Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Trump’s turn against Israel offers stark reminder of what his diplomacy looks like


Trump criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, lauded Hezbollah militants as “very smart” and sought political gain from the attacks that killed 1,200 people by claiming that if the last election was not “rigged,” he’d be the American president and they’d never have happened.

Hunter’s Trial Reveals Trump’s Big Lie About Biden and Justice


But let’s assume for a minute that Biden is the evil puppet master—not just in terms of telling his attorney general whom to target in federal cases, but also in terms of pulling the strings in states like New York and Georgia.

If Biden had that kind of power, wouldn’t he have already made this pesky case against Hunter Biden disappear?

Surely a president powerful and corrupt enough to summon the full weight of the judicial system against a former president could find a way to avoid the messiness of seeing his son raked through the proverbial coals.

Israel says more than a third of Gaza hostages are dead


Hamas, which threatened at the outset of the war to execute hostages in reprisal for Israeli air strikes, has since alleged such attacks caused hostage deaths. Israel has not ruled that out in all cases, but said that some recovered hostage bodies showed signs of execution.

Donald Trump Attorney Tried to Kill Latest Legal Bombshell:


 Publica recently published a lengthy report claiming that at least nine witnesses who have given evidence in the various criminal investigations involving the former president have since received financial perks such as severance packages or raises, or even new jobs or shares and cash from Trump's media company.

Gazans facing nutrition insecurity despite Israel allowing adequate food aid


In March 2024, the IPC (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Famine Review Committee (FRC)) predicted that famine would manifest in Gaza between March 2024 and May 2024. 

Addressing this prediction, Israel’s report suggests that a famine in Gaza, should it occur, would likely be caused by issues in internal aid distribution in Gaza as Israel’s aid itself.

Once it reaches Gaza, the report says that the aid is at the mercy of various factors, including “theft, looting, and hoarding of food and other supplies, abetted by Hamas or others” which can limit the capacity of Israel to ensure the Gazan population has access to food. 

Why You Think Ty Cobb Was a Racist (When He Wasn't)


After that Cobb's reputation was in the hands of the masses—who retold and freely embroidered on his legend. Over the decades, repetition became truth. Instead of being seen as a specific human being, he became a kind of blank canvas on which people could paint a portrait of a miscreant, being as inventive as they pleased. It was fascinating to imagine a racist psycho at large in the major leagues. The bad Cobb—reiterated and further fictionalized by Stump in a 1985 book called Cobb—was someone they could shake their head at, denounce, and feel superior to. Spinning stories in a way that made Cobb look immoral was an artful way of saying, "I am not a racist because I reject this man who is." Cultures change as values change, wars are waged and the harvest waxes and wanes, but a villain who inspires self-congratulation makes for one hell of a tenacious myth.

Utilizing Signs

 Rabbeinu Yona (Sefer Hayira) And we are not to utilize any sign except what the Sages said, and if a person has a mitzvah to do, such as review a gemora or have his son to begin to study Torah, he will not say I will wait until Rosh Hashonna or until Pesach... and those who are not concerned will never be effected, but those who are concerned the devil stands at their right to harm them with their error

Shulchan Aruch (YD 179) We have the custom to not begin things on the second or fourth days of the week (Monday or Wednesday) and we only take wives during the full moon. [Comment of Rema: And therefore, we have the custom as well to begin study on Rosh Chodesh, because even though there is no divination, there is a sign(SM"K 136). What a person knows to be inauspicious, they should not do, and they should not rely on miracles. However, one must not investigate this matter, because one should be "wholehearted" (Responsa of Ramba"n 286) as will be explained.] 

Shulchan Aruch (YD179:04) A child's or a woman's house: even if there is no divination, there is a sign. [Comment of Rema: If one has succeeded afterwards three times, or not (B"Y citing Rashi). And similarly one may say to a child, "Tell me your verse of current study" (Tur). Some say that one may make a sign about something that is still to happen, like Eliezer, Abraham's servant did, or Jonathan (Tur and R"D Kimchi) but some forbid it (Rambam and SM"G). But one who proceeds wholeheartedly and trusts in Hashem will be surrounded by kindness.]

Rabbeinu Bachya (Kad HaKemach mezuza) The common practice of the world, that they do not carry women with a partial moon but only with a full moon, there is no prohibition in this, and it is not significant, since it is nothing but simply a sign, and the intent is merely a good sign that the marriage will be complete and not lacking, and this is similar to what we practice on the night of Rosh Hashanah, and it is the custom of the Gaonim. This is also similar to the custom of anointing the kings next to a spring. as a good sign that their kingdom would last. And anyone who views the matter of marriage and the success of homes other than a sign, this is the way of the Amorites, and it is the custom of the nations who think that the success of homes depends on the star system... 

