Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pisgat Ze'ev Parents: Keep Arab KIds Away From Ours

Arutz 7      Parents in the Pisgat Ze'ev are demanding that their teenage children be kept away from Arab youths who use the local .community center.

When they moved into the neighborhood, parents in the Pisgat Ze'ev probably never imagined they would have to face a dilemma that has recently crept up on them – joint activities at local youth center where Jewish and Arab youth mix freely.

The activities take place in the local community center, built with Israeli government funds, to service residents of the neighborhood.

In recent years, Arab families from traditionally Arab areas like Beit Hanina have been moving into Jewish neighborhoods in the city, especially Pisgat Ze'ev and French Hill, both of which are next to large Arab areas.

As a result, there is a large population of Arab teens in Pisgat Ze'ev, and they, like Jewish teens, flock to the community center.

But parents of the Jewish teens are very uncomfortable with the situation.

“We do not want our kids interacting with them, at least under these circumstances,” one parent told Arutz Sheva. “The kids sit around and smoke and drink, and G-d knows what else. We do not go to Arab cultural or community institutions, I don't see why they should come to ours. We are very happy with the activities offered by the community center, but very unhappy about the Arab teens attendance.” [...]


  1. And for those who claim that Israel practices apartheid, you didn't have mixing in community centers in Johannesburg.

  2. You deleted words in the headline that the parents are objecting to criminals, not run of the mill arabs.

    And the parents are objecting to activities like smoking and drinking (leading to drugs, etc.)

    The center's administration admits its a problem, setting up supervision of the youths.

  3. @MiMedinat - didn't delete anything. I copied and pasted the title as it appeared.

    However the title has been changed to be more politically correct

  4. Sorry.

    But i wouldn't call it politically correct, as much as more clearly stating parents fears.

  5. I suppose it is a simple question of non-discrimination: a public community center cannot barr access to certain groups of the population due to religion or ethnicity. What would we think if a New York community center refused access to jews?

  6. Saw the web page of 'keren yerushalayim' which built the center. Its not a government organization (?supposedly?) But they probably have a contract with the center that may or may nut address issues like jewish / arab interactions.


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