Wednesday, May 19, 2021

What is critical race theory?

What exactly is critical race theory? The answer to that question appears to have eluded many, as controversies over racial diversity trainings and curricula have swept the nation in recent months.



Scams Involving Fraudulent Use of NortonLifeLock Branding 

 With more people spending more time than ever on their computers, we have seen an uptick in reports of scams abusing our company name.  Although we are continuously working to block, shut down and otherwise prevent this abuse, scammers are always coming up with creative new ways to defraud people.  Be aware of these common types of scams, which start through email, phone, text and sometimes even your browser.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

‘Robert E. Lee and Me’ dismantles Confederate mythology

Historian and retired brigadier general Ty Seidule issues a full-throated indictment of the “Lost Cause” and dethrones the Confederate general.

Experts Debunk GOP's Attempts To 'Cancel' Critical Race Theory

Torah and moral issues

  I just received the following email and thought it worth sharing and hope to get some helpful responses

Dear Rav Eidensohn

I hope this email finds you well. 

I wanted to ask you whether you have ever written about an approach to reading the Torah when it conflicts with our modern sensibilities and moral compass. I am trying to come to some kind of resolution of some questions that my kids ask me. In particular, my son is learning the second perek of Kiddushin now and finds it very difficult to understand how the Torah could allow a father to marry off his minor daughter and even allow a person to be boel a ketana (my son told me that it works for a 3 year old) for the purpose of kiddushin (which I assume is permitted midin Torah but I am not sure). How do you understand that halacha from the Torah? Do we limit it to some time in the past and say that at the time the Torah was given, that was acceptable in terms of the morality of the day but that the Torah does require us to progress morally as well and that today - given the development of society in terms of individual rights and freedoms -  the Torah would not condone those types of actions either? And maybe that is why the Gemara that says that it is assur.  If so, are we limiting the Torah by saying this and saying that some of it might not be relevant today (maybe something like korbanos without a Beis Hamikdash)? Or maybe we say the underlying principles are still relevant but the details may play out slightly different in real life? Or do we say that the modern push to individual freedoms and equality are inconsistent with the Torah and that those issues, even if they sit uncomfortably with us today, are "moral" or "Hashem's will" and marrying a 3 year old girl is "moral" or a reflection of Hashem's will somehow and that we need to try to align our thoughts with the assumptions that the Torah appears to be making about these issues?

If you are able to share with me your approach to these issues (including any psychological insights you might have), or point me to some mekoros that might be useful, I would be very grateful.

Thank you so much

What insurrection? Growing number in GOP downplay Jan. 6

Flouting all evidence and their own first-hand experience, a small but growing number of Republican lawmakers are propagating a false portrayal of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, brazenly arguing that the rioters who used flagpoles as weapons, brutally beat police officers and chanted that they wanted to hang Vice President Mike Pence were somehow acting peacefully in their violent bid to overturn Joe Biden’s election.


An open letter to Trevor Noah

 I just watched your 10-minute monologue on the Israeli-Hamas conflict for your popular television program “The Daily Show” (May 11). Frankly, it wasn’t easy viewing. In fact, I began talking back to the screen, but, obviously, to no avail, so I chose instead to write you this open letter.

You framed your comments quite cleverly by suggesting there were competing narratives out there, depending on who was doing the talking and the starting point of their version of history. And then, as if nothing more than a curious third party, you waded into the debate, essentially assigning yourself a certain moral credibility because of your “non-combatant“ status.


Republican congressman calls out 'bogus' claims by GOP colleagues trying to downplay the Capitol riot


  • Representative Fred Upton, a Republican from Michigan, said on Sunday that some of the claims his colleagues made about the Capitol riots are bogus
  • Paul Gosar, a Republican from Arizona, claimed the FBI was targeting 'peaceful patriots' when it arrests Capitol rioters
  • Andrew Clyde, of Georgia, said that if you did not know the footage from the riot was from January 6 'you would think it was a normal tourist video'
  • Jody Hice, meanwhile, said it was Trump supporters who were killed in the riot
  • Upton said at least one of his colleagues who made these claims was there that day and he does not know what would motivate them to make these claims
  • Lawmakers are trying to hammer out a deal to create an independent commission to study the events of that day
  • It remains unclear whether House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy will sign off on it, but some want him and the former president to testify

Israel needs to better coordinate the image war - editorial

Israel may be winning the war against Hamas terrorists on the battlefield, but it is again losing support in the court of public opinion as international sympathy tips in favor of the Palestinians.


Monday, May 17, 2021

Citing danger, top Haredi rabbis urge avoiding visits to Western Wall on Shavuot

 Chaim Kanievsky and Gershon Edelstein, leading figures in the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox community, warn against endangering oneself at Old City holy site, or ‘goading’ the ‘haters’

Two dead, 184 injured in grandstand collapse near Jerusalem

A 40-year-old man and a 12-year-old boy were killed and 184 people were injured when a grandstand collapsed at a synagogue in Givat Ze’ev near Jerusalem during Shavuot prayers on Sunday evening.


Saturday, May 15, 2021

US House speeches on Gaza expose growing rift in Democratic party on Israel

 Nearly two dozen Democrats took to the floor of the US House of Representatives on Thursday to give impassioned speeches reacting to the ongoing violence in Gaza and Israel.

The hour-long salvo of brief addresses exposed the growing rift in the Democratic party between increasingly popular progressive lawmakers and more moderate representatives with closer ties to the Biden administration, with the former bloc taking a much more critical approach to Israel than the latter, which gave impassioned speeches offering unwavering support for the Jewish state.

While Israel makes tactical gains, Hamas is proving the strategic victor

 While Israel is seeking and achieving tactical successes — such as the air assault on Hamas’s “metro” network of tunnels across northern Gaza, the toppling of high-rise blocs of Hamas significance, and strikes at weapons stores and rocket launchers — Hamas is achieving strategic success, attaining primacy in the Palestinian, Arab and even Israeli spheres.

Ger in Jerusalem provides guidlines for behavior on Shavuous