers to him "Skam44", he has zero chezkas kashrus.
    He has full chezkas passlus, along with "Roiv and Anan Sahadi".
    I know him for exactly 30 years and he has always been a slimy, dishonest front runner, friendly to those who could advance his cause, and callous to others.

    Now that he is in a position of power, it is frightening.

    Reb Shmuel is ok. Not a gadol in my book (and I learned in Philly), but a nice pragmatic Rabbi who likes to help people.
    I feel sorry for him. It's sad that his son has dragged his legacy into the mud.
    But hey, he had a good run.
    And after 120, the book will only contain Gadol-ish stories, so there's no permanent damage.

  79. I’m a reader of these blogs. I write in my
    own name. Clearly, the radical feminists
    use the civil divorce that women can too easily get over their husband’s
    objections, against their husbands to get rabbinical support and to get the
    authorities to rule in their favor on custody and on the house. Susan is a leading such radical feminists.
    She should be well and live long and
    happy. If I can win my NYS legal fight
    against Susan, surely this will be a blow against radical feminists. Unrelated to divorce settlement etc, Susan
    stole from me my house and 55% of my pension.
    Susan did forgery---the
    supposed March 1995 Judge Rigler order of separation.

  80. Harry, although a qualified Chassid Shoteh, is not particularly a Chassid of Fuerst. That is not the Shoteh to whom he subscribes.

    His angle here is that he despises Chumra, and loves anything that allows him and his ilk more leeway to live like Goyim with a Kippa.

    This "hetter" is perfect for him.
    Much less Rabbinical and Torah control of his life.

    Although such a hetter ostensibly requires Rabbis to draw it up, but any Rabbi will do for that, even "Rabbi Maryles" himself.

  81. Probably the only good thing about this saga. American RY have been foolishly sending impressionable bochurim to AYS to listen to drivel like this past motzai shabbos shiur. At least his father had enough respect to shoot the message and not the messenger. His uncle (R' Dovid) is careful how he talks about anyone (at least he was when I was learning by him).

  82. We are way past the point of "shoot the message"...

  83. First, let me say that I owe Hakaras Hatov to Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky for helping me years ago when I almost moved to Philadelphia. That said, his refusal to undo damages he has caused, and by that I include those committed by the son empowered by the legacy of Mr. Shalom Kaminetzky's grandfather, shows a corruption of that legacy. Perhaps the corruption began when Rav Shmuel was asked by Mr. Peretz Steinberg of Young Israel to write a letter denouncing a minyan that formed in response to the wickedness of an excommunicated Young Israel rabbi. Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky issued the letter WITHOUT HEARING THE REASONS FROM THE MINYAN why they left Young Israel! When they contacted rav Kaminetzky, he would not rectify his mistake!

    Corruption has a way of spreading like a contagion. It is a disease that spreads when the carrier refuses to acknowledge he has contracted it. Both Rav Shmuel Kaminetzky and Rav Nota Greenblatt are guilty of hurting people because they only listened to one side the story when it was told to them by someone they held in esteem. Unfortunately the corruption of Peretz Steinberg (who undermined the psak of a Bais Din) passed it to the son of Reb Yaakov Kaminetzky who in turn passed it to Reb Nota Greenblatt.

  84. I wasn't trying to push anyone's hot button, but it's nice to see all the haters crawling out of the woodwork like cockroaches (or Jukim) when the lights turn on.

  85. I am confused by your use of pronouns. Which rosh yeshiva spoke against whom again?

  86. Chaim said: "Please - don't be מקצר. We need to know every פרט and סעיף קטן of what
    you think about all the Gedolim and Roshei Yeshiva of our generation -
    their MO, personality traits and place in the grander historical scheme.
    Rap away..."

    Not sure of you are serious or joking? because as you know I take great heat sometimes for what I say.

    How did you pick up that I was being mekatzer?

    I will give over one big yesod: There are the purists who by their deeds and words and writings PROVE who they are, such as Rav Moshe Shternbuch, if you have watched him and tracked him. How could he see through Tropper so clearly and take on the whole Aguda world that was backing Tropper? it takes special Koiches!

