Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Women ran stores in Europe - but not in Israel

While there are many sources which explicitly state that women should remain home - the historical reality was something else. For example there are letters written by the students of the Vilna Gaon who came to Israel in the early 1800's. The letters were requests for financial assistance from their European brethren. One of the reasons given for the need for this help was that in Israel the accepted practice [of the Arab population] is that women don't work in stores as they did in Lithuania. In addition the men came to Israel to learn Torah - not to work.

אברהם יערי אגרות מארץ ישראל ע”מ 336.
מכתב מתלמידי הגר”א בשנת 1810
“טעם הב’ ראיתי חובה עלי להודיע כי הספרדים יש להם פרנסות בחנויות וס”ד  הכל בהיתר ולא באיסור ובמנוחה. אבל לא לאשכנזים מפני מניעת הלשון, וגם כאן המנהג שהנשים אינם יושבות בחנויות, ואנשינו הבאים
לאה״ק ע״פ רוב ביאתם לקנות שלימות ולהיות מתופשי ב ה מ ״ ד " לישב על התורה ועל העבודה ובאים בידים ריקניות.”

Tzadikim are G-d's Partners

 Ramchal (Daas Tevunos 158.8) And see how much honor the Creator, G-d, gave to the tzadikim, whom He considered to be partners with Him. Because He truly gave them a part in the correction of the world and the perfection of creation.until we find the correction of creation, so to speak, divided between G-d and the tzadikim, which is not fulfilled except by both.

Ramchal (Daas Tevunos 158.13) And now we will explain the reality of the partnership that we mentioned between the righteous and God in the correction of creation in that G-d provides benefit only according to the preparation of tzadikim.  It is therefore best if the tzadikim increase preparation upon preparation and correction upon correction, and correspondingly G-d will send benefit and elevation.

Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators


Former president Donald Trump promised to crush pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses, telling a roomful of donors — a group that he joked included “98 percent of my Jewish friends” — that he would expel student demonstrators from the United States, according to participants in the roundtable event with him in New York.

Tzadikim need to consent to G-d's Decrees

 Rav Tzadok (Tzedkas HaTzadik 2:87) There is no decree that comes from the mouth of G-d except with the consent of the righteous of the generation who are His beis din. Until they agree agree, no law is given to world.

CNN legal expert says idea of Trump being acquitted in hush money case is ‘out of reach’


“This was a winnable case. It still is not a slam dunk, in my view, having been there every day for the prosecution,” Eisen said in a CNN interview with Jim Acosta on Monday. “I think the odds of conviction are somewhere upwards of 80 percent.”

“In part because of this scattershot approach, the defense is not really gunning for an acquittal. That’s out of reach here,” he continued. “What they are hoping for is one angry juror.”

“Whether there’s one juror who either feels sympathy for Trump or just for whatever reason does not follow the evidence and the law. The holdout,” the expert added. “That’s what they’re trying for. Just one.”

Monday, May 27, 2024

Judge: To convict Trump of felonies, jury does not need to unanimously agree on what 'predicate' crime he committed


In other words: If some jurors believe that Trump falsified business documents solely to cover up a tax crime, while others believe that he falsified business documents solely to cover up an election crime, the jury can still convict Trump on the felony-level falsifying-documents charges, despite disagreeing on the predicate crimes.

MAGA Influencers Slam Israel After Rafah Strike


Republicans have generally been supportive of Israel's attacks in Gaza, which were launched in response to the surprise October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas. However, a selection of Trump's most dedicated supporters have denounced the continuing assault by the IDF, with some joining leftists in characterizing the situation in Gaza as a "genocide." Trump himself has not denounced Israel's military tactic

A Tzadik decrees and G-d upholds

 Michtav M’Eliyahu(02:186) A Tzadik  decrees and G-d upholds, It is clear that it is not meant that a tzadik decrees something that is against the will of the Creator,, but the point is, that there are tzadikkim for whom the whole world exists because of their merit. That means everything that happens in the world is through them. From them is learned how to serve G-d which preserves the whole generation. So by raising up the whole generation it is possible for them to request changes in things that they regard as against the honor of G-d. This is what is meant by a tzadik decrees and G-d fulfills,

Man was made a little lower than angels

 Meiri (Tehilim 08:06) Man was made a little lower than angels – this is related to the fact that Tzadikim rule. That is because the Jewish scholars are compared to G-d in that they crown Him and magnify His name

Tzadikim called by name of G-d

 Bava Basra (075b) The righteous will in time to come be called by the name of G-d; for it is said: Every one that is called by My name, and whom I have created for My glory. I have formed him, yea, I have made him.   R. Samuel b. Nahmani said in the name of R. Johanan: Three were called by the name of G-d, and they are the following: The righteous, the Messiah and Jerusalem. 

Megila (18a) Rav Acha also said in the name of Rav Eleazar: How do we know that G-d called Jacob G-d Because it says, And the G-d of Israel called Jacob G-d. For should you suppose that what the text means is that Jacob called the altar G-d, then it should be written, ‘And Jacob called it’. But as it is not written so, we must translate, ‘He called Jacob G-d’. And who called him so? The G-d of Israel.

Rabbeinu Bachye (Bereishis 33:20) A kabbalistic approach: the G-d of Israel called Yaakov “EL.” This is also what our sages have said in Bereshis Rabbah 79,8. The wording there is that G-’d said to Israel: “I am G-d in heaven whereas you are “EL” on earth.” This would reflect what we have quoted repeatedly that Yaakov’s likeness is engraved on the throne of G-d.

Rafah rocket volley targets Tel Aviv area, in first such attack in 4 months


The Hamas terror group fired eight rockets at central Israel on Sunday afternoon, marking the most significant attack out of the Gaza Strip in some four months and underscoring some of the challenges remaining for the Israeli military as it seeks to oust the Palestinian group from its last major stronghold.

Three of the projectiles were downed by the Iron Dome anti-missile system, according to an Israel Defense Forces spokesperson, and five landed in open areas.

5 Criticisms of Trump’s New York Hush Money Trial That Are Just Wrong


Trump has proven himself to be a reflexive criminal: someone whose natural reaction to a variety of personal, business, and political situations is often to do whatever he wants regardless of whether it’s appropriate, ethical, or legal. Quite simply, he believes the rules do not apply to him, so he does not adjust his behavior to comply with the rules like the rest of us do. But the notion that falsifying business records over a $130,000 campaign finance violation was not well thought out does not mean it is not deserving of prosecution.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

World narrative on ICJ ruling on Rafah wrong, officials say


"This is the fourth time South Africa has asked for a complete halt to the war. The wording of the ruling is not accidental," the official said. "When we read the ruling, we see a few things stand out and when we read the judges words individually, they say the same things. South Africa's demands are not answered, for the fourth time. Even the South African judge acknowledges that."

Police uncover Rami Levy scandal: Cashiers steal approximately half a million in cash and products


By the end of the investigation in May 2024, the police had built a substantial body of evidence against the suspects and their accomplices. Following this, the police, through the prosecution unit, filed more than 50 indictments against the suspects, residents of Jisr az-Zarqa and Fureidis.