Meiri (Meishiv Nefesh 02:02) ...The simonomim of Rosh HaShanna are to increase the remembrance of G-d at every moment to avoid sin. Thus we place on the table Kara, Rubia, Kerti, Salka, Tamari, according to what is stated in Krisus anf Horious. And in order that they be viewed as simple signs and not divination, we recite appropriate words asking for forgiveness and repentance

Sefas Emes (Rosh HaShanna 5632) We have signs on the night of Rosh Hashanah, because on Rosh Hashanah, one does not ask for the needs of this world, as they said in Zohar and Tikkunim, we only ask for fear of G-d and His rule. Therefore our needs are only asked by hints

Monday, June 3, 2024

Lending Money the Halachic Way


Our Chazal forbade us from lending money to others without witnesses present, or without a contract signed by witnesses. The custom today is to rely on one witness seeing the transaction, or a note either handwritten by the borrower, or signed by him, affirming that he has borrowed money from the lender. It is also sufficient if the borrower gives the lender some collateral to guarantee repayment of the loan, such as a check made out for when the loan is due, or some item equivalent to or greater in value that the loan.Without any of the above, even today we may not lend.

The above prohibition applies even if the lender is a Talmid Chacham (Torah scholar), a relative to the lender, or a wealthy person about whom there is no doubt that he will easily be able to repay the loan. (1)However, if the lender knows the borrower to be a G-d fearing person who would never deliberately lie, and the lender decides that if this borrower should ever deny that he owes the money he will forgive the debt entirely and will not seek recourse in Bais Din, if necessary he may lend the money without witnesses, notes, or guarantees. It is still preferable to follow the words of our Chaza”l even in this case. (2)

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: 'Ben Shapiro only fired Candace Owens because of me'


Let’s be clear. Not only did Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro fail to speak out and their silence became deafening, but they actually did speak out and they defended her. Dennis Prager has been a friend and mentor to me for three decades. Our friendship has been severely tested by his choice to proactively defend the foremost female antisemite in America. I was shocked when he did that, and we discussed it. I said, ‘Dennis, I fear that you have forever stained your legacy. In the past, your legacy was being a champion of Israel, a champion of Jewishness, and now you’re defending the foremost Jew hater in America. A woman who says that Israel is genocidal, a woman who promotes the idea that Jews drink the blood of Christians. A woman who says that Jews control Hollywood and run sex rings there.’ She is psychotic, and he is defending her. Even worse, though, is Ben Shapiro. At the very least, Dennis Prager didn’t make money from it, but Ben Shapiro profited and we don’t even know how much. I’m guessing to the tune of millions of dollars because for two years after knowing what Candace Owens was, for two years after she came out and defended Kanye West, who said he loved and proclaimed Hitler, Ben Shapiro continued to profit from her daily broadcast.

Rashi was right: Machine learning confirms unique status of some Talmudic tracts


Rabbinical commentators on the Talmud noted in the medieval era that a handful of sections of the great corpus stood out linguistically from the rest. Over generations of scholars, the existence of these so-called “special tractates” was considered to be a clue that could further elucidate how the Talmud was compiled and edited.

Now via modern data analysis, a team of contemporary researchers has shown that these “special tractates” do indeed display a distinct use of language. After feeding nearly the entire Talmudic corpus into machine learning algorithms to parse the Aramaic, they confirmed the theories of Rashi and other medieval scholars.

Lara Trump's Remarks About Larry Hogan Raise Eyebrows


Peter Henlein, a self-described political junkie, wrote: "There you have it folks. The Co-chair of the RNC, Lara Trump, is going to withhold support for viable candidates if they don't worship Trump sufficiently. Saying nice things about Trump matters more than the GOP winning the senate. Larry Hogan represents a once in a lifetime opportunity for the GOP to pick up a seat in Maryland. Hogan won't win on a MAGA platform. He can't win talking about how awesome Trump is."

He added: "But now that Trump's daughter-in-law runs the RNC, that type of obvious reality doesn't matter. What is best for the party doesn't matter. Only what is best for the Trump family matters."

Emunas Chochomim

 Just received a disturbing email from a lawyer. 

He claims that a godol asked him to do legal work and promised to pay him. There was no written contract

The godol refuses to respond to requests for payment.

This brings up the issue of whether you are allowed to question the trustworthiness of a godol?

This applies to many fields. 

A woman goes to a rav for marriage advice. He does inappropriate things in the name of Torah. Should she submit?

The same applies when a parent or rebbe molests a child

We had the case of Rabbi Greenblatt giving a heter based on claims said in the name of a godol - without checking whether they were true

Bottom line a godol should not be given leniencies such as an oral contract or allowed to do disgusting things in the name of Torah

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Trump Pretends He Never Called for Hillary to Be Locked Up


Three months later, he told a North Carolina crowd that “for what she’s done, they should lock her up” and a Pennsylvania audience that “‘lock her up’ is right.”

He deployed the infamous phrase as recently as 2020. On the same January night the Justice Department closed its two-year probe into Clinton’s emails, Ohio fans chanted “lock her up” at a Trump rally. “You should lock her up, I’ll tell you,” he agreed.

“You should lock them up,” Trump added that October in Georgia. “Lock up the Bidens, lock up Hillary.

"Trump derangement syndrome" is real — but it's not what they say it is


We can apply the diagnosis of TDS to the man-child himself or his followers, but not those of us over here in the reality-based community. If we react reflexively to Trump, it's because he lies reflexively, claiming that he's got good ideas and is the man for the job. He’s proven, time and again, that he’s not the man for any job. Now he increasingly speaks of himself in divine terms, which as many experts agree is terrifying, whether it represents genuine delusion or just another cunning maneuver to draw his cult members in even deeper.

Applied to those who see him for who he is, TDS was always a psychological projection. But it is real — and it's a clear and present danger.