Sunday, June 14, 2015

Case closed against policeman who beat Ethiopian soldier

The policeman caught on camera beating Damas Pakada, an IDF soldier of Ethiopian descent, will not face criminal charges, Attorney-General Yehuda Weinstein decided on Sunday.

Weinstein decided to adopt the recommendation of State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan and that of the Police Investigation Unit to close the case against the police officer.

However, the Police Investigation Unit recommended the case will be transferred to the Police Disciplinary Tribunal to examine the police officer's conduct.

The video of the beating led to an outcry by Israeli Ethiopians, who marched in protests around Israel in an attempt to raise awareness of discrimination, racism and police brutality. Protesters blocked major roads in Tel Aviv, and scores were wounded and arrested in clashes with police.

The Justice Ministry said the evidence in the case, including the video, shows that "after the policeman asked the soldier repeatedly to leave the site because of a suspicious package nearby, and the soldier refused and pushed the policeman, the policeman used force to remove the soldier. In response, the soldier punched the policeman and in return the policeman punched the soldier."

According to the statement, the policemen behaved "impeccably" in the situation.[....]


  1. The soldier should be charged.

  2. The policeman should be reinstated


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