Sanders called Biden “unfit to serve as commander in chief,” said his “weakness puts our nation and the world at risk” and described the political landscape in dire terms. “The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left. The choice is between normal or crazy,” she said.
Friday, February 10, 2023
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Republicans Turn Themselves Into Props for Biden
This time, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene shouted out at least nine times, by the count of a POLITICO reporter in the gallery, that Biden was a liar. No one was surprised — certainly not Biden, who recognized an opportunity when it is delivered gift-wrapped before a nationwide audience.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
No One With a Functioning Brain Sees the GOP as the ‘Party of Normal’
Sanders’ speech seemed to be aimed almost exclusively at those Americans who are already voting Republican or who spend their day watching Fox News. Do most Americans think they are “under attack in a left-wing culture war”? Who outside the conservative fever swamp nods their head at the charge that the Biden administration "has been completely hijacked by the radical left" or that he’s “surrender(ed) his presidency to a woke mob”?
Sanders’ speech captures the Republican Party’s entire political problem in a nutshell—and it has nothing to do with Donald Trump. The GOP simply has no economic or cultural message that appeals to non-Republicans.
All its party members know how to do is preach to the converted. They have no policy agenda, it seems, other than divisive culture war issues or trying to own the libs. They have no economic agenda, no health care plans, and no ideas for easing the burdens on middle-class families.
Monday, February 6, 2023
How to translate?
baal haturim (Bereishis 32 26) ויגע בכף ירכו לראות אם הוא מלאך כמותו אם היו לו קפיצים שהמלאכים אין להם קפיצים. א''נ לפוסלו מן העבודה לפי שקנה מעשו הבכורה שבהן העבודה:
Interlocking fingers: Halacha versus Kabbala & Rav Eliashiv does it
The following video shows that Rav Eliashiv does in fact interlock his fingers.
Angels are jealous?
Avos DeRav Nosson (12:06) Even the Holy Blessed One made peace in the heights, for He did not call ten angels Gabriel, ten angels Michael, ten angels Uriel, and ten angels Raphael, in the way humans do, calling ten people Reuben, ten people Shimon, ten people Levi, and ten people Judah. For if He had done as humans do, when He called one of them, they all would have come, and then become jealous of one another. So instead, He called only one angel Gabriel and one Michael, and when He calls any one of them, that angel comes before Him, and He dispatches the angel wherever He desires. And how do we know that they revere one another, and respect one another, and are humbler than human beings? Because when they open their mouths to sing a song, one of them says to the other: You should begin, for you are greater than I, and then the other one says: No, you should begin, for you are greater than I. This is not the way it is with human beings. Every person says to another: I am greater than you, and the other person responds: No, I am greater than you.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
When is it Permitted to Tell a Lie?
There is, for example, a famous argument between the schools of Hillel and Shammai as to what to say about the bride at a wedding.[4] The custom was to say that “The bride is beautiful and graceful.” Members of the school of Shammai, however, were not prepared to say so if, in their eyes, the bride was not beautiful and graceful. For them the supreme value was the Torah’s insistence on truth: “Keep far from falsehood” (Ex. 23: 7).
Telling the Truth ...and When It Is Permissible to Be Less Than Honest
The head of the Yeshiva shouts: "Chabad is in an educational emergency"
The head of the Chabad yeshiva in Safed, Gari Wilshansky , in a shocking conversation about the state of education in Hasidism: "We must not try or even think about 'finding out the good ones' as is perhaps accepted in the wider world. This is not the Lubavitch way!". In a rare reference he added: "Hiding traumas and vulnerability is not a method!". 'In the ultra-Orthodox rooms' with part of the transcript of his words
Jim Jordan Showed on His First Day How Unfit He Is To Lead the Judiciary Committee
Jordan is a classic demagogue. When presented with facts or evidence which plainly debunk his position, he doesn’t concede or even attempt to further inquire into those truths. He instead seems content with pretending as though he was never presented with the truth at all, repeating his talking points incessantly without even acknowledging contradictory facts presented to him. This was seen most recently in an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, during which Jordan just flat-out ignored his interlocutor, Chuck Todd. Under his leadership, the committee’s aim to “fix” anything is a false premise, as Jordan has made clear he is out to get President Biden and his administration.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Biggest challenge today
Thursday, February 2, 2023
Social deficit with Autism
On Shabbos one of my granddaughters was visiting She is studying teaching social skills to autistic children. I asked what she was currently learning? She replied that the biggest social problem was that they did't know how to lie!
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Intermarried Jew seeks advice on Jewish path
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
The GOP effort to equate Biden and Trump on classified documents is working Analysis by Philip Bump
Even before the FBI searched Mar-a-Lago and seized more than 100 documents with classification markings, Trump and his allies were arguing he had the right to have those marked documents in his possession. When it was discovered President Biden had similarly marked documents at a think tank office he’d used and his private home, Trumpworld pivoted to the attack: Not only did Biden’s document possession functionally neutralize Trump’s possession, Biden’s situation was worse because [waving hands] Hunter Biden.