    Rav Aron Kotler, the Satmar Ruv Rav Yoel Teitelbuam, the Chazon Ish, Rav Shach, Rav Elyashiv, these were pure people, and you can see the results, Lakewood is a product of Rav Aron Kotler's purity, Satmar is a product of Rav Yoel's specialness, Bnai Brak is a product of the Chazon Ish, every good thing in Israeli politics for Torah is from Rav Shach who changed the landscape, and Rav Elyashiv is now on every Posek's and Man De'Amar's lips.

    Then there are the "dreyers" and manipulators and tricky dicks, like Rav Ruderman of NIRC and Rav Hutner of MYRCB with their games and compromises and pragmatism. Rav Ruderman came from a Latvian Lubavicth family and Rav Hutner came from Poilisha Gerrer Chasidim, and the Alter of Slabodka had his hands full with them trying to make them into something big but he (the Alter) only succeeded up to a degree with some people, while others like Rav Aron Kotler who in fact Shteiged the Alter Ibber and became a true purist, maybe because his sister was suppedly a Bolshevik Revolunionary (that tells us something important) and he has that total Lishma attitude (like you see in BMG) of "all or nothing" come hell or high water which is great for Mesirus Nefesh in Torah and the Alter captured that for the Torah world and we all benefit from it as Torah explodes Mei'arba Kanfos Haaretz!

    What a lot of people do not realize is that Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky as a youngster learned in Ner Yisroel by the pragmatist APOLITICAL Rav Ruderman and he is not made in his father's image, in fact Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky disapproved of the shenanigans of his sons Shmuli until he passed away (heard from a reliable source)! So R Shmuel (aka Sam) Kaminetsky is more of a product of the all American compromised NIRC, even though he ran away from it eventually (why?) and he learned by Rav Aron Kotler as well, but Rav Shmuel still has very strong ties to NIRC in Baltimore his son in law is Rav Berkowitz a top maggid shiur there.

    So no surprise that his son Sholom is now an "improved version" Dreyer and manipulator (spoiled brat) of the first order, and typical spoiled all-American boy who likes to wear his black hat sideways and cocky (always a VERY bad sign) and has that smirk on his face. Because you see America is also the land of the MAFIA and too many people become like that, such as RAS at MRCB as well, a first class godfather and very far from the kind of purity we are now are seeing coming out of Eretz Yisroel.

    There is a great global correction going on right now, a lot of out of joint and bent organs are going through a treatment to straighten them out, and all the Dreying is seeing the light of day. Israel also has a long way to go to get away from the corruption of the political system and its money and in that way we can see the Gadlus of the Brisker Rov Rav Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik and of Rav Yosef Chaim Zonnenfled is setting a standard where you do not have to bow and kow-tow to what the secular anti religious Knesset has to say all the time. There are better ways for Torah and they can succeed.

    So we are in the middle of something big that is coming, it's called the Acharis HaYamamim and Yemos HaMoshiach!

    Just some thoughts, take it for it's worth.

  87. Oh no, you tweeted it! My gosh! That's a really drastic move, Harry. Like another Hiroshima!

  88. How the quote ends is obvious.

  89. He means R' AY against Sholom K.

  90. That's your whole answer? You refer to a DT article? Very nice, but what's your personal beef? And where do pediatricians shine in?

  91. Yes. Sometimes he bloviates.

  92. Since RAY is 1,000,000% right, anyone who disagrees is a hater and like a cockroach.

  93. That sounds like he knows he made a mistake.

  94. When the Young Israel of Oxford Circle (6427 Large St, Philadelphia, PA) was sold to Avodah Zarah (, I was asked why Rav Shmuel was silent about it? I did not know. Do you know why and was there anything the Philadelphia Yeshiva could have done?

  95. LOL

    Are you really complaining about "shooting the messenger," while you proceed to unabashedly attempt to shoot the messenger? LOL

    Yes, I understand that your response to me will also be attempt to go at the messenger..... LOL

  96. The bucherim better leave now, at the rate this is going, tomorrow might be their turn to be the NIRDAF!

  97. Politically IncorrectJanuary 6, 2016 at 7:46 PM

    Nu, who made her part of the blog???

  98. R' AYS vs S & S K
    BTW, who is the Juke and who is the Box?
    @ SamSam.. A yeshiva doesn't produce Poskim, it is Kollel or whichever way they choose to continue in SA. Im ein gdoyim, ein tyoshim. FYI, R'AYS never blew heterim in the air.

  99. Not obvious to me...
    Would you mind completing it?

  100. Politically IncorrectJanuary 6, 2016 at 8:12 PM

    Can you please be specific?

  101. Politically IncorrectJanuary 6, 2016 at 8:13 PM

    Mind telling me his pet peeves? Barely have time for this blog, don't have time for others. ..

  102. Politically IncorrectJanuary 6, 2016 at 8:16 PM

    What halacha did he violate?

  103. Politically IncorrectJanuary 6, 2016 at 9:21 PM

    Fine, adjust. :-)

  104. Politically IncorrectJanuary 6, 2016 at 9:30 PM

    Specifically for this sentiment, was said "b'Mokom sheyesh Chilul HaShem, ain cholkin kovod lorav ". .....

  105. Politically IncorrectJanuary 6, 2016 at 9:35 PM

    Wasn't Reb Shmuel initially involved before Reb Sholom?

  106. By the same token, it is Jr. who desired the big money people on his side in order to establish and consolidate his power. It was Jr. who was involved in the actual maairage at some point, and it was Jr. who testified over the phone to the Baltimore Beis Din.

  107. I thought so. . .in which case, I am confused by szblum's entire comment. . .what exactly was the issue with my original comment?

  108. I was indeed being sarcastic. Usually I enjoy reading your diatribes, mostly for the humour value and partially for the insights your offer. But when you besmirch great Gedolim then I lose all interest. Bye.

  109. Because it's not relevant to the parties at hand.

  110. Yes, I would. Face to face with my buddy, maybe, but as Nat said, not in this venue. Sorry.

  111. All I do is study them as historical characters? Even, more like especially, the greatest men in history get to be seriously critiqued by historians and serious scholars. Sorry that you expect ArtScroll hagiography but that is not the real world as you well know.

    How about the great Gedolim I clearly extol and admire? No credit for that? Can't help it that my brain works critically, it's an academic habit ingrained in me for decades already!

    Who did I besmirch? Ever heard of "dos eppele falt nisht veit fun boim" that "the apple does not fall far from the tree"?!

    Tropper? RAS & RAF? Rav A Feldman? S & S Kaminetsky? Rav Greenblatt? Why don't you scream at Rav Shternbuch, the BADATZ and Rav AY Soloveitchik as well they are saying far worse?

    Yeah I know, it's easy to take pot shots at me, but it does not help you, especially when you do not offer any rational and logical and factual and truthful counter-arguments.

    Is this what you are saying?:

  112. He is willing to talk to you if you contact him, doesn't seem he disagrees with you.

  113. I have a lot of respect for Harav Shmuel Kamanetzky... I have a lot of respect for his son Harav Shalom.
    Rav Shalom Kamanetzky, shlita unknowingly helped me years ago during a very dark stage of my life....
    But unfortunately, I have seen the Kamanetzky family take one side and give pesak without hearing both side. That pains me greatly.

  114. Truth does prevail. We read that in Pirkei Avos and I have seen it first-hand. But sometimes truth prevails after more damage has occurred. After Barry Freundel was arrested and sentenced in Washington DC I met people that told me I was vindicated for the times I spoke out against him. But what good did that do the over 150 women he traumatized? Had he been removed as rabbi when he said apikorsus like "there is no prohibition against intermarriage today because the Torah is only talking about the 7 nations of Canaan" then those over 150 women would not have been peeped by him. I wish I had spoken up more strenuously!


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